
NPD: DmC Devil May Cry bombs badly in February, Ni No Kuni sells more

CG: "DmC Devil May Cry is looking like a commercial failure at this point doing worse that Ni No Kuni as NPD February sales are leaking out as they usually do."

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Godmars2904069d ago

DmC: DMC never recovered from the initial announcement while no anime fan worth their salt would resist something made by Level 5 and Studio Ghibli.

Oh_Yeah4069d ago

Capcom should hand DMC over to Platinum Games, so they can do the series some justice.

Kyosuke_Sanada4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

Dante vs. Bayonetta.....that is all


Amazingmrbrock4068d ago

DMC is a pretty great game as far as I can tell from my playing of it. Excellent art design, great surreal levels, interesting enemy creatures, a kind of gritty comic book style that reminds me of spawn and borderlands, and awesome music that fits right in with the gameplay.

I can definitely see why it got rated so high by reviewers, and definitely can not see why it's been selling so poorly.

I really don't think platinum could do a better job, revengence seems to be lacking in all the areas I listed above. Not seriously lacking just not at the same level of goodness that dmc has.

DigitalAnalog4068d ago

"I really don't think platinum could do a better job, revengence seems to be lacking in all the areas I listed above. Not seriously lacking just not at the same level of goodness that dmc has."

Because Platinum took a SCRAPPED project and revived it just enough production values for 2 years. DmC on the other hand already have a BASE formula where it can build upon whereas Rising MUST have the Zandatsu element implemented. This surely limited their capacity of taking more creative risks.

On the bright side, it is a polished game for an idea that Hideo himself could not bring into fruitation.

cornroves4068d ago

I'm not sure why everyone is disagreeing I have played through once, and while I was disappointed in the announcement of the reboot, it was actually handled very well, not from a pr standpoint but seriously it is a very solid game. It was very engaging and i dont think any serious dmc fan would be disappointed at all (other than having to adjust to the small tweaks in the button configuration. You leave the game feeling as if they just started from the beginning, like it was before the third entry. If it makes you nervous just wait till it goes down in price.

Yi-Long4068d ago

... only reason I didn't pick up the game was because of the DLC. Might pick it up later, when they release a complete version.

Will certainly get Ni No Kuni, but I still have a backlog that's too big at the moment.

AsimLeonheart4068d ago (Edited 4068d ago )

Great news for Ni No Kuni, its developers, its publisher and its fans. Hopefully we can have more games like it in the future as well. As for DmC, I hope it teaches CAPCOM a lesson that they should not forget. EA also learned the same lesson with Dead Space 3. Basically, DO NOT MESS WITH THE ORIGINAL FANS OR YOU ARE GONNA PAY!!

TheBlackSmoke4068d ago

So you want a 4 hour DmC game? cool.

I love me some metal gear rising, but anyone who's trying to act like its a better developed and deeper game than DmC is an out and out liar.

morganfell4068d ago

Ever since Heavenly Sword launched and he attacked Sony, Tameem Antoniades has shown he has the maturity of a 10 year old. This studio would be so much better if they had an adult spokesperson and he was forced to sit in the corner in time out.

If there is an emo issue with the new Dante, well, it's actually him.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4068d ago
Darrius Cole4068d ago

White Hair. White Hair would have added 1 million sales to their count, off the bat, even if the game was not any better. But what did they do? They had Dante put a white mop over his head as though he had white hair look into the camera as say "not in a million years" deliberately screwing with the fans. How stupid can you get?

Eventually Ninja Theory will get it and realize that they need to make Heavenly Sword 2. The fans have only been asking for that game for this whole generation.

After 2 commercial successes I bet the message is starting to sink in.

Godmars2904068d ago

No. What messes up the joke is that he says not in a million years as a direct poke, yet not only by the end of the game does he get white hair, it becomes a dress option.

Its more like he or the lead dev is telling himself to eff off.

Rainstorm814068d ago

With ninja Theory leaving Sony I don't think they will get the chance to work on Heavenly Sword 2 since its Sonys IP

Sony needs to pass the torch to a more competent dev anyway I'm not really a fan of Ninja Theory's games.

4068d ago
DOMination-4068d ago

Heavenly Sword was not as good as people on N4G try to make out.

Darrius Cole4068d ago

I should have said "after 2 commercial FAILURES, I bet the message is starting to sink in"

yami9304068d ago


Heavenly Sword was a good game, not the best, but thats why everyone wants a sequel because the base was already established and all they can do is make things bigger and better from there. Its funny when you think about it, Heavenly Sword was the only Ninja Theory game that has made a profit for them and it was a PS3 exclusive out a year after the PS3 launched (2007) when the PS3 did not have the biggest instal base at all. Ninja Theory had even turned down an offer by Sony to make a second game after Sony bought the IP name with the reason being they want to make multiplatform games (which at the time is what everyone did just to have the most potential buyers and make the most money they can which is understandable) and in the end the 2 multiplatform games they made most likely had a bigger budget than Heavenly Sword and flopped very bad (Enslaved and DmC). I would like to see a Heavenly Sword 2 myself, but I think I prefer Santa Monica working on it seeing how Ninja Theory is very "We're gonna make the game we want to make and thats that". Also hope DmC flopping is the return of the original DMC, even if it would be the last one to fill up all the questions and story holes left by DMC 4 (next gen would be amazing for it too).

4068d ago
AsimLeonheart4068d ago

If Donte said something neutral about that mop style like "looks nice" or "not bad" then they it would have gone a lot easier with the original fans. Instead NT outright says that the original Dante looked stupid and the original fans are outdated fools for liking him.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4068d ago
showtimefolks4068d ago

i know some core fans don't like hearing this and are happy DMC didn't sell well but its actually a pretty good game.

they will make excuses that they hate it because its not 60FPS but truth is they still have not gotten over the fact N changed the look of Dante

your loss its actually a pretty good game

Godmars2904068d ago (Edited 4068d ago )

The thing most core fans don't like is that the combo system has been trivialized. Simplified so its more accessible to a wider audience who aren't going to stick around and get into a deeper combat system - because it just isn't there.

Its amazing that new fans don't/can't comprehend that.

The game's okay, the story is certainly better scripted and acted than a standard DMC, but its not a DMC title. FPS not withstanding.

Darrius Cole4068d ago

No it's the Capcom's and Ninja Theory's loss, because they did sell their game that they spent money to produce. The fans still have their money, or they bought MSR:R to get their hack n' slash fix.

The customer is always right.

Snookies124068d ago

I didn't like the gameplay, had nothing to do with the look of Dante. It was all flash, no substance... You look at it and go, oh yeah, that looks just like Devil May Cry combat... However, when you actually play it, it's nothing at all like what it should be. There is hardly any skill involved whatsoever.

ThanatosDMC4068d ago

If you're a casual game, you might like that puke DmC let you play. But it's unacceptable to hardcore DMC fans. I'm glad the fans are making their point known that pulling crap like this will lose them $$$$$.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4068d ago
x5exotic4068d ago

If any anime studio is up to it, it's either Ghibli, Madhouse or Bones


Also, DmC deserves it, you can't just remake DMC2 and get away with it.

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ritsuka6664069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

I was vocal about not liking the new direction the series was taking but I didn't want the game to bomb this bad. Might be the last DMC game ever at this rate.

Soldierone4069d ago

No, hopefully Capcom will go "oh well, lets go back to the original" and reboot it again, or pretend this one doesn't exist.

They take their sweet arse time releasing it anyways. I expect to see DMC return maybe 2 years into next gen.

DevilishSix4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

No they won't go oh well when a game loses 10's of millions of dollars. They will shelve it indefinately.

Capcom would be better served in investing in new franchises.

Soldierone4069d ago

@Above, there are other circumstances here.

-They went with a new studio. People openly didn't like the decision for a while, and they didn't listen to the fans at all.

-DMC has made Capcom millions before, and can do it again. They won't just let the franchise die, there are other marketing perks behind a good DMC release.

It isn't exactly "oh well" but they will blame the studio, not the franchise. It's like in Hollywood. Just because some major movie see's a bad release doesn't mean a studio will can the franchise.

ThanatosDMC4068d ago

DMC5 will have good old Dante curb stomping Donte's face till it becomes squishy. Best opening scene ever.

RememberThe3574069d ago

If they give us the game we want we'll buy it. Even DMC4 sold over 3 mil and that was a universal disappointment. Capcom has now blown it twice with this series.

Until they learn how quality control their products they need to stop making game all together.

Whatever they started doing this generation they need to stop doing. They were boss on the PS2, I even liked DMC2, but they completely such now.

Roccetarius4068d ago (Edited 4068d ago )

The sad thing about DMC 4, is that they pretty much released a unfinished game. It was supposed to have much less backtracking, more moves etc.

The story was supposed to be more fleshed out as well.

ThanatosDMC4068d ago

Hated Nero with a passion. I'm so glad I got to play Dante with his perfected style system. Wish we can give him weapon loadouts now. So i can use combos and the weapons I like on him.

Agni and Rudra with Ifrit and Alastor plus Ebony and Ivory with Pandora.

majiebeast4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

Goodjob Ninokuni Level 5 better make a sequel instead of those stupid Inazuma 11 games.

People sure love Inazuma 11 lol.

Relientk774069d ago

Ni no Kuni sold more than DmC? That is fantastic news

lets see even more amazing RPGs

Root4069d ago

I would love it if someone sent that arrogant Tameemi Antoniades a few copies of Ni no Kuni to him with just a sticky note saying "suck it"

joab7774069d ago

I agree. I loved ni no kuni...set the year off just right. Amazing start to finish...kinda sad it ended. Good thing for tomb raider and bioshock.

Rainstorm814068d ago

I'm hoping this is the resurrection of JRPGs and that next gen will get much more JRPG support.

I'm al for the westernizing of the games industry but Variety is the spice of life

Relientk774068d ago

^ This

Tales of Xillia is coming this year yet, cant wait

Lucreto4069d ago

Very good news for Ni No Kuni.

One of my top games this generation. I love it so much I plan to play it again soon.

One of the few game it was a privilege to play.

joab7774069d ago

If i ever find time, i want to play again with all different familiars. I used the best ones but when i was going for the capture trophy i noticed so many i would love to try out next time around.

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Ranking the Devil May Cry Series

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Upon finally finishing Devil May Cry 5 recently - after it spent several years on my “I’ll play that soon” list - I considered giving it a fittingly-named Late Look article. However, considering that this was indeed the final piece I was missing in the DMC puzzle, I decided to instead take this opportunity to take a look back at the entirety of this genre-defining series and rank the entries. What also made this a particularly tempting notion was that while most high-profile series have developed fairly evenly over time, with a few bumps on the road, the history of Devil May Cry has, at least in my eyes, been an absolute roller coaster, with everything from total disasters to action game gold."

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VersusDMC15d ago

First to last for me...3,4,5,1,2.

VersusDMC15d ago

Me leaving it out should be telling of my thoughts on it. Better than 2 as a DMC game.

Still a good game though.

Exvalos14d ago

What a weird name, it's essentially devil may cry, devil may cry lol

Cacabunga14d ago

Best to good for me: 3, reboot, 1, 5

2 and 4 are trash, didnt like any of them.
5 has very good gameplay variety but i hated the foes.. it is just insects the whole time. Reboot has the best foes for me

Friendlygamer15d ago

3,1,4,5 to me, never played 2. 5 gameplay is amazing but level design was really disappointing to me, just a bunch of plain arenas, the story felt like a worse written rehash of the 3rd and the charater models looked weird ( specially the ladies ). Another problem with 5 was that there was not enough content for 3 charaters so I could never really familiarize with any of them

monkey60215d ago (Edited 15d ago )


God DMC2 was an awful game.
And in case this isn't obvious it goes worst to best

Yui_Suzumiya14d ago

1 and DmC. The rest are unimportant.

DarXyde14d ago

Order changes depending on your focus. I tend to focus on gameplay/fun factor, so...

5, 3, 1, 4, 2.

I really didn't like 4 but commend Dante's weapon diversity. The retreading of old ground was pretty unacceptable to me.

But even then... Still more enjoyable than 2 for me

SeTTriP14d ago

This right here is my order as I thought DMC 5 was amazing and obviously 3 comes after 4 was great and 1 for the nastilgic value it holds 2 was so terrible that my local GameStop gave full refunds to people who returned it.

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5 Years Later, Devil May Cry 5 Still Quenches My Hack-And-Slash Thirst Like No Other

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Devil May Cry 5, the latest iteration in the iconic DMC franchise by Capcom, still holds its own as a fantastic hack-and-slash in 2024."


Where the Heck is Ni No Kuni 3, Mun?

Matt from We Game Daily writes: "Cross Worlds isn’t going away. It’s making a small fortune, particularly in Asian markets, so there’s no reason for Level-5 to pull the plug. That said, there’s no real reason why a full PC/console sequel can’t be developed alongside efforts to support Cross Worlds."

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Relientk77110d ago

While Ni no Kuni 3 would be cool, if it was like the first game, where is Dark Cloud 3 and Rogue Galaxy 2?

phoenixwing109d ago

I thought the dev recently went mobile and Japan only. They shut down their American offices. So don't expect anything for consoles

shinoff2183109d ago (Edited 109d ago )

I swear they just announced a few new games.


phoenixwing109d ago

I stand corrected then. Never heard about these games and also i just remember ni no kuni online being mobile only.

Michiel1989108d ago

they said a loooooong time ago that Level 5 was working on a new installment but there has been no news since afaik. I just hope that they take more inspiration from 1 than 2, especially when it comes to the story.

thorstein108d ago

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds is the mobile game you're thinking of.

It looks amazing but I don't like to play mobile games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 108d ago
-Foxtrot109d ago

Yeah the sequel was okay but had nothing on the first game, especially the battle system.

The story just didn't have that charm and even the twist at the end of the game wasn't really anything cool like Wrath of the White Witch.

Also the fact there was like ZERO mention of Oliver or his adventures in the game, no references, nothing was such weird. It's set a hundred or so years after but still, I'd have expected to seen some throw backs. I think we just got like a temple with his statue in it or something.

goldwyncq108d ago

If you want more Oliver, just watch the movie.

shinoff2183109d ago

Fking word. I've been hoping for this for quite some time.

melons109d ago

The premium games didn't sell amazingly, right?

shinoff2183109d ago

Not to sure. They should of though. They were pretty good. I like both.

Michiel1989108d ago

yeah, especially outside of japan. They should have released on pc at the same time as the ps3 version or a short time after.

Inverno109d ago

They should've worked with Ghibli to put out a proper movie. Should've also made a Pokemon-esque spin-off rather than make Yokai Watch. If they do make a third game they gotta work with Ghibli!