
Activision's Walking Dead: Survival Instinct won't be good

Drew Bergmark of Original-Gamer.com: Gathering all the information together that I presented, I believe that, as published by Activision, Terminal Reality’s The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct won’t surpass the average Metacritic score of Ghostbusters: The Video Game.

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Belking4156d ago

I'll reserve my opinions about this game til after I play it. I really don't take game journalist too serious.

DBergmark4156d ago

If you consider this game journalism, then that's understandable why you don't. This is just analyzing the information that we have already about the product and the product's developer. Personally, I'm not a fan of connecting the term journalism to the game media as 90% of reporting done online has been given by publishers. Journalism takes research on the topic while spinning it either in the author's or publication's political views as this article just took information and reported on it with an idea of what the impending results will be.

Belking4156d ago

They aren't analyzing anything because there is nothing to analyze.. They are making assumptions on a game that's not even close to release yet.

DBergmark4156d ago

@Belking The game is coming out on March 26th in the Americas & 29th in Europe. That's almost two months as I explained multiple times in the article. You might want to read it if you disagree with my statements.

BanBrother4156d ago

Lol I know what you were trying to do. That was pretty fail lmao. Someone copy/pasted a non-embedded link? Teehee

WeAreLegion4156d ago (Edited 4156d ago )


I just wrote "nicholascage.jpg".


You're not on the internet much, are you?

When people write either .jpg or .gif at the end of a phrase, it is suggested what picture they are talking about. Mine was obviously the "YOU DON'T SAY!" picture. Sorry for any confusion. Not sure why everyone hates Nic Cage.

Root4156d ago

You think

It's Activision, they should of given the WD rights to someone else so they could of made a good third person, shooter open world survival game.

Jek_Porkins4156d ago

We haven't played it yet, I do remember people saying the Telltale version wouldn't be good. Good thing I have Gamefly and if I really enjoy it I'll buy it.

BanBrother4156d ago

Yes Jek, but have you seen the game-play video? Granted it was old footage, but they recently released screenshots, which still made the game look worse than the original Killzone on PS2.

They keep telling us that the game is 'much better now', or some bullcrap along those lines. They then give us screenshots, most likely touched up as well, that still look crap.

They are in damage control, because they know that the internet KNOWS this game is going to suck harder than Paris Hilton. They have not even bothered to show new game-play to disprove everyones claims. Plus, they have a bad track record, plus it is releasing in march, plus Activision.......it was doomed from the start. I am a disappointed TWD fan.

Jek_Porkins4156d ago

Well I will probably rent it, I haven't really paid much attention to the videos at this point though.

I will probably check out some reviews as well, but I wont bash it right now. That is the only point I was trying to make, if you think something is bad or something will suck before going into it, you'll probably find reasons to hate it.

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Cheat Provider To Pay Call Of Duty Creator Activision Nearly $15M In Damages

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Jin_Sakai4d ago

Cheat providers for competitive games should be illegal.

Rynxie4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

This is what developers and manufacturers should do. I know going after cheat devices/makers is a cat and mouse game, and cost money. However, they can get that money back by sueing these manufacturers of cheat devices. Take a page from Nintendo's playbook.


Activision team is opening a new game studio in Poland 'Elsewhere Entertainment' to build new AAA IP

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Psychonaut8517d ago

They’re not working on Call of Duty? Give it time.


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