
Remembering… Castlevania: Curse of Darkness

Curse of Darkness was that game that sat in my collection for years, purchased in 2006. The road traveled was fraught with some frustration and the end result was me stuck in a quicksand where I couldn’t overcome Death and Legion. After figuring out my priorities at the time, I had set the game aside knowing that when it came to games built from the JRPG mold, if you’ve made it far on the neglect of certain secrets or having not dared to obtain the knowledge stowed in the GameFAQs coffers, it’d usually equate to uphill struggles doused only by restarting from scratch.

[Stew Chyou, Thunderbolt]

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DivineAssault 4211d ago (Edited 4211d ago )

didnt care for the 3D iterations of castlevania other than LOS.. I absolutely LOVE the series tho & still have this & lament of innocence on PS2.. Matter of fact, i own EVERY Castlevania game ever made except the sega genesis version.. 2D pixeled sprites is how this game needs to be & stay.. Hopefully mirror of fate is worth the $40.. I will no doubt buy that and LOS 2 when they release day 1

Whitefox7894211d ago

I would love for them to make a Metroidvania game with high res sprites such as in Blazblue or in KOF 13 I mean the standard for games is in 16:9 ratio which means double the width and height of ratio of the screen which leads to bigger rooms and areas which leads to a humongous castle with who waiting at the top for us? Dracula sipping on a wine glass full of blood and eating pot roast (Ideally by saying this I would want the game to be about the events prior to Aria of Sorrow where a young Julius Belmont and company destroyed Dracula forever).

sdozzo4211d ago

Yeah, LoS was awesome. Can't wait for number 2.

tweet754211d ago

this is the best 3d castlevania game

Whitefox7894211d ago (Edited 4211d ago )

I personally really liked it, it surely felt more like Castlevania along with Lament of Innocence then Lords of Shadows did (not saying LoS is a bad game, what I am saying is that I can look at CofD and LofI and instantly recognize it as Castlevania where if I look at LoS I don't see Castlevania I see something else [coming from a guy who's played every CV game including the gameboy one's Adventure, Belmonts Revenge, and Legends]).

cj1pate1014211d ago (Edited 4211d ago )

Ok first off I remember this game has some terrible dialouge and enlgish dubs if i remember correctcly. speaking fo 3d castlavania games check out the n64 games legacy of darkness. SOmeone just relieased a hd texture mod awhile back. Does the game wonders and wow does it look so much better =). This is from some girls hd texture pack for castlevania 64 to get an idea how the legacy of darkness one works.

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Terrifyingly Bad: A Look Back At the 3D Castlevania Games

If you decide to play a Castlevania game, make sure it's in 2D. Unfortunately, the series has never been able to make the jump from 2D to 3D successfully. Publisher Konami has tried. Six times in fact, but whether trying to build it in-house or with a third party developer, they never captured the essence of the series or make a good game for that matter. So just to be sure you know what to look out for, here are the six 3D Castlevania games that have been made.

isarai1676d ago

I loved the hell out of lords of shadow, lords if shadow 2 had its moments but just didnt leave as much of an impact on me as the first did, still loved it though. They are both great games IMO, maybe not the best "Castlevania" games but great games in their own right.

RememberThe3571675d ago

Yeah that first game was legit good. Really wish they hadn't taken a step back for the second, this series really looked great in 3D.

AK911675d ago (Edited 1675d ago )

According to one of the former devs of Mercury Steam the higher ups kept interfering with the sequel to the point where the game was nothing like what the dev team had envisioned for the sequel so we got the mess that was Lords of Shadows 2.

PhoenixUp1676d ago

I enjoyed Lament of Innocence and Lords of Shadow. They were entertaining titles and I wouldn’t mind trying Lords of Shadow 2 on PS Now.

Just because a game isn’t GOTY worthy does not mean it’s not worth playing. You could do a lot worse than those exceptional titles.

Abcdefeg1675d ago

Curse of darkness was ahead of its time

Hedstrom1675d ago

I really liked lament of innocence and Lords of shadow! Havent tried the other 3d games. But ive played most of the 2d games!

gangsta_red1675d ago (Edited 1675d ago )

I don't know why Castlevania: Lament of Innocence gets a bad rap. It was one of the best in the series at that time and really was a compliment to the Devil May Cry 3rd person style of action that was getting popular at that time.

I rented it on a fluke and was seriously surprised on how good it was. So much so I went out and bought a used copy of Curse of Darkness and instantly returned that trash.

The problem with Nintendo 64 games is they all tried to mimic the Mario/Zelda 64 style of gameplay and how could they not with that whacky ass N64 controller. Almost every game outside of Nintendo's own felt horrible and incomplete.

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Top 10: Worst Castlevania Games

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "It’s been a Castlevania-packed week here at Link-Cable as we’ve spent nearly every day covering the series and reminiscing about our favorite moments from the revered franchise. But now it’s time to turn away from the light and take a deep dive into the darkness that is the worst games from the series. Yes, while the vast majority of games that bear the Castlevania games are genuinely good there’s enough monsters lurking in the shadows to fill us with dread of ever stepping back into Dracula’s castle. So grab your whips and your wall-meat, things are about to get"

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MWH1908d ago

It's unfortunate how LOS2 turn out, great gameplay mechanics let down by mostly bad level design and dull story.

LoS1 is among the best games i played, it reminded to rush into judging a game without trying it.

ShockUltraslash1908d ago

LoS2 had good combat.
It's how the end of the game was lackluster and felt unfinished.

Eien1908d ago

Knew that Number 1 was going to be Castlevania Judgement. So many people judge the game without even playing it. It was a fine game with some flaws like most games, no where near the worst.

william_cade1908d ago

Simon's Quest is one of my favorite games of all time and ahead of its time. It felt like an action rpg, the day/night cycle was awesome and different, and when I figured out how to take the tornado to the other side I was excited. I beat the game in the early 90's and still have great memories playing it.

I know this would never happen but I would love to see a From Soft remake of Simon's Quest with Miyazaki developing it. It would hold up well as a souls-like experience.


Simon's Quest is always the bastard child of the good Castlevania. It was frankly ahead of it's time.

Vanfernal1908d ago

It's "cool" to hate on that game. Apart from being obtuse because of the localization, the atmosphere, gameplay and music still makes it one of the most memorable Castlevanias. It laid the groundwork for 2D exploration games down the line.

rataranian1908d ago

Castlevania 64. End of story.

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Castlevania: Curse of Darkness - Retro Reflections

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

Castlevania: Curse of Darkness is a member of a long line of games that started on Nintendo Entertainment System during the eighties. The hero was an intrepid hunter of supernatural threats who set off to find and defeat Dracula. These games, combining hack’n’slash action with platform negotiation and exploration, were loved by many people; unfortunately I haven’t tried any of them. Besides Curse of Darkness, the only Castlevania game I have played is Chronicles on PlayStation.

ZaWarudo3117d ago

lol of all the Castlevania games you played, Chronicles is one of the only ones?
My condolences.

Anyway, Curse of Darkness kicked so much ass. I remember pumping over a 100 hours into it.