
Why Borderlands isn’t on Wii U

Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford comments on why Borderlands hasn't been brought to Wii U yet.

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Godchild10204211d ago (Edited 4211d ago )

I hope they do some companion app thing for the Vita for the PS3 version of Alien Colonial Marines. Along with an companion app for Smart Glass for the 360 Version.

I really can't wait to see how they take advantage of the Wii U and the Gamepad. I hope it's more than just the map on the screen and/or easy weapon changes and item uses.

sinncross4211d ago

Honestly, I just want Borderlands 2 on my PSV. I know they want to do it but need resources or something, so hopefully Sony helps them along.

NukaCola4211d ago

Borderlands on Vita would be stellar and would work very well. I also really want a Fallout on Vita, with the Vita utilized like a pipboy3000.

xXBlondieVanHarlowXx4211d ago

That would be very cool. Unfortunatley Bethesda can barely get Fallout to run on the big consoles, the Vita would probably melt in our hands :(

Godchild10204211d ago (Edited 4211d ago )

I don't want BL2 on the Vita. I want a complete new BLs on it. Its been far to long for a port of the game and a new one built from ground up would be better. In my opinion.

This is a comment towards Sinncross.

Jinkies4211d ago

Suppose it could always tell you the story of when Jack came to Pandora and started to take over....how the original vault hunters tried to defend New Haven before they were defeated and had to form Sanctuary.

Although I'd rather they hold off with the old vault hunters and let us play them in Borderlands 3


With BL2s ending it seems obvious that the old vault hunters will be playable in the next game, going after the other vaults.

Ron_Danger4211d ago


Not all of them :-)

Jinkies4211d ago (Edited 4211d ago )

I'm sure they'll come up with a new character...Gaige is a Mechromancer could replace him.

Long as I can play Lilith with her new powers I'll be fine.

Lilith - New Siren Powers

Brick - Has a melee weapon now, could dual weild could still use his fists. Maybe you could choose your action skill

Mordecai - Has a new Bloodwing so it could be differnt from the one in the first game.

vickers5004211d ago

Or they could just hack a new u station and bring Roland back or something.

Here's a line taken from the borderlands wiki of the new u station: It stores a character's DNA against the possibility of "accidental death or dismemberment" and can digistruct an entirely new body to replace the recently deceased one.

Meaning if they wanted to, they could logically bring Roland and possibly bloodwing back.

Jinkies4211d ago (Edited 4211d ago )


Oh yeah....I guess that New U station is a pretty big plothole in a way. If they uploaded themselfs to it in the first Borderlands then really they are still linked to it in the sequel.

Plus if we are going to get any "Hyperion owns that so Jack wouldn't let him be brought back" BS, then why does he let the vault hunters he's trying to kill register on it in the first place, he locks the bandits out from it.

Then if you say the vaults hunters wern't supposed to use it cannon wise then Roland is still registed because he had died because they wrote it into the story thus him actually using it. Hell why was Angel not even registered to it or even Jack himself.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4211d ago
KMCROC544211d ago

So want them to make a game from scratch, for a handheld
that is barly sell even w/ blactops 2,AC 3 released for it.not sounds like a bad investment.

Godchild10204211d ago (Edited 4211d ago )

The port wouldn't sell any better. By the time the game is released the console version would be 40 dollars and why would I buy the same game on a handheld that I could get on my home console for the same price or less.

Declassified and liberations sold well on the Vita and is still selling. And those were made from the ground up, shadowed by their home console counterparts. So, your point is?

KMCROC4211d ago

@Godchild1020 borderlands has been out for sometime now it would be a waste of resource to make a vita game now, as for the AC3,BLOP2 they were made at the same time as their console versions so their cost was already include in the budgets for those games.(that"s my point)

Jadedz4211d ago

Haven't played it, so it would be a new experience for me.

s45gr324211d ago

What a hilarious guy this Randy Pitchford is and I quote from the article:

"Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford told GamesMaster that Borderlands isn’t on the system since the team has not yet thought of “a natural, obvious, ‘OMG, I want that for what the Wii U brings to the table’ feature.”

But for Aliens colonial marines this is what he said:

"“But with Aliens, the first thing we thought was ‘Holy sh*t, I can have a motion controller in my hands!’ When it’s there in my lap it feels like I’m part of the movie.”

I mean wish more developers had this kind of humor when asked say questions.

bubblebeam4210d ago

Randy has always been hilarious, his humour really shows in Borderlands.

I still deciding what console to get Colonial Marines on. Might get it on the Wii U if the motion tracker/game-pad thing works out.

Wii U gamers should be able to enjoy Borderlands 2 as well.

Wolfbiker4211d ago

Yeah because Borderlands doesn't have a use for something that can make item management simple and intuitive.

That's a poor excuse for no port. The Wii U can do anything the PS3 and 360 do and maybe better.

MariaHelFutura4211d ago

You might be right in the future, but as of right now there is no evidence to support that claim...sorry.

knocknock4211d ago

Are you sure? I'm not sure you are, in fact I'd happily hinge money on the fact you don't own all the platform or are truly clued up on the hard ware difference between any of them, and please don't reply with some copy and paste info from some review/dev/wiki site that you didn't wright. Pointlessly knocking the wiiu is just as bad if not worse than pointless fan boyisium.

MariaHelFutura4211d ago

I own almost every system ever made, which will include the Wii U once they sort out some of the issues I have w/ it. I dont even understand how you even came to the conclusion I'm knocking the Wii U. I'm not at all. As of right now, the games DON'T look better than their other console counterparts. Including games made from the ground up for the Wii U, like Mario Bros U and Zombie U.

Wolfbiker4208d ago

Good thing I'm from the future.

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