
Hitman Absolution patch is on the cards

A possible edit of the disguise system in Hitman Absolution is on the cards, as fans have moaned about the current set up rather a lot.

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ThichQuangDuck4214d ago

I am playing on purist and understand what they were going for. However how it was implemented more feels unfair to the player. I love Splinter Cell don't get me wrong,but hitman was more about social stealth. His weapon of stealth was disguises to fit into the social environment. This becomes to a point of too realistic and not fun. Defeats the purpose of calling it a game so much. Gamers want to goof off even if it doesn't necessarily always make sense. Enemies instantly recongnize you in disguises even if you are far away. I hear other difficulties are the same way. So I am glad this is being patched.

Muffins12234214d ago (Edited 4214d ago )

Yea,i think that acully ruined the game for me.Whats the point of even disguising if they recognized you in 2 seconds.I mean,they pretty much force you to go gun blazing to kill your target or get past people.... i honestly hope they just scrap the detection system for the disguises.Hope there's a mod that does this.

2pacalypsenow4214d ago

Im playing on Hard and dont even bother using disguises since they dont work very well I rather sneak and hide but this patch sounds really good im loving this game so far even tho blood money is much better IMO

ChipChipperson4214d ago

Yeah, I was playing on one of the professional difficulties my second playthrough and it was way easier to just sneak moving from cover to cover than getting a disguise, of course, there were sections where the disguise was absolutely needed to get through using stealth tactics like that courtroom level.

Valenka4214d ago

Thank God. While I didn't have much of an issue with it, at least they're listening to the fans. Now all I can hope for is being able to choose which weapons to take with me during missions.

CC-Tron4214d ago (Edited 4214d ago )

The player should also be allowed to start a level with a disguise. It's makes no sense for Agent 47 to start a mission wearing an expensive suit that would stand out in any crowd.

SnotyTheRocket4213d ago

Ah, yes, but Agent 47 looks like a badass in this expensive suit.

Eyesoftheraven4214d ago

Plays too much like they wre attempting to make Metal Gear Solid.

2pacalypsenow4214d ago

Not really MGS didnt introduce disguises until MGS 2 in 2001 in hitman its the base of the game since 2000 Hitman Absolution plays nothing Like MGS and In MGS you dont hide among the people 2 different types both good in what they Do

Eyesoftheraven4214d ago

It's not an open sand box, pick your load out and execute a plan like the old games. Your constantly running from the police and sneaking past guards over performing dedicated hits.

Ducky4214d ago

^ It is still a sandbox.

For the more classic type of gameplay, there's contracts mode.

ab5olut10n4214d ago

Hopefully it'll be an option to change the system so the people who do like it can keep their play style intact. But this is pretty cool, devs acting on player feedback this quickly.

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When Hitman 3 recently changed its name to Hitman World of Assassination, fans had no idea how meaningful the moment was. On the outside it looked like a simple thing: Hitman 3 would now be known by this name and include levels from Hitman 2 and 3 - the trilogy would all be in one place. But on the inside, at IO Interactive, much more was going on.

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QuantumMechanic450d ago (Edited 450d ago )

You mean destroyed it with this tethered single-player campaign BS... And only the first few levels of the third modern game were on the disc! I'll never support this crap at any price-point! They've lost me as a customer.


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ToddlerBrain791d ago

Hitman is, and has been, a remarkable series developed by some of the best. Some are better than others, but every Hitman is challenging and fun.

Sure, there have been some stumbles and fumbles, but always in pursuit of the perfect Hitman game. The most recent trilogy is a masterclass in level design.


Hitman: Absolution is currently free on GOG.com

Hitman: Absolution: 72H for FREE. There's no gimmick here, just CLAIM IT and it's yours forever