
Rayman Legends team “truly humbled” by community support

Nintendo Insider writes:

Rayman Legends developer Ubisoft Montpellier have been “truly humbled” by the reaction to recent news that the previously Wii U exclusive title was delayed to September.

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Nevers0ft4122d ago (Edited 4122d ago )

They shouldn't feel "humbled" they should feel angry, angry at the publisher whose p*ss poor decision is likely to mean this game will just sit on store shelves while gamers either buy-up the AAA alternatives or simply refuse to buy the game as a direct result of Ubisofts actions.

I know it sucks for the developers but Ubisoft can eat a foot of my turds just to kiss my ass as far as this game is concerned.

PopRocks3594122d ago

I think the devs are working as hard as they can with the crap thrown at them. Frankly I think they're amazing people who managed to give the fans SOMETHING worthwhile instead of allowing the publisher to fling more crap at the fans.

I don't blame you at all for saying you don't want to support the game. That's completely your choice and you're certainly entitled to that choice. But this decision makes me want to support the game, if only so I can support these guys. I KNOW they made an awesome game (that first Wii U demo sold me on that) and just because the publisher backing them is a pile of crap doesn't mean that they don't deserve some real fan love and support.

In the mean time, I'll be happily playing the Challenge Mode download they're graciously providing us.

Nevers0ft4122d ago

The playable online "thing" releasing next month is actually an entirely different dichotomy for me. On the one hand I want to check it out but on the other I hand I know that if it's popular (and it will be) Ubisoft will think they've dodged the bullet and can continue to behave like tards :/

I annoys me that Ubisoft will learn nothing from this fiasco.

TheLeapist4122d ago

How on earth is porting it to consoles where it's actually going to sell a piss poor decision? Even if half of every Wii U owner bought this game (more than highly unlikely) it still wouldn't be all that great of sales. As far as the delay, it's not the devs nor publishers fault. Their hands are tied because of how microsoft/xbox works.

Nevers0ft4122d ago

I don't have any issues with it being ported to other consoles, that's a good thing... But the delay, so close to release, after putting it front-and-centre in the launch window, releasing a demo on the eShop, then delaying a completed game by 7 months to (allegedly) appease another manufacturer is the very definition piss poor decision making.

Games have made it to the 360 before without it having a simultaneous release and Microsoft likes money... I'm sure a similar furore to the Wii U one would have been raised by 360 owners and Microsoft would cave or piss off it's userbase. In essence, if the simultaneous release clause IS the issue, Ubisoft could've easily directed the baying mob towards Microsoft instead of themselves and come out of this entire fiasco smelling of roses.

TheLeapist4122d ago

So you think that they should spend more money than they're ever going to make on the Wii U version to appease microsoft so that the Wii U owners don't have to be patient? Explain to me how THAT isn't the definition of a bad decision.

Nevers0ft4122d ago

No. On the basis that this was originally an exclusive, wouldn't this have been a more favourable scenario:

1. Develop Wii U version and release it
2. Announce PS3 and 360 versions. If you're not "allowed" to publish it on the 360 then the fans go apeshit, Microsoft capitulates or loses ground to Wii U and PS3. Simple.

If Microsoft really do blackmail publishers like what is being alleged then it needs resisting rather than just blindly following.

rainslacker4122d ago

It is possible to have more than one feeling. They are humbled because their fans are supporting them, and after all this came out, they were quite critical of Ubisoft's decision. It is very rare to see a developer be that critical of a publisher, particularly when they are making a game for them.

EvilFluff914122d ago

This delay does suck but I suppose at the end of the day the game is gonna be even better so it's not all bad I guess.

FaSCoRP4122d ago

Besides hoping to have it in xbox 360 shortly (I am glad), I believe I will buy it for Wii U when I have that console (not sure why)...

I loved Rayman Origins and I will with Legends

Kevlar0094122d ago

I really like how the whole gaming community is kind of joining together to support the Dev team and Rayman. It's not just Nintendo fans or WiiU owners who are against the delay. We all can recognize how bad it would feel if it happened to a hyped game on one of our own consoles

ZeekQuattro4122d ago

Well if anything they lowered prices of Ubisoft games on eshop. Guilty conscience much Ubisoft? lol Of course they did it months after I bought ZombiU and AC III. Those dastards! rofl


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-Foxtrot96d ago

We need Rayman 4, they could make a great platformer game if they wanted. With the open hub levels and the like.

Better than relying on Rabbids and Assassins Creed all the time

Profchaos95d ago

Yeah agree id love a Rayman 2 style 3d platform game over another 2d platformer I know people loved legends but it never gelled with me same as Rayman 1 back in the day on PS it just felt like a average platformer with sonic and Mario offering something better on what was then last gen hardware

Terry_B96d ago

Yes..but I am sure it won't be the Rayman game fans want. Not from the company that is Ubisoft today.

mastershredder96d ago (Edited 96d ago )

Ancel is retired from games. His hoodlum/rabbid team are doing their own thing. It would not be the same if Ubisoft did.

Profchaos95d ago

Probably far more profitable to make low effort Rabbids games aimed at kids over a next Rayman

Chocoburger95d ago

Experience points, skill trees to fill up, level gating, endless menial tasks and side quests, constantly scrounging for resources. Always having to upgrade your gear. A.KA. "The Ubisoft effect".

No thanks, don't ruin Rayman's legacy.

Profchaos95d ago

Sure there will be it'll launch right alongside the next splinter cell

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HankHill278d ago

Too bad Ubisoft only cares about live service games now. Maybe one day they'll make a new Rayman game.

Venoxn4g277d ago

Great games.. would be cool to get qn Origins remaster at least..I know that many of the levels are in Legends, but still

Outlawzz277d ago

Loved this game but wish they would create a new Rayman 3d game.