
Phantasy Star Online 2 for the Vita is as Good as the PC Version

Kotaku: "Back before the release of Phantasy Star Online 2 on the PC, one of its main selling points was that it would eventually be released on the PlayStation Vita as well. Now, nearly a year after the game's PC launch, this has finally come to pass. And while the Vita version of the game remains largely identical, it is the little changes that make it enjoyable on Sony's pint-sized system."

ExCest4105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

That's a good thing. Now to wait for the US Vita version. Playing the Japanese version on PC is kinda hard since I know nothing of what to do (say, story-line, item information, and quest information) unless I look at the online guide every five to ten minutes. I grew tired of that.

Protagonist4105d ago

We need that EU/US release date!

Tidybrutes4105d ago

A Kotaku article saying something positive on N4G... shocking.

gamer78044105d ago

i really hope it comes stateside, U.S. vita needs some love.

Protagonist4104d ago

It is coming out this year, it is just the date that is not set!

gamer78044103d ago

Really?? That would be awesome, do you have a link to this news somewhere?

pennywhyz4105d ago

This game will run on ps2 not really a big deal.

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Jiub871d ago

WoW is a mess and it will continue to be a mess. Still, the less-developed MMOs are going to have trouble gaining a fan base because they lack content right now. Even if people do flock to FF14 or BDO, they'll go back to WoW if they fix enough features or give players a shred of hope.


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SeTTriP1026d ago

Didn't know people still played this game

Jiub1026d ago

Fewer people for certain but still a lot of people.

gleepot1026d ago

Nah, I'll keep playing the game with the millions of other people. The writing on the wall says "game is not dead" even though people have claimed it is for 15 years.

Jiub1026d ago

I'd guess that people are going to filter out but then come back for the next expac when the turmoil is over. I do worry about content delays, though.


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Daeloki1075d ago

Here, let me save you the click: "Yes, Phantasy Star Online 2 does support cross-platform play between Xbox One and PC"