
Diehard GameFAN: Generation of Chaos: Pandora’s Reflection Review

DHGF: Generation of Chaos: Pandora’s Reflection is a shorter, but far more portable friendly, game than most. The combat, while simplified from other titles, is still often quite deep, and the skirmish nature of the battles means it’s even easier to pick up and play when you only have ten or fifteen minutes to spend playing. It’s not an expensive title and won’t clog up the memory card, only weighing in at 354MB, so it’s easy to make space for. While it may not have a huge amount of replayability once you’ve finished it, it’s an easy game to sink up to forty hours into. This is an easy recommend for someone who likes titles that shake things up a little as far as tactical RPGs go, or for someone who likes a well done JRPG, but for those looking for a more in depth tactical RPG in Sting’s style you may want to look elsewhere.

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Generation of Chaos Pandora's Reflection Review | ComboCaster

Pandora's Reflection is a strategy game in real time with some elements of turn-based strategy. Its stage Hades, an inhospitable place, where the poor are oppressed and a gray rain falls from the sky and malignant slowly weakens living beings throughout their existence, culminating in his death. People live in fear of both the gray rain as corrupt men, the rich of the world, a bit like our world with the addition of a rain.

The story revolves around a young alchemist named Claude and his sister Yuri. Yuri was inflicted with a curse that inflicts constant pain. Claude uses his powers of alchemy to create medicines for her, and the two travel the land in search of an ingredient quite coveted, snowdrops.

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Go Critic: Generation of Chaos: Pandora’s Reflection Review

Go Critic: As a Vita owner, the lack of exclusive releases (or releases in general) can be quite frustrating. Fortunately, there is a large well of PSP titles with which to draw from that continues to expand despite that console’s status as a “dead” system. Generation of Chaos: Pandora’s Reflection is the latest to breathe life into Sony’s handheld market and despite its label as a niche Japanese title, does an admirable job of providing a unique and enjoyable experience.

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Generation of Chaos: Pandora's Reflection Review | Gaming Union

Gaming Union: "Generation of Chaos Pandora's Reflection is a toned down SRPG that is a good choice for people who want an easy to understand experience with no strings attached. However, players will find that the real challenge lies in effectively moving your characters in on the map and not in the actual battles themselves. There are some decent concepts here, but also quite few that fall a bit flat."

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Patashnik4030d ago

Has this game got anything to do with Agarest?