
Worst Wii U Games | Official Nintendo Magazine

Thomas East:

Wii U is not even a month old and there are at least 10 great games to play on Nintendo's new console. Check out our list of the best Wii U games to see what we mean. Yet, there is also a handful of sub-50 stinkers that you should steer clear of even if you see them in the sales this Christmas. Here are the worst Wii U games.

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1upgamer994165d ago

I agreed with Most of this, but I liked Transformers. It was not a bad game, in fact it was fun. I would not buy it, but it was worth the rental.

caseh4165d ago

Any game thats uses the stock 'perfect family' all sat around in their mansion-sized living room and laughing endlessly in the direction of the TV while slapping each other on the back for being so frigging awesome should be avoided, no exceptions.

Blastoise4165d ago

I despise those rabbid things. Get rid of them. Forever.

MNGamer-N4165d ago

Low budget devs shoveling their warez


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Concertoine2540d ago

I mean did anyone expect much from it? I feel like there has to be some hype to earn disappointment.

darthv722540d ago

"Where did you learn to fly?" Totally agree with cybermorph but night trap...?

Its got quite the cult following now and i look forward to the remaster. Black hole assault would be worse.

Yohshida2540d ago

Fighter Within was probably the worst Launch Game I ever played.

Noctis2539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

The writer of this article needs to keep up with the times cause he comments on knack: "There was talk of a franchise being created from this title – we assume those plans are dead in the water now." yet Knack 2 was announced on December 2016.

Do you research before posting and also tone it down with the bitter journalism jeez.


2013 SAGYs - The Winner for Worst Wii U Game is...

Sonic Lost World, Pokemon Rumble, and Family Party 30 Great Games were chosen as three of the worst games on Wii U in 2013, but the one that truly is the worst as chosen by the votes is...

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_QQ_3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

where is the winner for worst game on ps4/3 and xboxone/360?

i'm gussing PS4:knack
PS3:Beyond two Souls
Xbox360:idk?!? Gears is the only exclusive they had this year...

2muchw1nn1ng3801d ago

Are you seriously this upset over a joke? Wow..

_QQ_3801d ago

no i want to hear the rest of the joke.. you think i'm upset about any of those games... those games on their list are crap, its not even a joke because their list is true...

WeAreLegion3801d ago

Beyond is phenomenal. What do you mean?

Metallox3801d ago

It's an ok movie, a really boring game. That's what I thought when I finished it. I mean, it's not like I do a lot of stuff with the controller, not as fighting and strategy games, so perhaps it's just my taste.

roondoon3801d ago Show
badz1493801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )


you can NEVER find a game that is worst than Ride to Hell Retribution this year! that game makes the Aliens game look good!

_QQ_3801d ago

i thought it was for exclusives. Aliens, Survival instinct and and Ride to hell obviously suck ass the most.

Riderz13373801d ago

I can taste the salt in your tears.

Summons753801d ago

Beyond? Knack? Someone sounds like they are reaching just for something. Beyond was an amazing experience and Knack was fun, maybe not mind blowing bit fun. Ryse sure that was a mess and gear j was kinda pretty decent but the PS ones sounds desperate.


it makes me so happy to know i buy consoles where the "worst" of their games are ones that i still enjoy.

no, playstation and microsoft arent immune to bad games, but if Knack and Ryse are supposedly the 2 worst games then you must be doing something seriously right. and the fact that you even tried to spin beyond 2 souls as the worst game is a hilarious showing of your desperation.
Wii U shovelware is just on a completely differnet level. i dont even know what any of those gameplay snippets were supposed to be lol.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3801d ago
Neo Nugget3801d ago

The new sonic game was that bad...?

Zodiac3801d ago

It's really not that bad. It isn't the refreshing experience that Colors was. but it's a fun game. I just wouldn't pay 50 dollars for it if i could go back.

wonderfulmonkeyman3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

I would have given it to Mass Effect 3, personally.
I mean, yeah, the game pad gave the game TONS of potential beyond what a normal controller could do, but the way the game was implemented…
It did not get all of the DLC available for the series, and for the other, we all know how heavily the trilogy of the games rely upon having played the previous entries, of having lived through that story and gameplay.
Not only was the game released at the same time as a COLLECTION OF THE WHOLE SERIES ON LAST GEN CONSOLES, they tried to make up for the lack of two game's worth of storyline to play through, with a comic book version of the past two game's important plot points.
That did NOTHING to convey the same sense of drama and struggle that playing through the whole series would have.
Top that off with poor optimization in certain areas of the game[some instances of frame rate drops and areas of bad graphical polish], and it just added up to one big steaming pile of a mess that no Wii U owner should have had to deal with out of a company as large as EA is in this industry.

EA dun screwed up with Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U. Third parties like EA need to live up to their reputation regardless of what they're developing on.
If they can't, then they should just stick to their lazy and comfortable ways by sticking to consoles that always use similar architecture to what they learned to work with, and leave the consoles that require learning new ways of developing games to other third parties with more willingness to learn a system from the inside out and develop for it correctly, rather than always sticking to what they're used to or what's easiest and doing a poor job on porting games as a result.

Metallox3801d ago

Mass Effect 3 Special Edition it's a 2012 game.

wonderfulmonkeyman3801d ago

Fair enough, but that'd still be my vote if we were including games up to this point since launch.

Reeze3801d ago

I find it hilarious Chrono posted this.

On topic, I enjoyed Sonic Lost World and haven't tried Pokemon Rumble U. I can understand how all three titles made this list based on reviews, but I'm sure there are worse games than Sonic Lost World.