
IGN: Petz Wild Animals: Tigerz Review

Developer Magic Pockets has done it again with Petz Wild Animals: Tigerz, as style, story and compelling gameplay come together to create another fresh and engaging experience for the DS. Taking care of your virtual tigers is a little too tedious and often feels like it's breaking the flow of the game – it could have been an optional element instead of a required activity. But the larger, more focused globetrotting animal-training scenario is a joy, and lots of fun. No other DS game lets you teach a bear to balance itself on the back of a chair. That's just straight comedy.

Presentation - 8.0
Graphics - 8.0
Sound - 7.5
Gameplay 7.5
Lasting Appeal - 7.5
Overall -


Petz Rescue Games Unveiled by Ubisoft

Gameguru Writes:

"Some two years ago, We had reported that Ubisoft was working on expanding the Petz series of videogames. Now Ubisoft has introduced one more brand of videogames revolving around that theme. Called Petz Rescue for the Wii and DS.


Mad Catz Secures Petz Licenz

Accessory manufacture Mad Catz have just announced that they've signed a licensing agreement with Ubisoft to create branded accessories for the Petz series of games for the Nintendo Wii and DS. Yes, that's right - Mad Catz is going to make accessories branded with Catz, as well as Dolphinz, Dogz, Horsez, Bunnyz, Tigerz, Hamsterz, and any other number of animals that can be pluralizes by swapping out an S for a Z. The only question is why this didn't happen sooner.