
Dreamstation.cc: Jumper: Griffin's Story Review

Jumper: Griffin's Story will be fun for only the first hour or two; luckily this game is only about twice as long. Dreamstation.cc recommend renting this game if you are looking for achievement points. Dreamstation.cc wouldn't expect a whole lot of fun from it though.

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Continue Play - Review: Jumper: Griffin's Story

Jumper: Griffin’s Story had me walking on air. I don’t mean that in a heavenly bliss sort of way, but in a more literal sense. There was an entire level in that physically had me running twenty feet above the ground. There was a particular floor, who’s texture would disappear from a certain field of view, which made it seem as if you were standing on nothing. This was only for one level, but considering the game only took me 2 1/2 hours to get through, it was a decent chunk of the campaign. This little bug is a great representation for the overall experience you’ll have with Jumper: Griffin’s Story.

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10 Terrible Video Games Based On Movies

WC writes: Video games based on movies on the whole are, let’s face it, a load of old tosh most of the time, and it’s not hard to see why; developers blow all their cash obtaining the license to adapt a popular film, and have little left to actually pump into, you know, hiring programmers with a fully functioning cerebrum. Hence the reputation video game adaptations of movies have earned as generally being ropey, with only a few notable exceptions, such as Goldeneye on the N64. Here are ten particularly offensive instances of a studio throwing quality to the wind in favour of a quick buck.

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XXXL4197d ago

As bad as it was I found myself actually enjoying Friday the 13th when I was a kid. Even with a purple Jason

NukaCola4197d ago

I always remembered Friday the 13th as one of the most horrifying games I have ever played.

ninjahunter4197d ago

Battleship: the board game : the movie :the game : the book.

Lets face it, we need more books based on video games, as much as battleship needs a longer title.


The 10 Worst Games of This Generation

Because we care about our readers, Cheat Code Central has put together a list of games that you should probably avoid. If you pick up one of these titles anyway, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Fylus4485d ago

Oh. Yet another list.

Oh... It's another top 10 worst games list...

Heh, modern journalism.

Jake_the_Dog4485d ago

I can think of worse games, and they're all shovelware.

Tanir4485d ago

they are all kinect aswell lol, odd that wii has better bad games than the kinect haha

OhMyGandhi4485d ago (Edited 4485d ago )

These aren't the worse games around. And as rentals go, Terminator wasn't an atrocious game.

Baka-akaB4485d ago

None of these games are even "worthy" of such a list . The underlying issue with such sh*tty list , is that they'll always only refer to somewhat known or popular obvious titles

ShaunCameron4484d ago

My problem with DOAX2 was that it put more emphasis on building and maintaining relationships than the sporting activities it supposed to be about. I man, what the .... does relationships have to do with sports especially the individual sports? I'm trying to play sports.

Bomberman: Act Zero? It really broke my heart to see what this once-respected IP devolved into. It made me despise the XBox 360 and the PS3 and its owners and developers for their rabid demand for "realistic" characters/graphics.