
Bungie dev: 60-man Resistance 2 will be a 'challenge'

Speaking on Bungie's latest podcast, Luke Timmins, multiplayer engineer on Halo 3, said that he was interested in how Resistance 2 developer Insomniac would keep 60-player multiplayer games from feeling like "just running around in a chat room".

Timmins said: "Some of the stuff that Resistance is doing about trying to keep jacking up the number of guys in a game... I've played Resistance, and I'm a huge Battlefield 2 fan but I'm still interested in how do you keep that number of guys in a game and make it seem like you are actually playing together and not just running around in a chat room. It's real interesting and I wish them well but, yeah, it's a challenge."

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CRIMS0N_W0LF5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

bungie you are bunch of noobs.

60+ MP was done YEARS AGO! Even 1000 Players per map on 56k dail up w/o lag was done. And I am talking about FPS.

and no it didn't end up a chat room it ended up a full fledge war.

v1c1ous5924d ago

he's is not saying 60 person multiplayer CAN'T be done.

it's more like "so you got 60 people in a game. now what? what's to stop this from turning into a frag fest where nothing gets accomplished?"

Anego Montoya FTMFW5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

RFOM2 vs HALO3 (2 years after the launch of each system.)

RFOM2- 60 players
HALO3- 12 to 16 players

RFOM2- 8 Player Co-op
HALO3- 4 Player Co-op

RFOM2- 2 storys
HALO3- 1 story

RFOM2- Looks Unreal
HALO3- Looks OK

RFOM2- 720p/1080i (possibly 1080p)
HALO3- 640p

RFOM2- 60FPS (most likely, Ratchet was)
HALO3- 30FPS (i think, not sure)


bungie should just sit back and enjoy their success right now.
because RFOM2 is a serious problem for them and their image.

CRIMS0N_W0LF5924d ago

It was done and not ended in a frag feast and it had team seperations. I'm talking about Battlefield. I saw the some of the most tactical matches 32 vs 32 players.

Most tactic "matches" I saw were on PlanetSide, where different clans meet up and pratice formations to raid a whole planet

v1c1ous5924d ago


way to miss what i just said


yes, it is possible to make such a huge game be controlled, but it all depends on what methods the developers go through to keep the game balanced.

that's the main problem Imsonmiac has to overcome.

and don't get me confused as defending bungie either. i played halo 3, and even with 8 vs 8, that game is filled to the rim with LONE WOLF type gamers who won't listen to reason or work together,

jwatt5924d ago

People at bungie were not trying to bash Insomniac and I agree with what they were saying. 40 players is alot but I felt like it was too hectic.

Now Insomniac said they will address this issues by splitting teams up into groups and giving them thier own objectives. That sounds like that can help out alot and I am definitely looking forward to this games.

Fragking285924d ago

1000 players on a 56k dial up connection yeah right buddy

wallace10005924d ago

What game ever had 1000 player games? That must have taken a long time to find that many players :-P

5924d ago
TheSadTruth5924d ago

The original resistance multiplayer was pretty bad.. first off you die WAY too quick considering how much autoaim their is.. makes it so even little 10 year old's can aim

The truth is that is just too many people in a console game.. it makes the game fast paced but it's just boring spawning and dieing from getting shot in the back and since there's so much autoaim, the best Resistance players will still get killed by low skill players. The nades are pretty ridiculous as well.. I mean all you have to do is touch a player with a nade and they explode on impact, takes the skill and timing out of a normally skilled weapon. I do like the sniper rifle from what I recall... takes some skill to use effectively. Before anyone flame's me.. I also think Halo 3's multiplayer is pretty bad too.. just because the horrid map designs... I've been doing nothing but play CoD 4 as of late. Good, now Sony and MS fans can both mass disagree me.

InMyOpinion5924d ago

Bigger isn't always better...

gambare5924d ago

It's obvious that the Halo3 MP engie never player BF2, BF2 got a healthy 32 vs 32 players on a single map, and it wasn't a "running chatroom"

RelloC_ReBorn5924d ago

dude, she is just telling you that to make you feel better.

kwicksandz5924d ago

you must have been smoking some powerful stuff to dream that up. you cant even run 3 player games without lag on 56k with your neighbour

rofldings5924d ago

"Massive numbers should not mean massive confusion: 60 players (up from Resistance's max number of 40) may sound like an awful lot, but Insomniac is doing everything in their power to make sure competitive battles don't get out of hand. Players will be split into lobbies of six-to-eight-member squads, each with unique objectives. Specific areas on each map will foster frantic large-scale battles, but most of the fighting should come in the former of smaller skirmishes."

No. Sorry, that sounds like fun. Not just a 60 person frag fest.

BobDog5924d ago

massive numbers have been done of 56k, but u got to remember when u had 128mb of ram and a 20gig hardrive and games were a couple hundred megs

InMyOpinion5924d ago

I was referring to the subject at hand. The penis measuring contest is that way --->

Bloodwar5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

Responding to Anego Montoya FTMFW, I wanted to share something with you. Huxley for the Xbox 360 is going to have 120 players shooting it out on their MMOFPS. I wonder for how long RFOM2 is going to be in the light, if it even makes it. And with only 60 players? And before peeps start saying, where is the story for this MMOFPS?

What Are The Factional City's?
Home cities are non-combat zones where players will be able to take a break from the battlefield and relax. You'll find all sorts of things in the home city, including trades, shops, guild halls, apartment buildings, garages, etc.. The Alternatives have a city called Eska. Their rivals the Sapiens have Nostalonia.

Source= http://www.huxleygame.com/h...

Sounds like this game may be more than an FPS. Maybe not exactly a roleplaying game per say, but having a city where we have trades skills.. reminds me of my time working on trade skills in WoW. And the story is going to be our wartime battles against the other factions... ohh and did I mention, it's going to have 120 person battles? hehe

Stubacca5923d ago

Anego Montoya FTMFW, good point. Bubbles for you.

V1c1ous, have you played resistence? Because if you have, you would know the maps can be massive. As such, these battles turn out to be good old-fashioned war and not just a 'frag fest'.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 5923d ago
PStriple7035924d ago

this is coming from devopers who made the most wanted game(halo3)in 640p, the first RFOM was 40 online was smooth as eggs

Blankman5924d ago

The media has already dubbed resistance 2 as a halo killer lol to get the record straight killzone 2 is the halo killer not resistance. Resistance is gears killer lol.
if they could do 40 without feeling like running around in a chat room why do you doubt they can do 60. Sure it will be hard but thats not to say it can't be done. Insomniac has an excellent track record and they are an excellent games studio. They have made 2 really good games in 2 yrs on a console notorious for difficult development and it looks like they are about to deliver a 3rd in resistance 2. Bungie hasnt worked on anything but halo in almost a decade yet halo runs at 640p on xbox

BloodySinner5924d ago

...yet you worship the 600p Call of Duty 4? Wow!

shysun5924d ago

COD4 looks like a HD games, Halo3 dosen't.

BloodySinner5924d ago

Basically had you not been told that COD4 was running only at 600p, you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.

Johnny Wadd5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

@ blankman & bloodysinner:

Not to flame or anything.... but you can't tell the diff. between 720p and 1080p unless you've got a LCD/Plasma tv that's 46 inch or higher. I don't think the general public knows how to distinguish true HD on a smaller tv. That's why I laugh at those people who spends the extra dough to buy a tv that's 1080p but the screen-size is only 37 or 40 inch..... LOL silly consumers that doesn't do their research.

just a side note, you can definitely see the diff. between Resistance/Halo 3 on my 52 inch sony.... I chose the 2 to compare because they are similar games. However, I enjoyed Halo 2 a lot more than Halo 3.

Bombomb5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

only if you actually thought about what you've just said, you wouldn't have fallen for the trap.

Good trap and bait sinner...

see, it's all in the mind..so mindless delusional fanboys

Pain5924d ago

Have Not been hyped for ANY other FPS since Perfect Dark 64.

This game is going to Rock.

And Make others take a look at what they doing .

Perkel5924d ago

@ Johny Wadd

pff haha sorry guy u are wrong

1080p on 24 or 40 or 100 inch tv is still 1080p. I have Sony KDL40W2000 and yes it's 1080p and 40" 1080p in Lair is mindblowing and waaaay better than 720p Motorstorm.

Can't see the diffrence ? You are blind my friend then. More, picture at bigger tv with 1080p looks worse than same picture at smaller tv with 1080p. Go figure why..

wow145924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

Resistence (86) and Killzone (70!?) have both been owned by the Halo Series (97,95,94).

Really, it is the universal opinion of the industry that RFOM and KZ are second rate when compared to the pinnacle of the genre: Halo.

YOU might disagree -- its your right -- but the collective wisdom of the industry says you are incorrect (in the sense that one can be right/wrong about such things..).

Edit, just show you something of interest:

MGS 94
MGS2 96
MGS3 94
Average 94.6 / 100

Halo 97
Halo 2 95
Halo 3 94
Average: 95.3 / 100

So, In the pantheon of Shooters, are you going to say that RFOM and KZ(!?) are better than MGS? Because they would have to be in order to be "better" than Halo.

M'kay thanks.

Johnny Wadd5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

@ Perkel:

You, my friend, are wrong. In order to truly "see" the difference between 720p vs 1080p, you have to have a television that's preferably, 50 inch or larger. As you sit at the same distance from the TV from 40 inch or 52 inch, you can tell the difference. What you're buying for in the 50 inch or larger 1080p tv is the clarity/resolution factor that you get as you move away from the TV. As you move away from a 1080p 40 inch tv, you will notice a pretty significant image deterioration. Go on AV forum and read the faq list. Trust me, 1080p for a 40 inch is just a way for tv companies to get more of your money.

You're right in the sense that 1080p @ 20 or 24 inch is the same....
But it also looks the same when you compare 720p @ 20 or 24 inch between its respective 1080p counterparts. Because the tv's are so small, you can't see the extra resolution/pixels on the 1080p. In essence, you've paid extra for something you can't see.

Oh yeah, if you sit close enough to the 40, your pictures will turn crappy just as when you sit close enough to the 50.

RecSpec5924d ago


What the hell are you talking about? MGS is not a FPS.


it got 10 10 10 9.5 .....and thats was from and xbot magazine EGM

kurochi5924d ago

@ Perkel:

ha ha ha ha ha
what the hell are you talking about? Go read up on some of the facts before you embarrass yourself in regard to the HDTV subject.....

ha ha ha ha ha ha

I'm sorry, it's just so funny at how brain-washed you are by the tv companies..... ha ha ha You should return the 40 inch you got and spend the extra grand to really enjoy 1080p on the 50 inch..... ha ha ha ha ha ha

crank5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

Sorry there johnny you are not quite saying things right

1080p resolution, no matter at what INCH, is going to make a huge difference where ever it is available.

One simple test for people that are not technical, for people who do not calibrate displays for every movie and game

30 inches is the close to optimal for 1080p sitting 3 feet away.

It all has to do with pixel pitch. The bigger you tv, common sense, here, the bigger your 1080p images are DUDE.

Staying at 1080p, the more you blow that image up the worse it gets, and YES YOU CAN SEE THE GAME LOOK WORSE WHEN YOU BLOW UP A !)*)P IMAGE FROM say 30 inches to 40. LOSS OF PIXEL DETAIL, THEY ARE LARGER AND BLURRIER.

It is not that hard to imagine so don't spill the misleading info so much, research it a bit because I can see the difference between 1080p and 480p on my 24 inch QUITE EASILY. 720p resolution for WEB PAGES IS TERRIBLE

IT is like watching a large blurry screen, when I switch back to 1920x1200 my screen if perfection, and that is ON A 24 INCH DELL SCREEN

Not 50 and not 60 and not 40---------24 inches and the differences between the equivalent 720p and 1080p for desktops is a HUGE.

I could never USE 480p on my computer the text is about an inch big on default, 720p alao looks horrendous.

Your false opinion that 1080p only is right for 40 inches above is completely false. You obviously know nothing about resolution and the way pixels are used.

Again, 19200x1200 photos look optimal on my 24 inch screen, that is why I got it.

Blow them up anymore and they get blurrier. That correlates to games, too.

I am sick of people acting like high definition works only for this magical plane above 40 inches.


Johnny Wadd5924d ago

@ Crank:

You, get educated my friend.
Goto this link as these people know what they're talking about. What I said above is exactly what these people are talking about in greater detail. Have fun reading the post. I'm too lazy to explain the diff. to you. Bottom-line, on a smaller screen, you eyes cannot see the diff. from 720p vs 1080p. Of course if you're talking about 100 inch tv, your image will be lousy at 1080p and worse on 720p. But the optimal viewing distance for 1080p 50 inch is about 7-8 feet from the tv. But at 8ft for 720p 50 inch, it's not the same.


Oh, one more thing. The quality of your display ultimately depends on your signal input. So, if COD4 and Halo 3 is only at 640p, than that's all you're gonna get (unless there's up-conversion involved). So, nobody can tell the difference unless, like I said on my previous post, you have 50 inch or above 1080p tv.

Please get educated. I suppose for some people, ignorance is bliss?

pukka_p5924d ago

Resistence (86) and Killzone (70!?) have both been owned by the Halo Series (97,95,94).

I honestly thought - resistance 1986, Killzone 1970? Halo in 1997, 1995 and 1994? "What's this fool on about?", I thought...

Then I realised... Of course. Why would anyone ever want to argue their own opinion of a game when they can use another person's opinion expressed as a number out of 110?

I'm sorry to have a go, but I just played pixeljunk monsters yesterday (a true classic) having seen a score in a magazine of 7/10!!! Sooooooo very, very wrong. But then, that it just my opinion (although most agree with me this is a great game).

So back to my criticism.... Variable reviews with dubious scores are bad enough, but people quoting them like gospel is well just <INSERT OpenZone comment>. Please don't lower yourself to quoting random scores.

socomnick5924d ago

I dont mean to sound fanboys but imo resistance 1 multiplayer was absolute trash it felt tacked on. It was nowhere near what halo 3 multiplayer is. Resistance 2 might have a chance who knows.

crank5924d ago

You are talking to a certified installer here SON


Tristimulus, sharpness diagrams, DAC's, and temporal motion. etc. are taken into account for every calibration

I use about 12 different personal settings 4 that are used regularly, based on tristimulus, gamma curves, white point, native response, etc and all for different content, all manually set up to reflect lighting conditions and material

what I cannot do is change the dot pitch, motion settings, etc. for my display because it is fixed, and that limits what kind of detail you can see from specified resolution

I could set pixel clock and phase if I wasn't using DVI

AS IF you are telling me anything by linking to some ******* AVS forum POST where they analyze and analyze

The thing about it is 95% of those SCIENTIFIC comparisons are based on hardware advantages

rarely do you get an objective opinion over there except from SOME of the better articles

I have a membership on that site I have read THAT SAME ******* FORUM POST

I have worked with many computer algorithms for deinterlacing interlacing, etc. and dozens of display panel calibrations systems for viewing content

I currently use mac display at the moment casually, as it doesn't have a ton of calibration tools but it does let you mess with tristimulus so who cares really

Every movie and game to my exact standard LOL, and you are sending me to an a forum that I have already been to thousands of times

AS IF, I love it when vacant people like you try to be all genius and condescending, I was there too at one time

pixel pitch is the most important factor in realizing 1080p resolution detail at screen sizes above 30 inches and even below to some degree

I don't know how many times I have to tell you I work on a 1920x1200 DELL screen


AND THEN PUT IT TO 1024x768 and then again to 640x480

SEE THE ******* AMAZING DIFFERENCE.......... on a 24 inch screen SHI* for BRAINS?

You just saw 480p compared to 720p to 1080p

There were differences in each version and you(if you even have a display) could see those variations quite easily from 3 to 15 feet!!!!

Now of course those difference are minimized when viewing material that doesn't have things like text and other nonmoving objects
calibration tools use specific patterns that the display and video chips have to stand up to
you don't want distortion of any kind obviously but this is the real world

this is why calibration systems use a VARIETY of programs to determine a display's usefulness

but still, the view that you cannot calibrate by eye is absolute BULL****
of course you can't print off detailed spec sheets from your mouth but know one needs to

everything to your eye, depending how much experience you have gained, drug use, sleep, etc. is exactly what you will be actually seeing (not a spreadsheet) so learn to trust yourself based on individual experience with various displays and systems

trained specialists know in the gut what looks right because of there constant hands on approach to calibrating, not because a computer tells them

so go by your gut not by some forum, actually test these things yourself and make your OWN opinions, Don't spout off Bull**** like you are some sort of engineer or something because you obviously are not

computers cannot tell you if YOU like 6625 degrees or 5865 degree for color by the way, that is subjective


Here is just one of many calibration overviews for PHOTOS on monitors, and a good website besides the one you listed--if you hadn't caught on, I am not sure how much you use AVS but you must not crawl those forums that often they have all you need to know about calibrating displays, chief


Maybe you could read a few more things about what you don't know about, many links from the main article


I would suggest you learn about pixel pitch first off there dude, and that would be here in dot pitch


Of course these are STARTER articles, GOOGLE these terms for more if you wish

Next time you want to BASH someone involved firsthand in the industry make sure you know what you are talking about, DON'T SEND ME TO A ******* WEB PAGE I will just send you to one

People like me that play VIDEO GAMES 4 feet away from the screen can easily spot details missing on a 1080p vs 720p version of the same game

HELL, why don't you to Eurogamer and look at the differences on their scientific 360 vs PS3 comparisons
notice how the 720p capture is a lot smaller than the 1080p capture

yes they look similar but when you blow that 720p image up to the size of the 1080p image it doesn't look as similar anymore--too bad they don't do these comparisons for you they only analyze ps3 vs. 360

anyway, in photoshop, the 720p image just got a lot blurrier and that is because the .92 million pixels of 720p cannot handle being blown up to that size without sacrificing something--that is the advantage of 1 million+ more pixels

YOU ACT like dot pitch is just somehow changed in the display for however large you want it to be, and that the advantages of smaller dot pitch somehow just disappears on smaller displays

ehhhhh, no

That is not true, you get what you buy

1080p displays from even 3 years ago have worse dot pitch than the best 720p display but even then all that extra resolution still makes it look better

we are talking 2,073,600 1080p pixels vs. .92 million 720p

only a fool like yourself would say that 1 million pixels MORE only matters above 40 inches or so

If you have a 1080p display you will notice the vast difference in the environments, textures, etc when pumped up to NATIVE 1080p ON ANY SCREEN SIZE I WILL REPEAT ANY SCREEN SIZE, above 20 inches

and we are not talking sitting 20 feet away on state of the art video chips for 720p compared to the worst 1080p chip on the market, this is an objective comparison best handled by objective testing, but since we don't have all those tools for each other we are doing the webpage thing because it is simple and true

NO, then you are verified idiot

For your information, I have been involved in over a hundred arguments/discussions on that board

They are also the same people that compared 1080p vs. 720p and said 720p has no difference compared to 1080p at 10 feet and 100 inch screen

THE KICKER: they were using the best 720p equipment on the market, and the worst 1080p equipment

Point is moot, you have to have the same equipment video technology to accurately compare things, and they usually don't have anywhere near fair comparisons on those boards

THAT is why I give you the computer comparison, because it analyzes pixel pitch waaaay more accurately and fair than a movie does with the same resolution

You have to have a really nice screen to keep up on web pages and 720p doesn't cut it at any screen size don't even bother arguing I am working on a 24 inch screen did you not GET THAT ALREADY, for the sole purpose that 720p on a 24 inch screen is just not nearly enough resolution for web pages or text

TRUST ME ON THAT, been doing it for a while now

so in the end that ******* link says absolutely nothing, those AVS forums are for fanboy spasm lovefests

crank5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

Re: I am too lazy to explain the difference to you. Just read this post by people who know what they are talking about. Of course, you have no idea what you are talking about so.................

Let me guess, you are 15 and wildly excited about yourself

Your theory about moving away from tv's and the 50 inch 40 inch thing is so full of UTTERLY COMPLETE BULL**** that at times I wonder how sympathetic you are to the delusions in your small head

PIXEL RESPONSE, PIXEL PITCH, RESOLUTION, get these terms through reading about them not trying to define them from your limited standpoint and you will not look like an IDIOT

Do you realize that anyone with half the knowledge I possess could single you out as a total noob, you don't state any facts or even words standardized by the industry

the way you assume things and then direct me to some else's viewpoint says you know nothing yourself

so thanks for that unintelligible mess of a response GENIUS

The most redundant PWN you could ever get from a fanboy....... absolutely NO FACT and COMPLETE CONJECTURE ON THINGS YOU DON'T EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND

I am too lazy

Well, I am not, so read the post and uh, have fun doing it JOHNNY WAD LOL

Douche Bag

Scenarist5924d ago

Crank...well said. I know a bit more than the average joe when it comes to this stuff . definitly not as much as you (pro)

and I have been saying the same thing on other forums of course in much less detail. What kills me the most is 90% of consumer dont even know what the real details are to look for when buying a tv or monitor, and you would be surprised as to what peoples questions are when searching for a tv or monitor. NO one that I have ever came across ever refers to ppi or dot pitch or the measurements

Most just argue over 1080 vs 720 ...occasionally they argue over contrast ratios or more rarely aspect ratios , and everyone expects perfection out of the box or as seen on display out of the box
i love tech first and self school myself for the most part and second i just so happen to be a salesmen and installer who does NOT calibrate tvs on a pro lvl but i do calibrate em...and as far as pro goes im a sound guy and i do calibrate those systems on a pro lvl

and as far as screen size goes you can only take recommended viewing distance into account...since at a fixed distance say 20ft a 50 inch and a 20 inch looks different at the same resolution DUH cuz your not going to sit 20 feet away from a 20 inch tv

anyway bubbles for you and dont mind my grammar and punctuation ...i just type

Skizelli5924d ago

You people pick the stupidest things to argue about. Talk about Small D#ck Syndrome.

Perkel5924d ago

pff BTW i have enought of stupid people who think 1080p (or any bigger resolution) is good only above 40inch or more. It's like fight with air...

Crank bubble for u for time spent fighting with air ^^

Daurelus175923d ago

MGS 94
MGS2 96
MGS3 94
Average 94.6 / 100

Halo 97
Halo 2 95
Halo 3 94
Average: 95.3 / 100
UR trying to compare the scores when MGS came out on the ps1 while the other 2 game out one ps2. mg2 on the ps2 was better then halos 2 score while halo 3(360) got the same as MGS3 (ps2). not to mention the halo scores go down since the game never changes. try to compare something else there buddy

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 5923d ago
mintaro5924d ago

60 people online for a *console* (key word) will be tough for any developer. but if anyone can do it, its insomniac

PS360WII5924d ago

This coming from someone who could only get 8 people multiplayer? I suppose if you look at it that way it would be challenging.

wallace10005924d ago

I might have misinterpreted what you said but if you are referring to halo 3, big team battle is 16 person multilayer.

PS360WII5924d ago

ah, well no you didn't misinterpet me and I guess that why I got 5 disagree's ^^ I've only done 8 people multiplayer games must of missed out on the 16 maps :(

P4KY B5924d ago

8-12 player games allows you to hold a grudge against someone and make it personal.

INehalemEXI5924d ago

You can also play those games too in R2 your not forced to play 60. If its not your bag you can enter a game with 8-12.

CRIMS0N_W0LF5924d ago

in battlefield 2 i saw the most tactical matches ever with 64 players.

socomnick5924d ago

Crimson who cares nobody's talking about battlefield 2 go bend over for your pc already. Pc gaming is dieing live with it.

kwicksandz5924d ago

Unless your in a huge clan match gtfo its a giant deathmatch at that player count.

gambare5924d ago

R2 won't have 30vs30 only, I bet there will be 8vs8 game modes, then you can take someone personal ;)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5924d ago
Show all comments (272)

Ranking the Resistance Games From Worst To Best

While it's been on ice for as long as it was around, the Resistance franchise has no shortage of quality.

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Knushwood Butt741d ago

My take:

Single player
3, 2, 1

3, 1, 2

3, 2, 1

I beat the lengthy single player in 1 multiple times and spent hours in the online too. Plus 1 featured my home town! Special mention to the audio design in 1: playing that with surround headphones blew me away.

Note: I have the platinum for Resistance 2.

Eidolon740d ago

Resistance 1 MP will always be my favorite. Call it nostalgia or whatever, but that was my jam, felt more balance, natural.

Miraak82 739d ago

i have the platinium too , 10k kills in online ranked matches was no joke . Took me 3-4 months straight grinding but it was fun . To put it in perspective you only got like 25 kills per match if you were 1st place every match that's at Least 400 matches in 1st

Sciurus_vulgaris741d ago

I only played the 3 main Resistance titles. My ranking would be;
1. Resistance 3
2. Resistance: Fall of Man
3. Resistance 2

GoodGuy09741d ago

Man I loved 3's campaign. Another gem stuck on the ps3 and who knows if insomniac will go back to the franchise.

fr0sty740d ago

Resistance, Warhawk, MAG, Motorstorm, there's so many first party gems on PS3 that Sony has just left to die...

P_Bomb740d ago

Never played Burning Skies but I still have Retribution.

monkey602740d ago

Burning Skies was about 3 hours long and rather inconsequential. You haven't missed anything

porkChop740d ago

Honestly, Burning Skies was shit. There's no two ways about it. At first I thought it looked terrible, then I second guessed myself. Big mistake.

darthv72739d ago

Retribution has this really cool feature where you could use a PS3 to link a controller to it and play. So if you had a 2000 or 3000 hooked to a tv, you can use a real controller. All of this predates the PSP Go's ability to sync a sixaxis to it via bluetooth.

Yui_Suzumiya740d ago

Resistance 3 was shocking and brilliant. Loved it.

Show all comments (40)

Why Resistance Was So Incredible

While the studio is best known for Spyro the Dragon, Ratchet, and Clank, and Spider-Man back on the PS3 the studio broke from creating platformers and made one of the highest regarded science-fiction first-person shooters of all time. This was Resistance and it remains one of Sony's most acclaimed and dormant franchises.

Read Full Story >>
Jin_Sakai1096d ago

Really wish Insomniac would bring back Resistance!

darthv721096d ago

Agreed. Until they do a new entry, I'd love to get the two portable games remade into console versions. Maybe in a nice compilation with the mainline titles.

monkey6021095d ago

Burning Skies wasn't a great game.
It was only a couple of hours long and there was nothing memorable about it.

I'd love a new entry

darthv721095d ago

^monkey, hence why it should be remade into a better version.

SullysCigar1096d ago

Resistance 3's campaign was gorgeous for the time - and an awesome game to boot.

monkey6021095d ago

I remember being put off by it because McHale wasn't the MC but it turned out to be my favourite campaign

CBaoth1095d ago

by and large though the Resistance IP featured many protagonists (4 altogether I think if you include the portables). One of the reasons I enjoyed it was not being shackled to individual story arcs. Very rare for a major franchise.

Army_of_Darkness1095d ago

My favorite resistance game as well! It seriously had creepy, scary a$$ moments bro! It made me want an action horror game from insomniac!

Mr_cheese1095d ago

Remember playing this through online co op with the move controller and gun attachment! What a game!

BlackIceJoe1096d ago

I've said in the past I'd like to see this series return and have it take place years later, like in the present.

I'll give you an example if I'm not mistaken the last game ended in the 50s, so if it was to take place some time in the 2020s you'd have an opportunity to see how the world changed after the fall of Chimera and all the new technology that came out of that war.

Just like in our universe we all know WW2 happened, but we never experienced it, so if the next Resistance game takes place years later so too would people in that universe know a war look place against the Chimera, they just wouldn't know what it really was like.

So getting to see how that universe would respond to the Chimera reemerging would be interesting.

Imagine a little kid talking with his grandfather about the war and the kid just thinks it was just a made up bed time horror story and what was said was worse than what really took place, but now that the Chimera come back the kid will find out why years later the old timer adults were still waiting for the Chimera to return.

I think there is great potential for this series still and I really believe the best way forward for Resistance is make it have a time jump too.

So hopefully this series will return.

Dragonopolis1095d ago

Great Idea. I'd play that version.

Resistance was a great game and of all the remasters.... I would play a great remastered version of resistance series as well

waverider1095d ago

I was blown away when i played for the first time Resistance on the PS3. Great Game. Also liked very much an played for hundred of hours the Co-op of R2. The SP campaign of R3 is also excelent. I really hope that Sony and Insomniac annouced the Remaster of the Series and a new chapter. They got story to do that.

Jambola121095d ago

Resistance 2 was one of the first few games i played on ps3 and I loved it, would definitely finish that again :D

Chevalier1095d ago

I loved all the Resistance games. But part 2 online was amazing. The Marksmen for the Spec Ops type class when it was fully upgraded was such an amazing weapon. Oh man I wish they release all the games again and let us play part 2 online again.

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Insomniac should bring back Resistance now that it's part of Sony Worldwide Studios

With Insomniac Games now under the Sony Worldwide Studios umbrella, the studio could bring a new Resistance game to life.

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PhoenixUp1725d ago

Insomniac didn’t feel all enthusiastic at continuing the series after the third installment

I don’t see how them getting bought out would encourage them to make a fourth game when they could work on another new IP or a sequel to Ratchet & Clank or Spider-Man.

Plus the third game ended on a deserved bittersweet note with a sense of finality against the Chimera. It’d be soul crushing even for this series to make all those sacrifices go to waste

purple1011725d ago

Nah. Just a new killzone from guerilla games please.

Let insomniac do a platform game..

Gaming1011725d ago

Thing is, there can be multiple teams doing multiple projects. One Insomniac team can do Spiderman, another can do Ratchet and Clank, another can do Resistance. It just depends on whether Sony is willing to grow the team enough and pay for more offices to do more work.

Fluttershy771725d ago

@Gaming101 multiple teams like Bioware doing multiple projects

NiteX1725d ago

The last Killzone game was lame. And there's no doubt Horizon 2 is there next game.

Gaming1011725d ago

Fluttershy, Insomniac isn't Bioware, dummy.
There are plenty of publishers with multiple teams running multiple projects. Sony has several studios with numerous ongoing projects and teams. I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for plebs to grasp but the disagrees keep coming in lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1725d ago
PhoenixUp1725d ago

I prefer another Killzone over another Resistance

Brave_Losers_Unite1725d ago

I dont. I love killing Chimera

UltraNova1725d ago

I want a semi-open world(think GoW) greedy, violent and super heavy atmosphere Killzone with KZ2's controls/feel with the best weapon audio possible and full on stealth elements for additional choice of approach.

As for Resistance (boy do I love this IP) I think Insomniac could do this game justice if they rebooted or continued the story with a different character. I just crave for Insomniac's weapon design ingenuity! As for multiplayer, they can go all out on a BR mode with some asymmetric PvPvE elements thrown in there like huge Chimera beasts dropping into the map at some random point and the team who kills it gets legendary loot.
Man just thinking about a modern Resistance game with a proper AAA BR made by Insomniac makes me salivate.

PhoenixUp1725d ago

I love doing so too, but there has to be context behind it.

Killing the Helghast for example is entertaining gameplay wise as much as it is narrative wise because of all the lore behind it all.

The Chimera were said to have been defeated for good after killing of converting 90% of humanity’s population as well dramatically changing earth’s climate. If after all that the Chimera came back even stronger than ever, then would be far too bleak for there to ever be any reasonable chance of defeating them for good.

Movefasta19931725d ago

Killzone has one game that's very good(2), resistance has three.

PhoenixUp1725d ago

Dafuq? Killzone 3 was received just as well as Resistance 3 was.

And Killzone: Shadow Fall sold more than the last mainline Resistance game, showing that there’s more interest in the former series than the latter

CanadianTurtle1724d ago

KillZone Shadowfall was a borefest. GG has wrote themselves into a hole with the story for that game. I don't know how they're going to fix that.

Resistance has much better gameplay, world building, story, enemy designs, weapon variety, campaigns, etc. In terms of campaigns, Resistance is leagues better. But in terms of online multiplayer, I'd give that trophy to KZ.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1724d ago
-Foxtrot1725d ago

I'd like to see them reboot it and go back to what Fall of Man was like

They could always do a reboot retelling like they've already done with Ratchet and Clank then do something completely new with a sequel

I'd love if they could restructure Nathan Hale and make him a better all rounded, developed character spanning the entire trilogy. At the end of the second one he could be transported to their world or something

Resistance 3 had a nice ending that closed the book on everything so I wouldn't want them to spoilt that, too many games come back and do the whole "Oh that great evil you got rid of? Yeah it's back"

Yobo51725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

I'm still amazed at how little recognition is given to the first resistance from "fans" esp the narration of RFOM during custscenes. Cornelia Hayes did an excellent job as Rachel Parker she gave the world an authentic sense of atmospheric urgency and dread that I haven't seen matched since Halo, It was even more engrossing at times then gears. The multiplater on Resitance 2 though just looked like saints row 3 version of gears...

Knushwood Butt1725d ago

The sound design in RFOM blew me away. Playing that with surround sound headphones was and probably still is awesome.

1725d ago
janus2251725d ago

Ah RFOM! The multiplayer was SO smooth at the time. Even with a 350 mo- 500 mo connection. That was my first online experience back then!

Knushwood Butt1725d ago

Agree. I think the series has run its course. I'd rather see a great new IP.

badz1491725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

they can start with an easy one. Resistance Trilogy Remaster for PS4 and includes trophy patch for RFoM. there is so much win in THAT. BUT...ONLY if they let us have back Resistance 2 MP...THE WHOLE THING!

that would be one hell of a housewarming gift for the fans!

Inzo1724d ago

"It’d be soul crushing even for this series to make all those sacrifices go to waste"

I have always felt that there is room for more. For instance the Chimera could have sent out a distress signal just before the tower/ship blew up to the real threat to humanity or what if thanks to the virus Nathan Hale somehow survived?

darthv721724d ago

There are five games in the Resistance series. I think they could at least take the two portable ones and give them a proper big screen remake, like the GoW portables on the PS3 got.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1724d ago
ABizzel11725d ago

No. let them work on what they want. I loved Resistance, but Insomniac proved they can work on New Ip and are hitting their Prime with the release of Spiderman, so let them work on what they want, and have a smaller 3rd party remake or remaster Resistance, and see if there's an audience for it.

Fist4achin1724d ago

Agreed. A new IP would be welcome. They've proven they can make a solid FPS, so let's make a new one!

xX-oldboy-Xx1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

Insomniac should do whatever they want, they deserve every freedom to deliver the game they want.

SyntheticForm1725d ago


When developers do what they want their products turn out better and we all benefit. When they're ready to do Resistance they'll do Resistance.

TheUndertaker851725d ago

That's why they were independent and claimed to want that independence. If they wanted that freedom they should've stuck to their guns. Not took a payoff.

SyntheticForm1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

You're making it sound nefarious when this is hardly the case. There's a mutual trust here.

They know they'll be free to do what they want under Sony. Total autonomy - of course not, but Sony will likely approve and back anything they do.

This isn't to say Sony won't have any say - they'll likely encourage the immediate continuation of Spider-Man, but I doubt they'll mind and the fans sure won't.

Overall Insomniac is happy and trust Sony, or they wouldn't have taken the deal.

xX-oldboy-Xx1725d ago

TheUndertaker85 - Haha, c'mon mate - Sony will let them do what they want. This acquisition makes sense on every level.

There needs to be mutual respect between publisher and developer.

They'll find that respect at WWS, this is good for Insomniac. WWS has a huge talent pool and they share knowledge and resources amongst each other.

Very excited to see what Insomniac can achieve under WWS.

TheUndertaker851725d ago


“ "It's hard for people in any industry to accept change, especially when you've been focused on doing things one way for so long," said Ted Price, Insomniac's president and CEO, in a recent interview with Polygon. "But as an industry, we're being forced to become comfortable [with], or at least accept, that change will be a constant for us."”

“ According to Price, Insomniac's independence is crucial to its ability to continually adapt to changing circumstances and try new things in all areas of game development. "We've always loved the opportunity to experiment with ... early on, game design models; now, delivery mechanisms and new platforms," he explained. And Insomniac's corporate culture ensures its employees are always challenged to "think creatively about not just game design, but how [they're] delivering [their] games and what audiences [they're] addressing with [their] games."”

“ Insomniac attempted to combine its history of creating hardcore games with a new platform, Facebook, when it began developing Outernauts in 2010. Price explained that the studio wanted to try a new business model but still deliver an experience that core gamers would appreciate. The company turned to Electronic Arts for help with the first half of that equation, and it didn't work out because, as Price put it, "the monetization and viral features that we had put in turned off a lot of the audience that we were hoping to attract."”

“ "I'm very proud of what we did with both those games because we took creative risks," he said. "And I think as a developer, taking creative risks is something you have to continue to do, even if people are telling you that all they want is the same recycled stuff over and over again."”

Movefasta19931724d ago

I think he means that sony shouldn't be too involved when they are making a game, just trust them to deliver if they want to make a new ip

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1724d ago
Imalwaysright1725d ago

Fingers crossed for a RFoM remaster.

xX-oldboy-Xx1725d ago

Fair chance any remaster would be done by BluePoint. They've done amazing work this gen.

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