
IGN: Myth Makers: Super Kart GP Review

by Lucas M. Thomas:

Myth Makers: Super Kart GP "is one of the dozen different budget games recently published by quantity-over-quality- focused Conspiracy Entertainment. And, expectedly, it's a pretty bad and forgettable product overall. But while its glitchy, frustrating gameplay restricts it from ever really offering much fun, there is some redeeming value in certain bits and pieces of its presentation".

First Myth Makers Super Kart GP trailer

The first trailer of the recently by Data Design Interactive announced game Myth Makers Super Kart GP for the Nintendo Wii has already appeared on the net. Race across holiday and fantasy inspired tracks with a cartoony flourish.


Data Design Interactive has added six titles to the list of upcoming Wii titles.

Data Design Interactive a Leading Value Price video games publisher and games developer has announced that they have secured developer status for Nintendo Wii, and are in the process of porting 6 of their leading titles for the Wii format, the first batch will include: Monster Trux Extreme: Offroad Edition, Urban Extreme, and the Myth Makers range of Super Kart GP, Billy the Wizard, Ninja Bread Man, and Elviz - Rock n Roll Adventure these are due for release in second quarter 2007, DDI will follow these 6 with another 6 later in the year.

Stewart Green MD of Data Design Interactive, stated "We have been developers for the past 24 years and we have seen many new consoles but the Nintendo Wii controller is exciting. Rather than just offering faster graphics and more memory this is the first real innovation in hardware, and because of the ease of use and dynamic control we can see both new games and new players being brought into the games market. Our Mythmakers range of titles have sold over half a million units and with their family friendly and cartoon style they are ideally suited to this Nintendo market, but we are not playing safe. Of the 12 titles we have planned for release we also have the 18 rated Earache Extreme Metal Racing. A Death metal music game, which will open up the Wii to a whole new market."