
‘Assassin's Creed Anthology’ listed for PS3 and Xbox 360, first details revealed

An online retailer has put up a listing for “Assassin's Creed Anthology,” revealing the first details for the unannounced Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 collection.

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GraveLord4228d ago

Definitely something I would be interested in. I missed all the AC games and I'm not interested in the fillers. Price seems way too high though.

LOGICWINS4228d ago

I'm getting the Ezio Trilogy(retail price $39.99, possibly $29.99 on Black Friday) and AC3(retail price $59.99, possibly $39.99 on Black Friday). I'm not interested in buying AC1 since it's arguably the worst in the series.

If you want to know what went on in AC1, Gamespot created 5 comprehensive vids of all significant events that occurred.


Kalowest4228d ago

AC:Revelations comes with AC1, that's another easy way of getting it.

KUV19774228d ago

Only the first editions did.

knowyourstuff4228d ago

LOL I really don't understand how they justify that pricetag... all you get is AC1 and 2? Really? Brotherhood was amazing and so was Revelations, which comes with AC1. Go get AC2, Brotherhood and Revelations for 10-20 bucks each these days, then get AC3 when you're done with them, which will be in several months given how long they are, and AC3 will be cheap by then. Heck, you might even find a Black Friday or Boxing Day deal for it, at which point you'd be looking at around 60-80 bucks for the whole series!

Horrible deal for this if you ask me.

Nimblest-Assassin4228d ago

For $192?

Because you can buy all the AC's except for 3 pretty cheap

Blacktric4228d ago (Edited 4228d ago )

"In addition to Assassin's Creed 3, “Assassin's Creed Anthology” will also come with Assassin’s Creed and Assassin's Creed 2 according to the product description from the online retailer"

I was going to say the same thing. This is ridiculous if true. AC3 costs 60 dollars so AC1 and 2 is worth around 130 bucks?

kneon4228d ago

Typical non-sale prices for the AC games

AC - $15
AC 2 - $20
AC 2 Brotherhood - $20
AC 2 Revelations - $30
AC 3 - $60

For a grand total of $135. And you can often find them on sale for less. So unless this comes with all kinds of really cool extras it's just not worth it.

TenkoTAiLS4228d ago

So it's pretty much like the Mass Effect Trilogy then? Not worth the money and each game can be brought for a total price much less than the collection and still have the same content.

It does seem that game companies are taking the money for nothing stuff a bit too far, and I guess it will continue as long as people keep paying for all the overpriced stuff.

toxic-inferno4228d ago

AC: Brotherhood is in no way a filler. To understand the main storyline (Desmond in 2012), you definitely need to play Brotherhood. Before ACIII, it was the game that advanced the story the most.

Revelations, you can miss though. Nothing hugely relevant happens in that game that you can't just get from a read of the synopsis.

Crazyglues4227d ago (Edited 4227d ago )

Wow watching this I just notice two things...

One... the graphics have come a long way, AC3 looks amazing compared to this.. Man they have improved graphics 10x what we thought was amazing- just wait until your on the boat in AC3... and the weather system OMG.. amazing (I'm loving the game so far)

Two... the voice of Desmond is the same guy from Uncharted's Drake... LoL ...priceless

(don't believe me, just listen carefully and start watching this video at 18:45)


slapedurmomsace4227d ago

Terrible price though. They're cheaper individually

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4227d ago
GillHarrison4228d ago

I agree, I always wanted to give this series another try but there were so many iterations already I just didn't want to buy them all.

Campy da Camper4228d ago

Loving AC3. I have spent hours in the forest with Connor just running through trees and collecting things. Just hit 12 hours and I am finally getting my ship built for that guy and just started manor upgrades. Any other game and I would have beat it a couple hours ago. I still have TONS more to do.

4228d ago Replies(4)
DivineAssault 4228d ago

lmao! no way in hell.. Theres a PS3 collection thats way cheaper & just buy part 1 used lol

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ZBlacktt3851d ago

Well, for starters AC4 is mind blowing good! The visuals, environment, story, game play, new main lead. Even as much as I looked into this game over the last 9 months. Playing it now it's completely topped all my expectations.

I'd like to see it go to China or Egypt.


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mightyhokie3854d ago

Well, I've played AC1, AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations, AC3, and the DLC for those games. So I haven't played AC4 (which I have preordered for the X1) so I don't know about Edward Kenway so I'll leave him off the list, as well as the french black chick from the handheld game - i don't know her name sorry).

#1 - Ezio Auditore
#2 - Altiar
#3 - Connor

and funny enough, if Haytham Kenway had been an Assassin he would probably be above Altiar for me. Very very cool guy. Well..for a villian. =D