
Fantastic Neighborhood 49: AbleGamers’ Mark Barlet

AbleGamers' Mark Barlet stops by the Fantastic Neighborhood Podcast to talk about the foundation's mission, accessibility in gaming, and more.

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Protect Your Eyes Using Vault-Tec with These Fallout Glasses

Gunnar Optiks, and Amazon Studios have teamed up for a special pair of Fallout glasses. - IS

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StarcrossedBits91d ago

The merchandising on this franchise has gotten out of control. I dug the early stuff (still got my Fallout4 CE Pip-boy computer on my shelf) but at this point it feels like they care more about merchandising than actually making you know... more Fallout games.

Inverno91d ago

They gotta hype the show up as much as possible, last trailer looked good but all these adaptations so far have been hugely disappointing. Well excluding Last of Us and One Piece, those were pretty darn fantastic.

-Foxtrot91d ago (Edited 91d ago )

The issue is Bethesda are being dick heads and refuse to give anyone Fallout because THEY want to make them but by the time they get Elder Scrolls VI out the door and then start making Fallout 5 you're looking at 2030 at the earliest.

Microsoft shouldn't have green lit The Outer Worlds 2 but had Obsidian do a spiritual successor to New Vegas or make remakes of the first two Fallout games in the style of Bethesdas Fallout games.

Merch wise I'm super surprised they've never made a fully functional Pipboy with the screen built into the entire thing rather than us using our mobile phones.

mastershredder91d ago

Pointless cheep brand merch. Bethesda paves the way. Dude, the special gamer glasses grift was done and buried, yet here’s Bethesda with more high quality (happy meal-level) products for the waste bin.

Eonjay91d ago (Edited 91d ago )

To any of my folks in the US folks, speaking of sunglasses, make sure you get some ISO glasses for April 8th!!!!
Anyone here gonna be in totality? I'm in 80%... I might plan a trip though, its only an hours drive to totality.

Abnor_Mal90d ago

I’m in New York and ready for April 8, have my glasses multiple pairs. My camera tripod and 150-600mm lens are at the ready.


Guild Wars 2 Q&A - ArenaNet on Yearly Expansions, Secrets of the Obscure Learnings, and 2024 Updates

Wccftech talked to Guild Wars 2 Game Director Josh Davis about the learnings from the Secrets of the Obscure expansion and what's coming to the MMORPG.

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My fav MMO since first beta 😎

got_dam165d ago

OnlyMMO I have had the patience to put more than 10 hours in.


It respects your time, and no monthly fee as well.


Hero Points Being Made Available In The Guild Wars 2 Cash Shop Sparks Pay-to-Win Debate

The "slippery slope" debate has started, now we wait to see what ArenaNet does.