
MAG II Gun Controller: Master of the Blasters

Launched in the UK late last year, the MAG II Gun Controller is making waves on the first-person shooter (FPS) scene for many reasons. Compatible with all existing and future PlayStation 3 and PC FPS titles, the MAG II Gun Controller isn’t simply a generic light gun; it’s a controller replacement for both single-player and multiplayer FPS experiences.

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Should MAG 2 Be Developed For The PS4?

Should MAG 2 be developed for the PS4 after all its servers were uncermoniously shut down last year?

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llxKonanxll3252d ago

I would rather see a revival of the So-com series.

JoGam3252d ago

I wanna see both MAG and Socom.

Maltaze3252d ago

Don't think they have to be exclusive :)

XisThatKid3251d ago (Edited 3251d ago )

I've been trying to chase that MAG high for years that's my first platinum and easily one of if not my first favorite online experience I ever had. I'm playing PlanetSide as I type this.
It have to be free to play in today's market not enough people will buy it. I deff would.
Hope they wouldn't cater to their fav faction so much S.V.E.R.
Raven nevaR give up...

Oh yea everyone want SOCOM, check out H-Hour, spiritual successor and made by Monday of the original team from SOCOM 2 was a kick starter project.

MysticStrummer3251d ago

"I wanna see both MAG and Socom"

This all day.

Planetside 2 is pretty epic, though it definitely has rough edges. Still the best MAG substitute right now though imo.

Crimzon3251d ago

Unfortunately Sony shut down Zipper Interactive, who were the studio that made MAG and SOCOM. It was around the time they shut down Studio Liverpool as well, who made the excellent Wipeout HD for PS3. Two great studios gone, I miss them a lot. I wish Sony hadn't abandoned LightBox Interactive either (Warhawk & Starhawk devs) because a new game from them would have been great as well.

I think Sony made some really poor choices when it came to which studios to shut down and let go of last console generation. They were responsible for a good chunk of the exclusive lineup that made the PS3 so great.

morganfell3251d ago

It isn't a one or the other proposition, especially with their diverse natures. But it has to be a true SOCOM, not the gameplay we saw in S4.

MAG had some really great ideas. Some executed well and some not. I would like to see a 2nd one. With everything learned from the 1st one and having done things never before attempted, Sony could really deliver something unique.

JackStraw3251d ago

MAG is #2 on my list of top-notch shooters last gen, in terms of the amount of fun and the "high" I got from playing them. In this order, Bad Company 2, MAG, and Cod4. Mostly because when Cod4 was first released, I was in sophomore year of HS lol. But by far BC2 and MAG were the most amazing experiences I've ever had with shooters, besides skulltag with some old coding buddies.

MAG took a little bit of time to learn and really appreciate, and I was close to quitting on it several times, I sold it once, but eventually bought it again. When I finally got a handle on the feel of the controls/movement, and understanding tactics, I grinded on that game for months lol. I'm actually having some crazy nostalgia right now from seeing this article.

I dream of a MAG 2 for ps4. Please Sony!!!!

SolidDuck3251d ago

Of course yes. And find the old zipper team give them a raise and bring them back together. I'm still upset they shut down. I bought all there games even unit 13, and loved them all. Socom 4 is the worst game they made, I had fun with it still tho.

morganfell3251d ago


Two underrated games I love are SOCOM Tactical Strike and Unit 13. Coop in Unit 13 was a great deal of fun but often overlooked

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3251d ago
Yahdaree3251d ago

MAG was AWESOME, played it every day on team S.V.E.R.

morganfell3251d ago

So you were the guy that kept shooting me...

TheSaint3251d ago

SVER were so awesome they nerfed us and we still went on winning.

Majin-vegeta3251d ago

http://awesomescreenshot.co... ;)

Yes I would love MAG 2 they could do so much more now with the hardware of the PS4.

C-H-E-F3251d ago

Planetside 2 reminds me of MAG a lot.

But I'd rather have Socom, sadly sony fired them all after Socom 4 BOMB, I know that the Socom vets are the reason for no Socom 5 because we didn't support Socom 4, but if we did support it then Socom 5 would have been made from Socom 4 foundation and not Socom 3, 2 and 1. Even Confrontation was better than Socom 4 and we all hated Confrontation hahahaha.

rezzah3251d ago

Massive battles in MAG is much more entertaining. I bet they'll revive Socom with cinematic scenes.

iceman063251d ago

Exactly!!! That was something that, up until then, the consoles had NO representation of...being in a full-scale war. There was nothing quite like it. That feeling of small group tactics creating advantages for a massive, strategic surge on an objective was unheard of (at least on consoles) at the time. MAG was just ahead of it's time and GREAT for what it was doing and WHERE it was doing it. Although many downplayed it. It was pretty sophisticated and impressive from a technical perspective. IMO, it was as much of a technical feat as GoW III or even TLoU...just in a different way.

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rezzah3251d ago

I think of MAG as being better than Planetside 2. Planetside 2 has a huge learning curve and the combat isn't as fun as it is in MAG.

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Imagine MAG on PlayStation 4

Eskimo Press: "One of the most memorable first person shooter games from the last generation was MAG. It is a game where you heavily relied on communication with your team mates (all 128 of them, sometimes), and had to work cooperatively to complete objectives, and when people did this MAG was quite easily the best first-person shooter game available across all platforms (PC included). Could you imagine just how awesome a PS4 version of MAG would be?"

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FiLTHY ESKiMO3397d ago

Hell yes. Warhawk. Bring back Warhawk and MAG. They can leave Starhawk to rot, though. :)

WeAreLegion3397d ago

Why do people hate Starhawk? That game is incredible. I thought it was just as good as, if not better than, Warhawk.

BitbyDeath3397d ago (Edited 3397d ago )

Starhawk had a lot of faults like no buildings already on the map, poor level design, had health regeneration which made shoot outs pointless, weapons not widely available on the map, vehicles not widely available on the map, Jeep or whatever they called it being way too large. The knife had all the skill taken out due it no longer being a real weapon. Basically it was noobed or made COD friendly.

It had nothing on Warhawk as it became more of a game of luck rather than skill.

BitbyDeath3397d ago (Edited 3397d ago )

On top of that Warhawk was just crazy fun where there were like a million ways to die or take down the opposition.

Warhawk was so crazy you could hide bombs in the clouds! The clouds man.

Warhawk was so crazy you could snipe from one side of the map to the other (on some maps) and there was even a trophy for it.

Warhawk was so crazy you could drive your jeep right into the enemy base strapped with a ton of bombs and jump out the side of it as it crashes and explodes into the enemy.

Warhawk was so crazy you could hold the knife and disappear from the map, allowing stealth kills right inside their base.

Warhawk was so crazy you could belt jeeps high up into the air by flying your hawk into them.

Warhawk was so crazy you could roll vehicles, plant mines under them and correct them back up so nobody would be any the wiser when hopping in.

Warhawk was so crazy you could snipe the pilot out of a hawk mid-flight.

Warhawk was so crazy you could stab the driver of a jeep as he drove by.

Feel free to add your own but Warhawk was crazy fun.
Starhawk was just another shooter.

dcj05243397d ago

Omg my dopamine and serotonin receptors would explode. Warhawk was something else

THC CELL3397d ago

Mag n Warhawk with 1000 vs 1000

nitrogav3397d ago

Yes perhaps MAG was a bit ahead of it`s time on PS3 maybe it would work now on PS4 ? .

SmokingMonkey3397d ago

MAG was ahead of it's time. (parachuting in will return)

Here lies

Zipper Interactive

Killed by Dooty


RIP Zipper

brettyd3397d ago

These games didn't make money, therefore you will never see them again.

dcj05243397d ago

Warhawk made made money, they just failed with the spirutal sequal

MysticStrummer3397d ago

Both games sold well, and were easily my favorite online games last generation.

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Black Ops 2: Can The MAG 2 Make You A Better Player?

NowGamer: Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 is competitive at the best of times, but what if there was a peripheral that could make you a better online player?

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profgerbik4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

LOL CoD being a competitive game nowadays makes me laugh every time I hear the words CoD and competitive together. Cod hasn't been competitive since god only knows how long.. point being it's been forever since the game was actually challenging.

Ever since CoD moved to consoles.

MattyG4148d ago

Competition; "1. Of, relating to, or characterized by competition. 2. Having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others: "she had a competitive streak"."

Just because it isn't hardcore doesn't mean it's not competitive. You definitely compete in CoD.

ZBlacktt4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

I came in here because I saw MAG 2.... That game was WAY fun to play. There was and still is nothing like playing DOM. It wasn't the best looking game. But my god at the player's and chaos going on at all times. Never ever did you have to search for people to shoot. Because it was a war going on. Whenever I would come back to play BF or COD it just wasn't the same at all.