
System Shock 2 Retro Review [Just Press Start]

Jeff of Just Press Start writes:

"I’ve said before that nostalgia can blind you when it comes to opinions on games. It’s much harder to see the flaws in something you love, and when you look back on a an especially good experience, it tends to make you believe that experience and the game itself are timeless. The GOOD news is, sometimes that feeling is dead-on accurate. The GOG.com release of Irrational Games’ and Looking Glass Studios’ System Shock 2 is, happily, one of those times."

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20 Best Sci-Fi Games of All Time

The best sci-fi games ever made range from diving into the depths of humanity to finding hope among the stars.

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rlow11182d ago

Don't really agree on Dead Space being number one. But usually come down to preference. Alot of good games on the list. I was hoping to see Aliens vs Predator by Sierra on the list, as it was a great game. Anyways for me the number one is still Halo but Mass Effect was really good up to the infamous ending of the third game.

Rebel_Scum1182d ago

I would put Flashback on my list. Its got such a great tone and background design. The cutscenes were pretty good too.

1181d ago
Master of Unlocking1180d ago (Edited 1180d ago )

DEAD SPACE 2 as number 1? Really? I've only ever played DEAD SPACE 1 (without finishing it) and, sure enough I liked it a lot, and have been yearning for getting to grips with an hd remastered trilogy for the PS4/XBox One/PS5/XBox Series X/S, but what about Deus Ex Human Revolution & Mankind Divided? Alienation (to quench our thirst for twitching fingers' top-down dual-stick shooters)? Or even Cyberpunk 2077 (once the game has been re-released and all the kinks have been ironed out)?

If not at the #1 spot, it seems to me these games deserved to be on the list somewhere.

But what really strikes me as unfair is, if you're going back to the PS3/XBox 360 era with DS2, how could you forget to mention Killzone 2 & 3? The Resistance games? When it comes to Sci-Fi FPS, it's inadequate not to pay your respects to those stellar franchises! Heck, even the Crysis trilogy should've been there IMHO.


5 insanely frightening games you need to play over Halloween

Looking for some frightening games to play over Halloween? Well, we rounded up five of our favorites here.

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Minute Man 7211321d ago (Edited 1321d ago )

House if the Dead 3 + HotD Overkill + PS3 & PS Move =😎

Not "frightening" but fun.

SullysCigar1321d ago

RE7 VR. I'm getting impatient for the RE8 VR reveal!

I also wish they'd hurry up and officially announce/patch Alien Isolation for VR.

TallDarknWavy1320d ago

Honestly, nothing was better designed for sheer psychological horror than the PT demo.
I really hope I can transfer it to PS5.

Sirk7x1320d ago (Edited 1320d ago )

Fatal Frame! If anyone ever gets the chance, there was a remake of II on the Wii. I suggest a modded Wii/U, or emulator. That, and Fatal Frame 4, are two of the scariest games ever made, hands down. Like "F this, why am I even playing this" scary.


Top 15 Best Horror Games if you want to have a spooky time

Unlike horror films, horror video games have had a good run in the last couple of decades. With that said, here's our list of the best horror games.

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