
Passage creator's new game: Gravitation

The chap who created Passage has another weird game about moods and those other afflictions suffered by human beings. It's called Gravitation, and has a similar flavour to the melancholy game of life Rock, Paper, Shotgun wrote about last year. Created Jason Rohrer calls it "a video game about mania, melancholia, and the creative process."

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IndieCade '08: Parenthood: It's not just Fun and Games

Heather of Infinite Bits reviews IndieCade Official Game Selections "Fatherhood" and "Gravitiation." Two games which by design deliver a social commentary on the difficulty in balancing the home with the professional, the kids with the career.

She writes: "One of the great things about indie developers is that they have the freedom to create games that are more than just 'games.' In the northeast corner of Bellevue's Open Satellite were two games (strategically placed next to each other?) which functioned as social commentary on the difficulties, frustrations and perils of parenthood: "Gravitation" and "Fatherhood."

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Indie Nation #8/9: Games of the creative process

This time around, Reverend Anthony from Destructiod.com is going to slightly break from the formula: rather than highlighting just one game and why you should play it, he is going to highlight two and talk about their artistic importance. Jason Rohrer's Gravitation and Rod Humble's Stars Over Half Moon Bay may look, sound, and feel very different, but they tackle a very similar theme: the creative process.

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