
Prince of Persia 4 leaked video?

This most probably cellphone-recorded video shows a model supposedly from the upcoming Prince of Persia 4: Ghost of the Past, which was repeatedly rumoured (and unofficially revealed by UbiSoft themselves through an artwork). It's exactly the similiarity to this artwork that may prove this video genuine: notice the arm/glove that Prince has, one that might be distantly inspired by Dark Sector and/or possibly Bionic Commando. And given how the Jerry Bruckheimer's movie is nearing, this may as well really be from the upcoming Prince of Persia videogame..

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Time Lord5899d ago

Why was this even approved.

Montrealien5899d ago

I agree, someone is showing off his homework.

belal5899d ago

cant see a shiit :P

but hope that prince of percia comes soon . loved all 3 of them.

Ridrick5899d ago

I remember at least 5 Prince of Pesia games.

Montrealien5899d ago

Prince of Persia, Prince of Persia 2, Prince of persia 3D, Prince of Persia : The Sands of time, Prince of Persia : Warrior Within, Prince of persia : The two thrones.


I know you wanted to correct him but the fact of the matter is most people today know the ubi Montreal series. Wich is three.

Richdad5899d ago

Because Ubisoft montreal put a terrific redesign to the game and they not only made it superb but also they advertised it well. But I must agree the old POP from Jordan Mechnar where really good but POP 3D was not as appealing as other I played it on DC it was just OK.

vloeistof5899d ago

wonder if its real..

oftopic why cant people make clips like this when se shows.

there trailers for ff xiii and versus .

and still no resistance 2 trailer

Richdad5899d ago

It felt like a promotional ad for a adult movie with prince naked chest, arms and other body parts shown only but anyways movie was low res still it had a artstyle of Ubisoft montreal's POP team.

Skerj5899d ago (Edited 5899d ago )

Even on that crappy "cell phone" video I can still see that model is way too low res for Ubi's current tastes. Unless they decided to show off the Wii version, but I'm putting this in the hoax list. Why does the Prince look like an Arabian Strider Hiryu in that pic? Actually, if he looks like that and the combat goes back to Warrior Within/A bit of Ninja Gaiden I'd totally be a customer day 0.

Relcom5899d ago

but they need to make a new Strider game

hades075899d ago

Dam right they need to make a new Strider game like Devil May cry 4 except faster and with a huge @ss sword swinging around

Montrealien5899d ago

That is a Capcom franchise, and yes, they need to make another one, lol

jinn5899d ago

im not even gonna bother getting this

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The Steam Early Holiday - Sunday's Deals

Steam's series of one day only offers continues onto its fourth day. On offer today are:

World of Goo - 75% off
EVE Online: Apocrypha - 75% off
Lucidity - 75% off
Battlefield 2: Complete Collection - 50% off
Prince of Persia and everything else Prince of Persia - 50% off
Guild Wars Trilogy - 50% off
Trackmania United Forever - 50% off

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micro_invader5268d ago

Some awesome deals. Especially the huge THQ pack.

5268d ago
5268d ago
STK0265268d ago

The sales really started strong, but today and yesterday's sales were a bit lackluster, to me.

Hopefully they will go all out tomorrow, if only not to be overshadowed by D2D's crazy Monday sale or whatever they are calling it.

evrfighter5268d ago

cyber monday.

I've never seen any cyber monday deals that were as crazy as black friday deals thought.

led10905268d ago

i doubt Valve ever releases their steam sales numbers. How did you get info about the sales then?

STK0265268d ago

I was not referring to the sales themselves, but the deals. The two first days had better games in my opinion. I bought 5-6 games in the two first days, I thought about buying RE5 yesterday, but decided against it since I already own it on console aswell as Borderlands (actually own it on PC and PS3), as for today, I checked the list, closed Steam, told myself I'd come back tomorrow.

Of course, this is very subjective, since I already owned many of the games that were on sale, but it does seem like the bigger games were on sale on the first day, mainly L4D2 and DAO.

pcgia5268d ago

2.2 - I think he just meant in reference to the titles available. I skipped out on 2 because I thought I might have had a crack at some other ones I would be more likely to play, then the last two days didn't have much at all, that I was interested in personally.

pcgia5268d ago

oh, he replied while I was ;)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5268d ago
5268d ago
Eamon5268d ago (Edited 5268d ago )

Can't wait to play it!

Steam deals FTW!

multipayer5268d ago (Edited 5268d ago )

I lolled at the demo on 360, but mouse control would probably make it seem like nice interactive tetris levels.

*looks at unassembled PC parts from black friday* >_<

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Madusha5325d ago

I had 'The original Prince of Persia' it was an awesome game, still want to play it today. Didn't know until now, Prince of Persia shares it's birthday with mine :D

One of the best game series's to come out in the history of gaming.


A decent Prince of Persia Retrospective (before the film traumatizes us all)

UGO writes,

"To capture the fluid motions that would distinguish Prince of Persia from the glut of adventure video games released in the late '80s Jordan Mechner studied video and still pictures of his younger brother, David. Those are some modest roots for a franchise that has sold in the millions and, in 2010, see the release of a blockbuster film.

But how Mechner's Prince of Persia could inspire a reimagination that would become one of 2008's most popular holiday releases is a winding tale best told in bits. To help explain, we've compiled a chronological retrospective. Now you can learn how a kid jumping around the front yard became a thousand-polygon model leaping across hundred foot chasms."

thedukeofkna5385d ago

I absolutely abhorred the new POP game. The taint of the whole series by far. such a waste of 30 dollars.