
PlayStation.Blog: Warhawk v1.3 Patch details

Dylan Jobe, Game Director of Warhawk, is excited to announce the new, and free, update for Warhawk – the v1.3 Patch!

There are 5 key additions in this update that add a ton of value for the current and future Warhawk players:

1. Mechanic's field wrench
2. Bio-field generator
3. HOME game launching
4. New VOIP options
5. New paint schemes & insignias

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SmokeyMcBear5960d ago

oh lord this is sweet... home integration, biofield... oh man this is gonna be good

sonarus5960d ago

yea the fact they are talking about home makes it seem like it might be coming soon. Maybe we will hear an announcement at GDC. I am more interested in the new weapons or equip though. Warhawk needs to ramp up advertising warhawk is a great game but almost no one knws about it. Almost 10million ps3 owners at least 1million of them should own warhawk by now. I can already see myself with the bio field generator on my tank for clowns who try to stick to the tank so you dnt shoot them. lol The wrench also adds a lot of team support to the game. Great job incognito.

coltsfreak185960d ago

Im hoping that the wrench is a starting weapon. The tanks seem to overpower troops way too easily. I always jump on top of the tanks, hoping that a team mate can save me. With a wrench I can own it mammoth style with teammates. The biofield generator will be great for flag defense, carriers (place it on the jeep). I hope these don't replace the mine. I AM hoping the wrench will totally replace the knife.

sonarus5960d ago

Thanks pirate
@coltsfreak i have had some of my best kills on foot against tanks knowing you managed to take out a tank/a plane while on foot without a rocket launcher obviously is crazy satisfying. My best kill was a tank with 2 ppl in it so while the other guy stuck his head out of the hatch i jumped on the tank and cut him with the knife then i laid a mine right on the tank the guy driving saw me ran out so i hopped in the tank and blasted him. hahaha still laugh when i think about it. Action in warhawk gets so fast paced sometimes you are gettin sick kills on the fly

coltsfreak185960d ago

I wasn't really saying I can't get kills against tanks. I always jump on top of them until the guy jumps out. I then get in and blow him up. Some people are clueless. My best kill is when I did a no scope from the Island outpost base to one of those tall towers. I was trying to no scope somebody in front of me, but I hit the guy hundreds of feet away. (then i knifed the close guy, and then i got blown up by a freaking mine). I am hoping for free levels, because I am glitched (long story don't ask), and I can't buy content for warhawk, but I can DL anything else. I hope they fix the knife recognition glitches.
my .02 dollars

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J@D5960d ago

That mean that the Home its closed to be release. It just a matter of wait a little more.

pwnmaster30005960d ago

da wrench reminds me of ratchet an d clank cuz u can hit people with it

sonarus5960d ago

is it jst me or is warhawk begining to remind me of star wars battlefront 2. That was a great game on ps2 never played it online cus i didnt own an xbox and only went online with my ps2 once or twice. But battlefront was great the whole rench thing is like the fusion cutter

coltsfreak185960d ago

I got to legendary with everything in that game. The fusion cutter was my best weapon, andI loved it how you had teammates that actually fought, and possibly won without you doing anything. One of the most fun singleplayer games I've played because of the multiplayer singleplayer mode feel. The multiplayer wasn't half bad either :D

hella whip5960d ago

Home integration released?! I may be getting my hopes up but it sounds very much like Home is coming soon, and i mean within a month or two!

Superiorrior5960d ago

Right the f*ck on! Bought Warhawk last week from eBay, just in time too!

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Roundtable: Dead Game Franchises We Miss

With every big game now belonging to a big intellectual property, there are those that have become redundant. Here are the series' we miss.

RPGer1135d ago

I miss Dark Cloud I mean damn, Dark Cloud 2 is one of the best Action RPG game ever made. The game have: Rich Worlds, different setting, tons of contents, vareity in gameplay like never before (and even after), best buliding mechanics, crafting system like no one did and finally impressive graphics.

Most underrated game ever. It deserved the popularity and sales of Zelda and Final Fantasy. ut unfortunately, Level-5 and Sony didn't advertise it at all.

titans99991135d ago

My franchises I wish would make a come back, are Battlefront by pandemic studios - galactic conquest was the best, mercenaries 1 and 2, and prototype 1 and 2...great games!


Remembering Warhawk – one of the PS3’s first multiplayer must-haves

TSA writes: "For many PS3 owners and members of the TSA community, Warhawk was our first foray into the mesmerising world of online multiplayer. Now, after more than a decade of dogfights, the skies over Eucadia are clear, the game’s two warring factions having called an eternal ceasefire. To put it in less poetic terms, Sony finally pulled the plug on January 31st with the online servers no longer accessible."

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ArchangelMike1917d ago

I hope we do get a next-gen Warhawk, that would be awesome. Warhawk was so underrated for it's time.

SegaSaturn6691916d ago

This game...my god. What a masterpiece.

mkis0071916d ago

I really enjoyed warhawk on ps3. Hope it isn't dead because of Starhawks average reception.

Knushwood Butt1916d ago

Time just flew by when playing this, and I always had that, 'just one more game, then I quit for the day.' urge.

Spent entire days playing it. Not healthy, but endless fun.

PoSTedUP1916d ago

after a very long hard days work i would come home and drink a few coors light 24 ounces while playing this game on my vita through PSnow, for hours and hours. it made me happy. it is one of those experiences i will never forget.

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Sony Plays Nice, Renews Life of Servers for Warhawk and More Until January 2019

Back in September 2018 Sony broke the news that online servers for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sounds & Shapes, Warhawk, and Twisted Metal would be going offline on October 25th. Sony has now given them an extended lease on life.

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TheColbertinator2047d ago

Warhawk had a good run in the early PS3 days

jukins2046d ago

It's still very active considering its age. The primary reason I had and will reactivate my psnow subscription

tucidic2046d ago

Wyatt . if you think Benjamin `s rep0rt is unimaginable... on friday I got Mitsubishi Evo after I been earnin $8977 recently and-even more than, ten thousand this past munth . it's by-far the most-financialy rewarding I have ever done . I started this eight months/ago and straight away started making a nice minimum $72.. per/hr .
try here .......... http://tiny.cc/9ygp0y

bouzebbal2046d ago

I wish killzone was extended as well

2046d ago Replies(1)
Majin-vegeta2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

Guess I can now plat all stars😁

porkChop2046d ago

A Warhawk remaster or remake would be nice, but we know Sony isn't going to bother.


I only diagree because please dont say that. We have had zero games like this so far. No MAG, SOCOM, TWISTED METAL etc...

TheSaint2045d ago

I'd kill or die for a MAG 2 on PS4.

Babadook72046d ago

Yup. Remaster or better yet. A remake.

FunAndGun2046d ago

Please, for the love of all things gaming, make a Warhawk remaster. I logged on for Warhawk day last year, and promptly got destroyed by ground and air. Some hardcore players still playing today. Warhawk is my favorite MP game ever made, hands down!

Sevir2046d ago

Honestly, Warhawk and the original Resistance was pure multiplayer bliss on PS3 in it's first few years on the market. If they did a ground up remake of Warhawk for PS4 I'd be so happy. In similar to how they did Wipeout Omega collection on PS4

Concertoine2046d ago

I miss the simplicity of early 7th gen shooters.

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