
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus Review - JPS

"When the PlayStation Vita first released in the US, we got a number of fantastic titles to play around with. One of best titles was Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, which was yet another port of the now infamous Xbox title. After seeing its popularity on the Vita, Tecmo Koei decided to be a little more ambitious by bringing over the second title in the series. However, unlike the first Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus features new modes and addition content, which is unique for the Vita. While this sounds good on paper, is Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus worth your time or is it a quick port with some token extras?" - JPS

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DivineAssault 4113d ago

im going to buy this one.. I love NG so having it on the go is great.. Already got part one free with PS Plus so ill be buying this & NG sigma 3 plus whenever it rolls around

admiralvic4113d ago

I wouldn't expect Ninja Gaiden Sigma 3 Plus for the Vita or even at all. Sigma 2 Plus has a hard enough time running perfectly on the PlayStation Vita, so I doubt they will attempt to bring over this one.

Also just for fun / semantics, it would probably be called "Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge Plus" =P

tubers4113d ago

I'll wait for NGS3 (haven't owned it yet).. I already got the 2nd one for 15 bucks several months back on the PS3.

Too bad NGS2+ doesn't have what I greatly appreciated with NGS+ (native res + filter, very stable framerate).

Maybe I'll pick it up on a sale.


PlayStation Vita's 10 Most Technically Disappointing Games

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Despite being the most powerful handheld console to be released in 2011, and being more than capable of handling ports of PS2, PS3, and even PS4 titles when the developers put the effort in, not every company was willing to take the time to ensure that the Vita version of their games turned out well - and as such a large number of games are hugely disappointing on the handheld simply due to the way they run.

In this article, I aim to examine these ports – what was disappointing about them (and why they should have been better than they were), as well as possible explanations on why they turned out the way they did - and ultimately come to a conclusion as to how well the Vita did as a machine capable of handling console ports during its lifespan."

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Games of the Year: PlayStation Vita

NZGamer - "The PlayStation Vita, despite being a powerful, and great-looking piece of hardware, has been struggling in the market ever since it released. This is perhaps no better underlined than in this very article; not only did we not have ten "top" games to review on the system this year, we didn't post ten reviews full stop - so the list is made up of our top five (or seven, depending on how you count, as there's a three-way tie for 5th place) instead."

NukaCola3812d ago

Tearaway is brilliant from start to finish. I think Media Molecule is the most imaginative and creative development team around.

Killzone Mercs is incredible. Tear one, AAA, top grade shooter capable of being right up there with any console FPS. I'm looking forward to the teams next game.

Batman AO got a lot of crap but it's an awesome game. The metroidvania game play fits perfectly in this world and it's right up there with the Arkham trilogy.


PlayStation Plus: Runner 2 Dashes to the Instant Game Collection

Posted by Morgan Haro // Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms -

This week in PlayStation Plus, you’ll find the fantastic Bit.Trip presents Runner 2 (sporting one of the longer names in gaming) free for PS Plus members, along with PS Vita content on sale as part of the PS Vita Japanese Games sale . With the likes of Soul Sacrifice, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus, and Touch My Katamari, there’s plenty of content to download to your PS Vita this week.

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Wedge193952d ago

Can't wait to play Runner2! Seems like an awesome game.

ABeastNamedTariq3952d ago

I've never played this. I'm gonna check it out!