
Pocket Gamer's Top 10 Games of the Year 2012 - PS Vita Edition

Peter Willington:

Here we are then, the Game of the Year awards ceremony for PlayStation Vita, a platform that reputedly has no decent games on it. This might get a bit awkward.

Oh, wait... the Vita's got plenty of great games.

Just where has this negative perception of the device come from, anyway?

It's only been out since mid-February in the West, and already there are some absolutely corking games for Sony's latest system. So many, in fact, that we've had to do a mini round-up at the foot of the piece, giving honourable mentions to games we just didn't have space to include.

First things first ,though, it's time to pick out the very best of the best on Vita in 2012, starting with one of my absolute favourite titles of the year, regardless of platform.

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Tetsujin4176d ago

I'd vote Unit 13 on that list, it's a really fun game. Too bad Zipper had to shut doors before any news of some sort of Socom game. :(


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Metal Gear Solid HD Collection - Preparing for Snake Eater Remake

The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection launched in 2011, and is still the best way to play Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater ahead of the remake.

contra157357d ago (Edited 357d ago )

Can’t wait to one day break that game out of the collection vault

aaronaton356d ago

Currently playing Snake Eater HD on CRT 16:9, via Scart RGB. Game looks great but not as clean as MGS2, but thats due to the setting. Can't wait for the remake + the next HD collection on PS5.


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