
'Rad Raygun': Veteran gamer creates popular XBox Live Indie Game

Rad Raygun, the Mega Man-inspired XBox Live Indie Game, has been gaining fans since it's recent release. The throwback game title is part of a lifelong gaming journey for programmer and Corinth, Texas resident Chris Bryant.

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maniacmayhem4104d ago

Funny all the negativity Xbox Indie games get but rarely do the success stories get published or even recognized on this site.

OhMyGandhi4104d ago

great article.
The indie crowd on XBL was always one of the best things about having an XBL subscription...

MadLad4104d ago

Downloaded the trial for this one, but haven't really had the time to try it.

I think people would be surprised at the level of quality some of these Live Indie games show. Yes, a lot are below the level of what I would even call shovelware, but I have a nice little collection of truly quality games that cost me next to nothing.


Xbox Live Indie Game Marathon: Rad Raygun Review | TwoDashStash

Join TwoDashStash writer Kyle Arsenault as he explores the hidden depths of the Xbox Live Indie Arcade to bring you some of the service’s hidden treasures in our Xbox Live Indie Game Marathon. While each game listed may not be perfect, each one offers something unique and is worth your time to give it a shot.

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Indie Review: Rad Raygun | Fate of the Game

Any Mega Man or retro fan should pay the $1 on Xbox Live to play Rad Raygun. Although beating it is not as fulfilling as beating a Mega Man game, Rad Raygun is a funny game with jumping and sliding mechanics so crazy that the game sometimes has a hard time keeping up with them.

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‘Rad Raygun’ Review | Analog Addiction

Analog Addiction writes: "I think as gamers, we’re blessed to currently be in the seventh generation of gaming with the eighth generation swiftly approaching the horizon. Having recently finished the campaign, Naughty Dog’s recent outing, The Last of Us, comes to mind when contemplating just one of many prime examples showcasing how far video games have journeyed in terms of narrative, gameplay and visuals.

Despite such a far leap in gaming technology since I was just another ’90s kid hypnotized by his first console – the almighty Nintendo 64 – there’s a strange pattern I’ve noticed in gaming in this generation. Even with all of these new possibilities gaming holds, we have often ventured back to the past. From HD collections to overhauls to reboots of classic franchises, we still love visiting our ghosts of gaming past on occasion whether it’s sniffing that used cartridge smell or purchasing the latest HD collection of our favorite titles from yesteryear."

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