
TheGuardian| Alien: Colonial Marines review

See those four stars above this review? I fully expect to receive a right royal kicking in the comment section below this article for that rating. The reason being is that, if one were so inclined, one could point to several imperfections in Sega's new shooter as evidence that it deserves a lower score – not the least of which is the legacy of the film this game purports to be a sequel to, and which is a millstone around its neck.

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OC_MurphysLaw4106d ago

Now that was a pretty dang decent review... pointed out short falls, high points and discussed why the reviewer choose a more favorable score despite some of the more glaring issues. Bravo.

MysticStrummer4106d ago (Edited 4106d ago )

Yes a very well written review and I agree with all of it. I've been blown away by the low scores this game has gotten, but I picked it up anyway and I've enjoyed it enough to be satisfied with my full price purchase despite not having finished the campaign and not trying multiplayer yet. I don't know who Gearbox pissed off, but the game is not nearly as terrible as most reviews lead people to believe. 4/5 is equivalent to 8/10. I'd give it a 7 right now but I think multiplayer is going to be fun enough to add that extra point.

BanBrother4106d ago

Cool. I'm also waiting on Christmas /s

Seriously though, the Wii U version will ship with all patches (hopefully) and it has some cool features. I hope Wii U owners are happy, but by going of the majority of reviews it will be a hit and miss.

Great review. It is possible to point out a games shortcomings but still give it a positive review. Prey comes to mind.

BootHammer4106d ago

Highest rating yet for sure. Seems that the reviewer still enjoyed the overall SP and MP experience even with the bugs and lack of polish.

MysticStrummer4106d ago

I've seen several 8s, at least one 8.5, and I'm pretty sure only one 9.

ElectricKaibutsu4106d ago

Huh, OK, maybe I will pick up this game.

JustInTlME4106d ago

I wouldn't. Playing it right now and its BAD. I'm very glad I only rented it for $2 from redbox. I am very much contemplating not even finishing it, and that says a lot considering I will finish almost any "short" game solely for achievements, but this game is just BAD BAD BAD and glitchy.

Wouldn't suggest it to anyone.

PopRocks3594106d ago

Well, if this review is anything to go by, it's that people will have different views on the game. I still intend to try it out.

Everyone blasted Duke Nukem Forever and I walked into that experience expecting it to be pretty bad. I wound up walking out mildly satisfied. Despite its flaws it was a decent shooter.

At the point I'm starting to see history repeat itself with this new Gearbox game.

MysticStrummer4106d ago

I'm playing it right now and enjoying it quite a bit.

JustInTlME4105d ago

I would just like to hear one reason why its good...lol. Graphics, controls, gunplay are all BAD BAD BAD. hahaha

svoulis4105d ago

AVP PROS: 3 Separate Campaigns Aliens Marines Predators, 10+ hours of game play, Graphically fantastic even to today standard. Marine Campaign has good action/horror balance. The gameplay is challenging

AVP CONS: Marine story is weak, Multiplayer doesn't have a community (and its fun), Marine campaign may be too hard for some people. Online Predators are OP as FUCK
----------------------------- ------------------------
Aliens: CM PROS: Gun Mechanics are easy to learn. Co-Op
Aliens: CM CONS: Shit graphics (is this really Unreal Engine?), Shit story, 4-5 hours max campaign on hardest setting. Xeno's are super easy to kill. The game was released, I spent 50 dollars on it. OH GOD WHY. This game was more a generic shooter then Call of Duty. Multiplayer is horrible and netcode is bad.

My Aliens Colonial Marines review score is... 3.5/10. Complete trash and doesn't add or take away from Alien universe.


Longest delayed games ever: Cyberpunk, DOOM, Aliens: Colonial Marines

In the wake of Cyberpunk's newest delay, we thought we'd revisit some of gaming's longest delayed games to compare.

porkChop1285d ago

Why are Prey (2006) and Final Fantasy XV not on this list? They were in development for longer than some of the games on this list.

Nismo4581284d ago

We are talking about delay, not development time.

porkChop1284d ago

Those games were both delayed by many years.

Nismo4581284d ago (Edited 1284d ago )

Final Fantasy XV delayed by two months only.

porkChop1284d ago

It was originally FF vs XIII, a PS3 exclusive, and was pushed back an entire generation.

MrNinosan1284d ago

A game can only be delayed after it gets a release date.
FFXV was only delayed for 2 months. FF versus XIII never had a release date.

mastershredder1284d ago

Beyond good and evil 2 announced in 2008. Delayed by years of Rabbid bs (and other Ubi-distractions) It’s up there with Duke now.

Sciurus_vulgaris1284d ago

The current beyond good and evil 2 and what was announced in 2008 are essentially two different games using the same title.

Teflon021284d ago

Duke Nukem Forever and Beyond Good and Evil 2 is one day going to surpass it

cell9891284d ago

Lmao!!! Star Citizen says hi

ccgr1284d ago

Better late than on time and broken

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5 Delayed Titles which Failed to Impress

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mkis0071912d ago

Dont agree with The last gaurdian...it even won 15 goty awards.

Nintentional1911d ago (Edited 1911d ago )

Of course you don’t , because it’s on playstation lol

Atticus_finch1911d ago

Nope, because it was actually rated well. Don't let it bother you too much.

isarai1912d ago (Edited 1912d ago )

Duke Nukem Forever was given no chance, 3D Realms gave them their baby and they just outsourced the hell out of it like they just didn't even want to touch the project.

Also no on The Last Guardian, was nominated and was winner of tons of awards, there's just a divide between those who know what it's like dealing with essentially training an animal, and those who just want snappy/game-ey reactions from Trico. Even so it's at 87 on metacritic, wouldn't call that "failed to impress"

PhantomS421911d ago

The Last Guardian was fantastic, just because it wasn't better than Shadow of the Colossus doesn't mean it was a disappointment.

FlyingFoxy1911d ago (Edited 1911d ago )

DNF wasn't even as bad as many people made out, what i personally thought of the game was that it felt like Doom 3 mixed with another game, but i think it did use the Doom 3 engine which is why it felt like it, but of course it was much more open.

One of the things i noticed about it was inconsistent level design, i enjoyed some levels like the one with the mine cart and that alien hive map later on, some other levels seemed to drag on a little bit.

I think LGR did a video review stating similar things, but i had already said about this on forums etc practically when the game came out.

As with sheep and most things though, people are usually quick to call crap when it comes to reviews and critics.


More late than delayed, but for me it would be Kingdom Hearts 3.

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