
STP: Zenonia 5 Review

STP: Zenonia continues its genre-dominating trend with another excellent entry into the series.

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Here's Ten Of The Best Underrated iOS/Android Games

Evan Writes:

“I have been playing iPhone and Android games since 2011, writing about thousands of games in the process, so naturally, it can be a bit difficult for a game to make an impression on me at this point. Nevertheless, some games stick with me, even years after playing them. Here's some of my favorite underrated games (all free or freemium) for the iOS and Android platforms.”

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RizBiz1780d ago

The only decent mobile game I've ever played was Jelly Defence.

TheEnigma3131779d ago

mobile games are so saturated and garbage now smh.


A Design for Boring: Problems with the Freemium Model

The freemium model offers a free-to-play game experience that monetizes through the player’s purchase of more-or-less optional in-game content. This distribution method can offer a lot to players.

Like everyone else who remembers driving to the mall to buy a new PC game in a box, I love checking out a game before deciding to buy it. And I'm happy paying for an awesome extra upgrade in a free game. Spending 99 cents in a freemium game for a more powerful sword for my brave adventurer or a faster cupcake oven for my cute little baker often serves as the same kind of pick-me-up as an afternoon latte.

But there’s a depressing side to freemium as well...

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The 7 best Android RPGS for tablets

"Get lost in the palm of your hand with these epic Android RPGs."

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TheUltimateGamer3769d ago

I generally have a hard time getting into RPGs on tablets/phones.. I'll have to give these a go. Thank you!

LAWSON723769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

Zenonia games are pretty good though they usually need you to gring quite a bit. IMO nothing is better than emulating a custom ROM of Pokemon (for DS or GBA) that allow you to actually catch (in some cases evolve) them all.

I would love to get all the FFs on android market but they are too pricey

Sly-Lupin3769d ago

Surprised to only see FFVI on the list, as SE Android RPGs are generally very good. Especially FFV.

porkChop3769d ago

Probably because they wanted the list to be diverse. If the list is just filled with FF games that really only caters to FF fans.

Sly-Lupin3768d ago

Well, in achieving "diversity" they lose some genuinely good titles and replace them with some genuinely bad titles.