
5th Cell - No system-wide accomplishments system on Wii U

5th Cell talks about the Wii U's accomplishments system.

Godchild10204223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

After having them on the XB360 and on the PS3, I grew fond of them and that might be the reason why I play my Vita more than my 3DS. I will still pick up the Wii U because of Zombie U and Pikmin 3.

Achievements and trophies give me that extra push to play a game a second time and do the extra stuff. The only time I did that without the trophy/achievement incentive was with GTA:SA.

RivetCityGhoul4222d ago

personally i think achievements and trophies hinder your experience with a game. because people focus on doing the certain requirements to get them than focusing on the game itself. nintnedo understands this that's why their is no sort of achievement system like that with the wii u. i commend them for that, sure achievements are nice but they aren't needed. they certainly don't give me the push to play a game again.

FACTUAL evidence4222d ago

Well I'm sorry "if", I'm saying "if" you try to go for trophies first instead of enjoying the game first. My thing is, I don't even bother to look at the trophy list until I've beaten the game, so I could enjoy the full experience without worry about the next trophy. If I get a trophy, SWEET, if not i keep on playing. I personally love the achievement/trophy system. It's a good way to add extra playtime throughout the game, and is a good way to have little competitions with your friends for giggles.

RivetCityGhoul4222d ago

tbh i don't go for trophies at all. i just try to reach 100% in the game itself. so your "If" is just that a "if"

tehpees34222d ago

Again, it isn't something that prevents millions of people buying a console. It paves the way for DLC abuse by pushing people's need to get 100 % on everything. And it really says more bad about it if you can't play games without them.

Sure there are people who care. But how many really?

bicfitness4222d ago

I've never seen a trophy set that you couldn't platinum without DLC. MS' achievement system is different, but you can still have hundreds of games and achievements from all over the place and a respectable gamer score.

sorceror1714222d ago

My highly minimal set of platinums needed no DLC. (Infamous 1 & 2, Terminator Salvation, Sly Cooper 1). I'll get to plat on Batman:AA and Just Cause 2 one day, too, and they don't need DLC.

morganfell4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

Really? That's like saying it's advertisers fault you bought something. I know Obama was re-elected but do we have to become a worldwide society where we do not have to take responsibility for anything we do or fail to do? Are you so weak that publishers are able to victimize you with some DLC trophies or achievements? What's next, the President appoints a cabinet position of fairness to stop game companies from victimizing you? Do you not see how that sounds? If they make a sequel aren't they also playing you and your weak will? I am not necessarily indication you personally but I think you get the picture.

knocknock4222d ago

IMO it would be more fun for games to have most off not all accomplishments locked out as secret, stops ppl going for the achievements as if that's what the game is, it's always more fun IMO when you pull of a good achievement on the fly than trying to beat it possibly after resorting to a guide anyways kind of defeats the point if you solely aim for it. But that's just my opinion.

rytlok4222d ago

i dont care about them anyways

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Scribblenauts Developer 5th Cell Suffers Layoffs

2016 has been a hard year for game studios, with Lion Head and Press Play Studios being closed down, and the layoffs at Carbine Studios, there have been good people in the industry out of work. It seems you may soon need to add another studio to that list. 5th Cell, the studio behind Drawn to Life and Scribblenauts has suffered serious layoffs today.

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itsjustexuma2997d ago (Edited 2996d ago )

Warner Brothers and 5th Cell should consider porting the game to consoles and the Vita

PancakeLova2996d ago

Thought they were already dead like rest of original esque developers.

MilkMan2996d ago

Scribble N is a hot mess. They need to rethink that series and make it into something that makes sense.
As it stands, it's hard to like especially with games that offer similar action and execute better. Max and his marker come to mind.


5th Cell's Anchors in the Drift - Why Did It Fail

Marcus Estrada writes: "Anchors in the Drift was just the second crowdfunding campaign on Fig.co. Fig, for the uninitiated, is a newer entrant into the gaming crowdfunding space. Featuring just one campaign at a time, they position their utility on the fact that they offer the potential of actual investment into the projects people back. Anchors in the Drift was to be the newest game from the skilled folks over at 5th Cell."


5TH Cell - Makers of Scribblenauts - Announces New PC Game "Anchors in the Drift"

5TH Cell, creators of Scribblenauts, seek investment and rewards crowdfunding for new PC game.

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generalwinter3149d ago

Loved Scribblenauts so I hope this is just as good.

MzDino3149d ago

Looks really interesting. I'll have to check it out.

Digital_Anomaly3149d ago

$500,000 crowd funding goal is steep for an indie game. They must have some big plans!

COGconnected3149d ago

This looks interesting. I loved scribblenauts, so I am hopeful this will pan out.

GrapesOfRaf3149d ago

The art looks super cool but it's going to take a lot for the card system to win me over.