
The Darkness 2 DLC Cancelled by 2K Games

TheNexusNews.com reports that according to Digital Extremes (The developers behind the Darkness II) will no longer work on a DLC for the game, 2K Games (the Publisher of the Darkness II) decided against it.

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DarkFireHawk4197d ago

I really liked the game, if there were any DLC released I would have bought it. Too bad the Publisher voted against it, but its ok. Wish them all luck on their future projects.

-MD-4196d ago

It's a shame it only sold 560k units, the game was short but awesome. One of the best games of 2012.

I really do hope we get a 3rd one.

Omar914196d ago

is this really how much it sold? I was expecting better especially since it was multiplat. its a shame. I loved the first one. skeptical for this one but decided to buy it anyways and it was great! loved the gore in the game lol

DarkFireHawk4196d ago

Yeah, the shaded pixle style felt right at home. I was not expecting it to feel so right for the game. The story was also awesome and had a great ending. Although I wish I could see what happened next, hopefully they will cover it in the next game? hopefully :D

BattleAxe4196d ago

The game was good, but way way way too short. I"m not sure why they even bothered making this game since it bares little resemblance to the first game in terms of gameplay. It only took me 5 hours to beat this game on normal difficulty. Theres no excuse for that. I'm glad I only paid $10.00 for this game on Steam during a sale.


The Darkness 2 is now available for free on Humble Bundle for the next 48 hours

Hunble Bundle is currently offering free copies of The Darkness 2 for the next 48 hours. The Darkness 2 is an intense first person shooter that – according to its description – delivers a twisted and gripping narrative of tragedy, modern crime drama, and supernatural horror.

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roadkillers2257d ago

This is why I don't buy video games anymore. I have a huge Steam backlog and developers are gracious enough to offer their products for free. Fortnite is free, Darkness is free, lots of good free games. Thanks Humble

masterfox2257d ago

Nice thanks for the heads up.

2257d ago

The Darkness II received huge price cut on Steam

The Darkness II has received some huge price cuts, the game is currently available at just $5.99  on Steam, 85% lower than its original price $39.99.

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UltraNova2387d ago

I had a blast with the 1st one. It was perfect. The 2nd not that much, was pretty forgettable tbh and the cell shading, although beautiful, was not my kind of tea

That said, if they make a 3rd one they should make it a bit closer to the original's...vibe and looks.

kevnb2387d ago

Its not even made by the same team, I hate when publishers do that.

veicht2387d ago

I still enjoyed 2, it still kept some of the neat things from the first one. Having said that, the first is considerably better, I'd rather the 3rd (somehow) end up being made by machine games which seems to be where a fair amount of the darkness/butchers bay devs ended up.

chris2352387d ago

are we talking switch ports again or why is another lastGen game in the headlines?

ctrlxthroat2387d ago

I'm still hoping for a pc rerelease of the original.

Venoxn4g2387d ago

I personally enjoyed this one more than first game (even though I think first one is good too)


The Darkness: A Greek tragedy for the video game age - G4@Syfygames

Matt Ferguson from G4@Syfygames writes "When I think of tragic love stories and star-crossed lovers, I can't recall a more heart-wrenching example than Jackie Estacado and Jenny Romano from The Darkness. What begins as a romantic story between two people from very different worlds ends abruptly in a horrific tragedy, drawing many parallels from the works of Classical Greek tragedians and epic poets."

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Smokehouse3022d ago

I agree! That was a great game with well played characters.

Kallisti3021d ago

Still own a copy of both of them. The Darkness III on PS4/PC/XONE would be awesome.