
Former Free Radical staffers on what happened to TimeSplitters 4, lack of publisher interest

TimeSplitters 4 was officially revealed in 2007. A year later, developer Free Radical Design went into administration.

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Snookies124211d ago

Lack of publisher interest!?!? GAHHHH, just put up a dang kickstarter then!

Freak of Nature4210d ago

I totally agree! I would support this in a flash. We need games like this. How some games get the green light, and then games /series like this get no support is mind-boggling...

I sure hope this sees the light of day someday, if not it will be a real shame...

Rupee4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

They have a petition online:


If there are enough 300,000 signatures Crytek will seriously consider developing another game or at least an HD collection. I'd encourage all you guys to sign if you're interested. :)

*edit* here's a link to their Facebook page as well:


Enigma_20994210d ago

No need to sign that. Just wait until Crytek needs money.

DOMination-4209d ago

TS2 is one if my favourite games if all time but honestly if you play it now its awful. If they rerelease then it would have to be a full remake.

NYC_Gamer4211d ago (Edited 4211d ago )

I can't stand the politics that goes on within the gaming industry

hennessey864211d ago

Say time splitters was getting a bit boring in the end so I'm not really bothered about another one

-Mika-4210d ago

I agree. It was a pretty overrated series. I played the games and It wasn't really anything special. I remember picking up one of these titles and the story was non-existent. I remember finally finishing the game and the character just flies off into space and then the credits rolls. I was pissed.

jimmywolf4210d ago

@hennessey86 an -Mika-

am sure you both trolling hence 1 bubble but everyone has freedom of speech

what made the series enjoyably was the over the top action it also had variety of game modes achievements even had level editor in one them which was fun

DA_SHREDDER4210d ago


Noobs will never understand.

Eyeco4210d ago

That was Timesplitters 2 easily one of the best console shooters ever made, so what about the story ? that wasn't the main attraction of the game, it was the fast paced arcade gameplay, ridiculous characters, and crazy guns, the game had allot of charm, and was increibly lighthearted something thats non existent in todays pretentious, political war shooters like COD playing those games with 2-4 of your friends is ridiculously fun, i miss those days. :-(

execution174210d ago

what?! all 3 of them were amazing, idk how many hours I played playing splitscreen with my friends just about every night

Locksus4210d ago

The only TS game I've ever played was TS2 and I have very good memories of that one.

Venoxn4g4210d ago

I actually loved Timesplitters: future perfect.. didnt like second too much, but future perfect had awesome humorous story and everything else was good

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4210d ago
iNMyFiN4LH0uR4210d ago

I think the publishers had a point, although timesplitters remains one one of the best multiplayer splitscreen experiences last gen, this developer had a disastrous start to the current gen by putting out Haze. So i can understand the skepticism of a publisher that is about to invest a couple million in a project.

jimmywolf4210d ago

if that true their best bet is remake HD collection to prove their still demand for a sequel an generate interest for the series again

or worse case scenario am sure they break even an be proven right the series is dead or not popular enough to remake

Eyeco4210d ago

But then look at Borderlands , i know there different games but there in the same ballpark, colourful characters , various enviroment's , light hearted humor, Co-op/ multiplayer focused, fast paced, arcady gameplay.

Borderlands 1 sold surprisingly well something like 4.5 million copies thats incredible for a new ip and especially for such an obscure genre, there is an audience for a game like Timesplitters, a game like that would easily stand out in a industry saturated in , grey, blood soaked, military, shooters easily. It just needs clever marketing.

FlairSomewhere4210d ago

Haze had so much hype going in!
And then it was announced that 360 & pc development had ceased...

J86blum4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

Best couch splitscreen games from last gen:
1.Timesplitters 1-4(Nothing like running around as the smallest character so everyone had to aim down.)
2.Turok 1&2(Cerebral bore' nuff said.)
3.N64 Goldeneye (Remote mines with the infinit cheat on in multiplayer)
4.N64 WCW games (remeber everyone picking Goldberg and spearing everyone.)

...ok Now I want to get the N64 out, some controlls, friends over, and some booze'. Is it weird I enjoyed those more then Gears of War, Call of Duty, and games of now. Im not jaded or acting like an elitist, just way better times.

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TimeSplitters 4 prototype found on eBay and gameplay may emerge soon

Somehow a PlayStation prototype of TimeSplitters 4 has been unearthed on eBay, and many are waiting for the package to meet its new owner.

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XiNatsuDragnel92d ago

Excited to see these prototypes out there and I hope the internet can play them.

aaronaton92d ago

From the leaked screenshots, it looks better than the recent cancelled Timesplitters game imo.


Dead Games We Want Back

Many high-profile games have been canceled. Here are the ones that should come back in some way, shape, or form.

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isarai1883d ago

Necessary Force

Gimme those and ill be happy forever

UltraNova1881d ago

Now that is one MP game I miss. Bring it on, provided its not messed up with predatory MTs.

KillZallthebeast1881d ago

I loved mag until they patched it so much it was unrecognizable a year later. They gave into people whining.

Kornholic1881d ago

I don't remember them patching it like that. What happened?

KillZallthebeast1881d ago

eventually even prone light machine guns couldn't shoot straight even if you tap the trigger, and assult rifles became basically the only relevant weapon. It's been so long though I don't remember all the details, but it was beyond just that. I still fondly remember it though. Get a squad of 12 friends and you could turn and entire 256 match alone

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1881d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris1882d ago (Edited 1882d ago )

Some of these games were never played by or released to the public....how do we know they were ever actually good?

Christopher1882d ago

People let their imaginations go and filled in the holes.

anonymousfan1882d ago

I have no clue if scalebound would have been any good... But the game was marketed well enough that I wish it hadn't been cancelled :/ To be fair loads of games that were good and sometimes great were "brought back" and were total disasters (Duke Nukem comes to mind for example).

Godmars2901882d ago (Edited 1882d ago )

By all counts the Scalebound shown at E3s was not what the actual game in development looked like. If such is true, or if the four player co-op thing, then its stronger reason why they canceled it. Why it was so long development before it was.

nitus101882d ago

Having looked at the trailer for Scalebound I was appaled by the cringe-worthy voice acting although from the very limited time watching the battle scenes the game IMHO had potential.

ILostMyMind1882d ago (Edited 1882d ago )

Actually, the trailers were really boring and the demo of the gameplay was crap in performance. The desire for a good game has created a hype campaign in this game.

InKnight7s1882d ago

Versus XIII, MM3, Matrix Online and that Ps3 Superman game.

Germaximus1882d ago

I always wanted to play Matrix Online! Never got a real chance

Deadsinister1882d ago

bring back a new Dino Crisis.

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A Wishlist For A Possible TimeSplitters Reboot

THQ, make our dreams come true

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Zjet2037d ago

As long as it supports offline bots and offline splitscreen i am happy.