
MLB 13 The Show: First Trailer

It may only be the first week of January, but to us at San Diego Studios that means we are just two months away from bringing you the latest installment of the number-one selling and rated Major League Baseball video game franchise, MLB 13 The Show. We’ve been hard at work improving the best baseball video game on the market and we want all of you to check out our first trailer.

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Mikeockizard4170d ago

Yeah, now that 2k baseball is gone there is 0 competition for the Show. Not that 2k baseball has been good in years, but after renting a few "the Shows" in the past few years, I haven't found any worthy of buying since 09. Like Madden, they have gotten lazy and done next to nothing other than roster updates.

I REALLY hope they are working on a brand new engine and launching a completely revamped game with next gen consoles, or I may never buy another one of these. There is no reason to use the same damn game engine for the entire life of a console. We are going on 7 years now of the exact same game with roster updates and minor tweaks. It's getting OLD!

MikeMyers4170d ago

But you're still forgetting one thing, its' still the best MLB game out there imo. Thankfully this isn't a case like NFL where Electronic Arts has exclusive rights to real players. I can only imagine how The Show will look on the PS4. Right now it looks awesome on the PS3.

Mikeockizard4170d ago

I agree, it is by far the best baseball game out there. But where would you rank the other baseball games out there? Can you name them? That is because there are NONE. The Show is literally the only hardball game coming out this year.

Don't get me wrong, I think The Show craps all over 2k baseball, but they were the only other player in town. I know i will get a ton of disagrees for saying anything bad about the show or a Sony product, but I used to be a huge fan of the Show. I just feel like lack of competition breeds lack of innovation, and we are seeing it in the Show the last few years. Why would they innovate when all baseball fans who want to play a game HAVE to buy their product?

MikeMyers4170d ago (Edited 4170d ago )

Guess that means nobody thinks they can no longer compete. Kind of how EA took NBA Live off the release schedule because NBA2K is so good. I do agree there should be more, especially for those who want to play a MLB game and not own a Vita or PS3.

Maybe they should bring back Baseball Simulator 1000. That was a fun game but a totally different type of baseball. Rumors are that EA might bring back their MVP game.

MLB baseball just might not be a very popular game for sales, not sure why we only really have 1.

Mikeockizard4169d ago

The reason that no one else makes games is because 2k owned the exclusive rights for baseball games, just like Madden does for football. For baseball though, it doesn't cover first party devs, so Sony and Microsoft could each develop their own baseball game, of which Sony does.

2ks exclusivity ended this year, and everyone just assumed they would extend it, hence the reason why no one else made a hardball game. I am hoping that with the launch of new consoles, both MSoft and Sony have their own brand new baseball game engines ready to roll, so we can get some good old competition again....

Yourworstenemy4170d ago

Wish they'd make a football game!

harrisk9544170d ago

They can't since EA has exclusive rights from the NFL.

MizTv4170d ago

So how about some cross buy????

dmonee4170d ago

UMMMMMM........Looks exactly like last years trailer. Except there is a new type of interface or something in the trailer. all I saw were dots running around the diamond in a menu screen. Not a bad thing, but I cant see them making huge improvements until a PS4 version comes out in the next couple years.

StrongMan4170d ago

Behold, the baseball game that ran MLB 2k out of business.

Day one.

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Top 5 Best Baseball Games for PC,PS3,XBOX

Baseball is one of the most played sports of United states of America.It is also a Bat an ball type game like Cricket.Unlike cricket,in this game one run is counted only when a particular person complete’s running 4 bases around the fielders.Also unlike Cricket there are only 9 players in a Baseball team while a cricket team has 11 players.This Baseball game is mostly prominent in USA and Canada.Here,you can find the list of best Baseball games that are released for PC,PS3 and even XBOX.After considering nearly 20 Baseball games that are released for these platforms,i have finally concluded this list of best baseball games for PC.I hope you all like this list.Have a look at the list of top 5 best baseball games for PC below.

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3576d ago Replies(3)
Macdaddy713576d ago

I have to disagree... Not everyone like the show, I bought the show for ps4 n like 2k on 360 better, I'm not saying the show not good, I myself think 2k offer more!! If Sony n EA would take a couple pages from 2k n put into there sport games, and OMG!!! We would have kickass sport games...

harrisk9543576d ago

This list doesn't include The Show???.. Total and utter FAIL.

JimmyDM903576d ago

On closer inspection the article title is very misleading. He says it's a list of top 5 baseball games also available on PC. Since The Show is playstation exclusive I'm guessing that's why it is absent.

Redlogic3576d ago

Yea, no MLB the show on this list but MLB 2K is on their twice from the last 3 yrs?!? List is bogus

Brazz3576d ago

The list i a total fail! MLB: the show is the best baseball game, and you can't see it in the list! This thing is bullshit! Only a person that never played "The show", or a butthurt xbox fanboy, can say that MLB 2k series is better than MLB: theshow...

All_Consoles3576d ago

"I hope you all like this list.Have a look at the list of top 5 best baseball games for PC below"

List is for pc games

Spotie3575d ago

"Top 5 Best Baseball Games for PC,PS3,XBOX"

Article claims it's for consoles, then ignores the best franchise on console. Hell the best franchise, period.

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MLB 13 The Show online features to be turned off Nov. 6 2014

"On November 6, 2014 Sony Computer Entertainment America will terminate the online service for MLB 13 The Show on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita systems"

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blackout3589d ago

Can't even get two years out of it. WOW

FamilyGuy3588d ago

That's ridiculous, are the servers ghost towns or what?
Never heard of a big game dropping support under 2 years like this.

3-4-53588d ago

From 2014 you can carry over saves so maybe this is the last time they do something like this.

x_RadicalAura_x3588d ago (Edited 3588d ago )

Ouch. Looks like I better get going on those MP trophies. 3-4 years is understandable, but 2 years? C'mon, Sony.

XtraTrstrL3588d ago

Whoa, remind me to never buy an MLB: The Show game. That is ridiculous. LoL, nice way to promote MLB 14 Sony.

yarbie10003588d ago

That's one way to make sure people buy the new sports games every year...

ZombieDust3588d ago

But but but I thought sony wanted to give us the best value? Haha kind of like denying ea access so we can have their absurdly price ps now (is that what its called? I had a few too many tonight).

Jag-T10003588d ago

This is why online features suck! They can shut down the servers whenever they want.

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VGU Awards 2013: Best Sports Game Winner

The votes have been tallied and are in. The best sports game of 2013 is....

Emrage3827d ago

look at this this is the best melee kill you will ever see
