
Retrovirus Review | ComboCaster

Not all games that appear at Kickstarter funding can Retroviruses and is one of those. Fortunately this was not enough to prevent its development, because as we know the games that pass through are for producers to make some money quickly.
Retrovirus is a shooter with six degrees of freedom where we play as a virus, abating the threats that are appearing in the computer systems Gravity is not so important for an antivirus freedom is greater than in most shooters. The colors and the absence of large signs that tell us what is up and down can be a real "mind fuck" but in reality Retrovirus is a great match up. There are some clues in the scenario that tell us where we're facing, but can really forget it and feel the freedom of not having to worry about it.

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Indie Royale Prairie Dog Bundle Released

Hardcore Gamer: The Indie Royale bundle has returned with an offering of five games for a bit under $5. That gets you Retrovirus, Signal Ops, Zack Zero, Vox, and Sol Survivor. A bonus game will be unlocked at some point in the future, and if you spend $8, you get the Lost Floppies Vol. 2 album.

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Retrovirus Review | GamingExcellence

Nicholas Bale writes "Sometimes when it comes to ferreting out a computer virus, you've got to get down into the nitty gritty and just fire your way through the computer, blowing up infection wherever it grows. Well, at least this is what Retrovirus teaches. And I've got to say, it looks much more effective (and fun) than running the latest anti-virus software on the market and watching files scroll by."

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Retrovirus Review at CalmDownTom

"“Why don’t they make games like Descent anymore” is the perpetual whinge of a small but vocal community of gamers who are immune to motion sickness. Well, those gamers are in for a treat, because Retrovirus by Cadenza Interactive is here, and it offers fully 360 degrees of control in a 3D, floating sick-bucket of brilliance. If you’ve got the stomach for this kind of title (which our original reviewer didn’t), it might be exactly the type of game you’ve been waiting for.", says CalmDownTom

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