
Skyrim is better when it's a family affair

Bitmob - I haven’t touched Skyrim in almost a year. What, you ask, could have possibly torn me away from its awesomeness? Getting married in January. To a non-gamer.

swice4200d ago

"With the release of Dragonborn on December 4th, I’m looking forward to a whole new level of immersion. And maybe, just maybe, I can get my husband on board."

I wasn't expecting that.

Dynasty4200d ago

Lmao! Neither was I. No problem with it, though.

swice4199d ago

It's kinda like experiencing the ending of the original Metroid for the first time lol


Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

ScreenRant's Stephen Tang writes, "The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be releasing for a while, and in the meantime, the modding community has been making Skyrim into a next-gen game."

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GhostScholar8h ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder4h ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.


Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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I'm Replaying Skyrim (again), and So Should You

Replaying Skyrim after 13 years is a reminder of the progress made in western RPGs over the last decade, but also what's been lost.

anast59d ago

I tried, but it's a poorly made game that insults its customers.

lucian22959d ago

nah, only mods make it decent, and even then it's bad, and this is after i modded for at least 3 years

Nittdarko59d ago

Funnily enough, I'm about to play it for the first time in VR with 1000 mods to make the game playable, as is the Bethesda way