
Interview with creator of Word/Math Rescue

An interview with the creator of Word and Math Rescue, Karen Chun.

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3D Realms and Slipgate Ironworks Suffer a Second Round of Layoffs at Embracer's Hands

3D Realms and Slipgate Ironworks have suffered from a second round of layoffs following one that hit both companies in the middle of December.

jznrpg149d ago

The only news coming from Embracer is canceled games, closed studios and layoffs. That’s what happen when you accumulate to many studios at once. There’s another company that will be doing the same thing here over the next handful of years especially if daddy’s money doesn’t bail them out.

porkChop149d ago

They're not crumbling specifically because they acquired so many studios. It's because they built everything up based on a $2B investment and didn't have any plan in place to pivot if the deal fell through, which it did. They were reckless and stupid.

GaboonViper149d ago

Bastards, i really fear for our industry.

XiNatsuDragnel149d ago

More indies on kickstarters confirmed


Embracer Hits 3D Realms and Slipgate Ironworks With Layoffs

More layoffs at Embracer Group, as the publisher as reportedly fired half of 3D Realms and Slipgate Ironworks.

BeHunted168d ago

Why? They're a business trying to maximise their profits.

Chard168d ago

^ didn't realise CEO's posted on here

SimpleSlave168d ago (Edited 168d ago )

Hope that the ones fire are the Decision makers in Slipgate Ironworks and those responsible for greenlighting those decisions over at 3D Realms. Cuz they are mediocre at what they do...

Lol!! What am I even saying? Their just gonna fire all the people actually working hard on the games instead. Oopsie! My bad.

Monopoly and Consolidation of the game industry is Nooice!!!

Jingsing168d ago

They embraced everyone and produced nothing.


Me and most of my concept art buddies got laid off as well a few days back –different daughter company though. Such a wonderful start of this magical month 🤣


3D Realms has just announced its Gamescom 2023 lineup

"3D Realms are today very proud and excited to announce their games lineup for the Gamescom 2023 event, and that Gamescom lineup consits of their upcoming titles "Phantom Fury", "RIPOUT" and "Ion Fury: Aftershock"." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

SimpleSlave288d ago

More games for their Early Access Limbo? Nooice!

SimpleSlave287d ago

You know it. Gotta keep that Train a Rollin' bay bay! Choo! Choo!

mastershredder287d ago

Yeah looks 3D realms alright, just a tad up from Running with scissors. Fitting as a $20.00 budget tile (current gen), or a $60.00 switch release.

lio_convoy286d ago

I guess we should see these games in about another 20 years after another development company picks up the pieces and finishes them.