
Dead Space 3 – Early Reviews Hail Sci-Fi Sequel As “Amazing Roller-Coaster Ride”

The first few reviews are in for Isaac Clarke’s highly-anticipated return, and initial verdicts are highly positive for the action-horror blockbuster.

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jimbobwahey4135d ago

Not the first phrase that comes to mind when I think of survival horror. I hope this franchise isn't going the same way as Resident Evil, but the Gears of War styled footage I've seen so far doesn't give me much confidence.

adorie4135d ago (Edited 4135d ago )

19 chapters, the new work bench system is a bit confusing at first, PC version has some decent options and looks noticeably better than consoles, although some textures scream port, the game is insanely sharp when tweaked with Nvidia control panel.

Does not support ambient occlusion. :(

BanBrother4135d ago

Good news for Dead Space fans. I myself won't be getting it for various reasons, but I'm glad that some of the worried fans are relieved to hear the positive reviews. Hopefully they make a Dead Space trilogy box-set, with dlc.

Sketchy_Galore4135d ago

I expect good reviews across the board because this is a very safe game. It's kinda hard to screw up something everyone else in the industry has been perfecting for years. It's the games that try something new and daring that get the mixed reviews due to being a little rough around the edges.

Mr-SellJack4135d ago

this game has fallen like its mentor resident evil

Mr-SellJack4135d ago

well it was heavenly influenced by RE4 just like mass effect with star wars and uncharted with Indiana Jones and that's the truth aswell as this game is average with 78 sitting on metacritic so far

leahcim4135d ago

It seems even IOs Dead Space is better than this, and I am not saying that the IOs DS is a bad game at all.


Why Dead Space 3 Will Be the Hardest to Remake

If EA and Motive Studio plan on remaking all the main Dead Space entries, they have to change a lot of what made Dead Space 3 so divisive.

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DefenderOfDoom2452d ago

Simple, do not bother with a Dead Space 3 remake. Rather have a new entry for Dead Space.

myfathersbastard452d ago

Yeah I agree. Make a dead space 3, but have an original story/setting. They’ve proven they can do the game justice, and I think they could evolve 2 in a good direction, keeping a similar tone. I’d love s Dead Space 2 and 3 though. The remake was fantastic. Top tier remake, up there with RE2.

jznrpg452d ago

Remaking 3 would need to be a reworked and somewhat changed remake as 3 was flawed in most peoples eyes and the worst entry.

Ninver452d ago

It's the worst in the series.


Dead Space 3, A Ten Year Reunion

WTMG's Kyle Nicol:

"Was Dead Space 3 really that bad?

Well, it’s a complicated question. Dead Space 3 is undeniably the weakest of the trilogy. It’s a game that deviates so far from the original formula, that it throws a lot of what made Dead Space special in the first place out of the window. Although, where it does make up for it is one of the best cooperative shooters on the market, even after all this time. Do I recommend playing this game ten years later? Hell yes. But make sure your expectations are in the right place. It has a lot of problems that bring it down."

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Ranking the Dead Space Games

With the upcoming Dead Space Remake, we replay and rank the original three games.

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SimpleSlave536d ago

Dead Space
Dead Space 2
The Callisto Protocol
...Lost Planet 3?

HeliosHex536d ago

They need to seriously continue this ip with a new entry. Even if it's just another movie I don't care I love everything about this game.