
Kamen Rider: Battride War Screenshots

Following Thursday’s set of two, Namco Bandai has released four more screenshots of Kamen Rider: Battride War, coming to PlayStation 3 on May 23 in Japan.


Kamen Rider Battride Wars Review | GeekedOutNation

Ending the month of covering imported games GON leave's you with a review of the Dynasty Warriors style game based on the various Kamen Rider series of the past 15 years… and its quite the effort. It looks nice, actors return after many years and for a littler extra you can also have the music from the show.

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PS3's Kamen Rider: Battride War's Exclusivity Ended to Include Wii U for 2nd Installment

While Kamen Rider: Battride War was a PlayStation 3 exclusive, Bandai Namco will release Kamen Rider: Battride War 2 on PlayStation 3 and Wii U. This action game has a hodgepodge of Riders from fifteen Heisei era series. The previous game focused on the TV show Riders, Kamen Rider: Battride War 2 is about the Riders in the movie versions.

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BlackWolf3763d ago (Edited 3763d ago )

Oh my God!!! This is great!! Considering the audience of the KR games was built up on the Wii with the Climax Heroes series, it's logical to try to get the new audience on the Wii U, as the Kamen Rider merchandise sales well, specially with kids.

Godmars2903762d ago (Edited 3762d ago )

And as you say that few if any will likely ever play the game outside of Japan on the WiiU because of region locking. Meanwhile a slightly larger if insignificant handful of Western PS3 owners will at least be able to import it.

BlackWolf3762d ago (Edited 3762d ago )

Dude, don't make it a warzone in here. .. lol

It's a sad reality, but this series don't have a big fanbase on the west...

Godmars2903762d ago

Aside from Power Rangers related stuff, when has there been sentai based games in the West?

And I'm asking this as a - minor - fan of sentai.

BlackWolf3762d ago

Yep, Sentai/Power Rangers has some fanbase, but the same can't be said for the Kamen Riders.

Besides the Masked Rider series (launched as a PR spin-off in the US) and KR Dragon Kinght series, which also had one Wii and DS game, not much has been released here.

wonderfulmonkeyman3762d ago

Ahh......this feels good.

Finally, a day where the front page is NOT filled with tons and tons of hate articles and troll attempts by the worst of N4G and the internet.

It's relaxing. Calming. A good thing to wake up to.
And the best part is, this is likely what I'll come back to after my early Valentine's date with my girlfriend.

An awesome date and a Nintendo direct all in the same day.

Life. Is. Good.

On-Topic; is this due for a western release? It sounds a lot like Power Rangers, and I used to be obsessed with that as a kid.[and no matter how old I get, the season 1 opening theme with the electric guitar will always be awesome.XD]

DryBoneKoopa853762d ago

I'm with you on the good news! Its a nice change if it is only for a day at least.

Hope your date goes good!

BlackWolf3762d ago (Edited 3762d ago )

I'm with you. This has been a really nice day on N4G. It kind of makes up for the months of negativity.

Oh, and enjoy your date.

About the game... I think it will not see a western release, as these series is not on the west (aside some conversions, like Kamen Rider Dragon Knight). I guess it can be imported, but the only ones who can enjoy it are ps3 owners, as they have no region lock. T.T

M3TR01DFANBOY3762d ago

as a sentai fan this is nice to see.


Kamen Rider: Battride War Shows Off New DLC Forms And Secondary Riders

Kamen Rider: Battride War will have new forms available via free DLC for Kamen Rider Wizard and Beast .

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