
Retro Corner: Super Smash TV (MasonicGamer.com)

MasonicGamer.com: Another Retro Corner coming your way and I’m looking at Super Smash TV, the SNES version to be more exact. Now I’m not going to lie to you, this game isn’t really all that great but it’s still something I remember fondly from the old days and that’s basically what Retro Corner is all about so it’s worth talking about.

Super Smash TV is the twin stick shooter of the SNES era, okay cool thanks for coming everyone. See you at the next Retro Corner where we will be taking a look at…
Ah you were expecting more huh, well let’s dive a little further but don’t expect the most in depth Retro Corner ever, this one will be short and sweet just like the game we are talking about.

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The Best Hidden Gems for the NES

How hidden can a gem possibly be? I mean, we’ve had like 35 years to discover these games. Presumably, they were never really hidden. This list should be more like Games You Forgot. Regardless, these are some affordable games that you will probably enjoy if you're an NES fan.

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Jiub1093d ago

If "Platoon" doesn't have Willem Dafoe, I'm not sure I can buy it.


Gruesome, unrated video games kids used to play (part 2)

Video games have an ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) rating on the front of the box, and retail stores do a pretty good job of enforcing them. But back in the 80's and 90's, anyone could easily purchase, rent, or insert a coin to gain access to violent titles.

Let's check out 14 old, bloody, disturbing games that unsupervised children played the crap out of.

THR1LLHOUSE4432d ago

Damn, video games used to be so cool. Those screenshots of Punisher on the bus are like, the best.


The Evolution of Xbox Live Arcade


From humble beginnings to today's sophisticated download game service.

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