
Assassin's Creed 3 vs Revelations: A Visual Comparison -- How Much Has The Series Evolved?

"The Assassin's Creed franchise has come a long way since it's inception with the original game set in the Holy Land back in 2007. We already have taken a look at each of the four canonical titles (and AC3) in our retrospective series, in terms of what they brought to the series, but just how different will the latest game, Assassin's Creed 3 be from the previously-latest game in the series, Assassin's Creed: Revelations? How different will the game be visually?"

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ab5olut10n4214d ago

so many ads on this site they play over one another. don't bother.

Nimblest-Assassin4214d ago

Adblockplus son!

Anyways... anvilNEXT is not a frostbite 2, or a ND engine

Its a gameplay engine

I_LOVE_MYSELF4214d ago

It's amazing how little AC changes. It gets released yearly, makes minor changes and the gaming community accept it.

CoD on the other hand gets released yearly, makes minor changes and the gaming community tear it to bits.

Assassins Creed is a fun franchise, but its entertainment value is starting to wear thin for me.

grailly4214d ago

so many people I know skipped brotherhood and revelations, that's why you see less complaints. Only fans buy AC yearly

Cam9774214d ago

I get what you're mentioning there. If they don't take a years break after III then I can see it going extremely stale as a series.

Baka-akaB4214d ago (Edited 4214d ago )

You are not even making sense there imo .

A few exception asides (basically maybe the upcoming BO2), beyond those minor changes , it doesnt even bother truly updating its graphics . There are even eps that looked a bit inferior in graphics to the original MW (like world at war), with the trade off of displaying more objects and particules .

Of course it should be teared apart and criticized . Even most sport franchises actually update vastly their graphics and gameplay once every 2 or 3 games . Fifa actually even introduced a new and never seen before physics and collision engine last year .

The comparison with AC isnt even valid and in Cod's favor . AC1 and 2 are vastly different in gameplay , content and graphics . the spin offs far less so , but still introducing new big elements like mp , basically a second game released alongside Brotherhood .

AC3's engine is different in scope and graphical details , and there is an abundant of gameplay changes while keeping the game's spirit .

I_LOVE_MYSELF4214d ago

You don't make any sense either imo
Basically you are saying that you can keep putting out the same game every year as long as you update the graphics?
You talk about AC's inclusion of MP, but you're forgetting that CoD adds new features with their instalments too.

Theatre Mode, Combat Training, Zombies is basically a game in its own right for many.

Updated visuals do not make it okay to pump a franchise out every year with minimal differences. CoD should have updated by now, but even if it had better graphics all the "gamers" would still moan about the gameplay.

Assassins Creed should not be held at much of a higher standard because gameplay wise it is the same thing year in and year out.

Baka-akaB4214d ago (Edited 4214d ago )

If you wanna pretend that's what i'm saying , cool.

My point is that even sports franchise , usually accused of milking stuff make the effort of updating the graphics , when they dont improve the game and add stuff as well . That's at least common courtesy and standard practice till this gen .

COD hasnt added much in comparison to many franchise gameplay wise , even if some new modes deserves their just praises , and yet dont usually even bother updating its graphics .

of course it should be judged in that aspect , given other standards .

"You talk about AC's inclusion of MP, but you're forgetting that CoD adds new features with their instalments too. "

No i'm just saying that AC went from a full sp game to adding a mp game to its franchise with brotherhood .

"Assassins Creed should not be held at much of a higher standard because gameplay "

Except it's not the same gameplay and content wise ... and is and should be held in higher standards , as it keeps going above them , at least for numbered eps .

So Cod had more modes over the years and new weapons ... good , cool even . Who doesnt ? And didnt it still look the same most of its release since MW ? Well yeah .

How is it keeping up with the usual standards then ?

To me the comparisons between the two franchises dont even fit , given the enormous gap of changes and works within AC compared to current Cod . Seems just like bitterness and attacking randomly a franchise with numerous games to me .

Of course a franchise will retain it's core and not always revolutionize itself every new game ... that's the point . But there is a fine balance to have between additions and change for those , and still the tradition of actually improving the tech and graph for those franchises . It's not even a either graphics or new gameplay , but if you can't have both , usually studios strive for either .

I_LOVE_MYSELF4214d ago (Edited 4214d ago )

Still digging your hole there I see.

"COD hasnt added much in comparison to many franchise gameplay wise"

From CoD3 to CoD4 they added the perk system which has totally changed a majority of games online since everyone seems to be including this system.

"Except it's not the same gameplay and content wise ... and is and should be held in higher standards , as it keeps going above them , at least for numbered eps ."

Here is where you get destroyed. Assassins Creed adds just about as much as CoD does. I play AC2 and Brotherhood and they are the same aside from a few features... Sure I can recruit Assassins, but it doesn't add much. Just bells and whistles. In AC:R they added a hookblade! Who cares? This is just like CoD adding motion sensors in Black Ops.

And then you say AC is different in its numbered sequels and the spin offs less so. Here is the kicker... The last true numbered CoD game was 4. According to YOU it is okay until CoD5 is out.

There you have it... Game, set and match = GametimeUK as usual.

Assassins Creed is VERY similar every year and so is CoD. I would say they change about as much as each other every installment.

Baka-akaB4214d ago (Edited 4214d ago )

". Assassins Creed adds just about as much as CoD does."

Nope but let's get over it and agree to disagree .

"According to YOU it is okay until CoD5 is out.

Only if you dont read the post . I never mention what's ok or not when numbered or not . You're lacking arguments clearly and making stuff up , when my points remains the same , weither you agree with them or not .

"Assassins Creed is VERY similar every year and so is CoD."

I'll repeat it isnt and you'll keep repeating it is , without either side ever agreeing . But apparently you're winning the internet . here's a virtual chuppa chup mate .

You picked a franchise spawning multiple release that actually change it's graphics along new content and features .

Cod at best add new features so far . It's not the same , as much as you wanna charlie sheen your way into winning a presidential debate .

Anyway game set and match for you indeed , i'm slipping into a coma with that pointless convo .

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4214d ago
ghostman1234214d ago

AC3 is as different from AC2 (and in turn Revelations and Brotherhood) as AC2 was to the original. It's a true evolution to the series that, yes, we haven't had since the second game, but this one IS a lot different. I know, I've been playing it for the past day.

KUV19774214d ago

You do realize that ACIII has a completely new story, right? Arguing that it is the same game is like arguing that any game in any genre is released because they are all fundamentally the same with a few tweaks here and there. Yet the AC series has always been benefitting from a great story and thus a new entry is completely justified. It is like arguing to not see another action movie in the theatre because it's all been done before: 'people talking, walking, fighting; stuff standing around, exploding' why bother?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4214d ago
chukamachine4214d ago

Same engine isn't it, just different artwork.

I'm guessing these games are pushing the ps3/360 anyway.


Games with the dumbest NPCs

Non-playable characters in certain games are meme material, thanks to their foolish behavior. These are the big-budget games with the dumbest NPCs.

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closed_account286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

Bethesda makes the most consistently stupid NPCs, like really bad... yet I still can't help but love playing their games. Guilty pleasure, I guess. *sigh* 😩

Flawlessmic285d ago

How did redfall not make the cut.

anast285d ago (Edited 285d ago )

Every Bethesda game and Every Halo game. This list needed to have Cyberpunk somewhere.


10 Most Peaceful Areas in Games

Here are the most peaceful areas in games that are otherwise quite violent, offering players respite from chaos in the game world.

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Babadook7291d ago

My first thought was the safe rooms in the resident evil series. When you hear that enchanting music you know you’re safe.

Killer2020UK290d ago

I literally just came here to post this. That music in the Resi 1 safe rooms is playing in my head.

Rimeskeem290d ago

I was thinking TLOU work benches. Although I remember one time where it was a false security.

closed_account290d ago

Perfect. 👌👌

I'd add the top of my highrise apartment in GTA Online. That calm, quiet peace, just knowing as soon as I step out that door I will be bombarded by 8 and 12 year olds calling each other n**** and f****, trolled by combat jets and rocket launchers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 290d ago
henbayward290d ago

The entire map of SotC is peaceful as hell. Used to just ride around exploring it.

mastershredder290d ago (Edited 290d ago )

Afterlife in Cyberpunk 2077 is a peaceful area? Erm, hands down and very hard to miss, Misty Olszewski's Esoterica is the absolute epitome of peaceful areas in that game.

raiden_188290d ago

The "last of us" deer location i found to be a welcoming respite. It was nice to not have someone trying to eat me.

RPGer290d ago

Kingdom Hearts tend to present half peaceful areas and most of them are amazing.

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'Assassin’s Creed III': Ten Years Later

With the recent reveal of Assassin’s Creed Mirage and the promise that the series will return to its roots, there hasn’t been a better time to get stuck into Assassin’s Creed’s back catalog, whether it’s replaying an old favorite or getting lost in previously looked-over classic.

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SinisterMister565d ago

Ten years later, we miss the old you, Assassin's Creed.

Popsicle564d ago (Edited 564d ago )

I really enjoyed Assassins Creed 3. My only complaint was that I didn’t enjoy when I had to switch from Connor to Desmond. It’s a personal preference, but Connor’s story was just more fun for me.

On a side note, Black flag was the most enjoyable of the AC games I played.