
PSX Extreme: Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Review

PSX Extreme writes: Capcom is full of surprises. They're the one publisher who's got the most controversial track record. First they sign a contract to exclusively publish Resident Evil games on the Nintendo GameCube. Years later, they decide to port Resident Evil 4 onto the PlayStation 2. Last year, they announced that Devil May Cry 4 would no longer be a PlayStation exclusive, but will also arrive for the Xbox 360. And now, most recently, Capcom took an Xbox 360 exclusive and made it a PlayStation 3 title, as well. That game is Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. But unlike RE4 and DMC4, Lost Planet isn't a game to care about.

Unfortunately, Lost Planet isn't the best looking game, in my book. It features more than a fair share of iffy textures, as walls and even the surface of snow don't boast as many details as I'd have expected. Considering that Lost Planet runs on a graphics engine that was complete about two years ago, some visual enhancements over the Xbox 360 version would've been nice. And comparing both games side to side doesn't make much obvious - both games look about the same, with the only difference being color.

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Danja5946d ago

seriously this game needs no review...just go read the year old reviews nothing hasn't changed...so whats there to explain...."this was a Crappy game that some how became a Crappier port"...this what the reviewer should have said....


5 Capcom Games that Deserve the Resident 2 2019 Treatment

Resident Evil 2 2019 launches in a few short weeks and it looks, and plays, amazing. Capcom has taken the classic and renowned title and not only modernized the visuals but added new content to keep the experience fresh for veterans who played the original. But there are some games that deserve the same treatment from Capcom. Here are 5 games from Capcom that deserve the Resident Evil 2 2019 treatment.

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FallenAngel19841982d ago

Not another one of these “treatment” articles

darthv721982d ago

Remasters are still popular so... yeah.

I personally like when there are remastered compilations. More than just remaking one game but to take a couple (or more) in a series and remake them as one nice compilation. Viewtiful Joe comes to mind. to have a full remake of all the games on one disc would be sweet.

I know many want to see Powerstone come back (as do I) but i'd go even deeper into their vault and bring back darkstalkers, cyberbots or even project justice / rival schools combo.

FallenAngel19841982d ago

This isn’t a remaster it’s a remake

galmi1982d ago

well for me there's
dino crisis
clock tower
haunting ground
resident evil 3
the whole onimusha series (except 4)
chaos legion
crimson tears
ring of red

PapaBop1982d ago

Imagine Clock Tower done in a similar style to RE7 in first person with VR support.. that would be so so damn good.

SuperDuke12901982d ago

That would be superawesome

JonTheGod1982d ago

I loved Haunting Ground. Very underrated.

Adexus1982d ago

Onimusha instantly came to mind.

JonTheGod1982d ago

Already happening (although it's a remaster as opposed to a remake).

Adexus1982d ago

Yeeeah, I definitely wouldn't say that's nearly on the level the RE2 Remake is.

monkey6021982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )

This is a horrible list!
There are a load of titles far more deserving of a remaster than these picks. Seriously ! Dead Rising, Lost Planet and Dragons Dogma aren't even old games and have had recent sequels already!

Top of the list should be Dino Crisis,
I'll accept Resi 3 because I'm hoping that happens.
Clock tower and Haunting Ground are good choices too, It would be nice to be able to get them for a non extortionate rate.

Shadow of Rome was an amazing game and I'd love a remaster or new entry but I genuinely don't think they'd get away with it today unless it was massively toned down

Vetalka831982d ago

Resident Evil 3 yes,Dino Crisis games?Yes.Onimusha 2 hell yes.never got to play Powerstone properly so yeah i would love to see it remade,others on that list i just dont care about.

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Collector's Corner: Lost Planet Extreme Condition Collector's Edition

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition was released in Europe in 2007 as an Xbox 360 exclusive, though it would later come to other systems as well. Aside from the regular version, a Collector’s Edition was made available, which includes an art book and a steel case, and early access to free multiplayer maps, as well as a soundtrack cd.

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Remember When? Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

JP: Not every game receives massive critical acclaim. Yet, there are some titles that stick with you despite their lack of success. For me, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition is one of my most memorable multiplayer experiences of this generation.

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