
PSNStores PlayStation Mobile Developer Interview: sixty second shooter deluxe

Chris writes: "sixty second shooter deluxe will be releasing on PlayStation Mobile this week. As we try to do with all PSM content we wanted to let you know a little bit more about the game. So I contacted Jamie Fristrom from Happion Labs so we could do just that."

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PlayStation Mobile has been a bust, here are some suggestions on how to make it work

With some quality PlayStation Mobile titles making as little as $2000 the platform has certainly turned into a bust for indie developers. This article looks at ways for Sony to make PSM a healthy market for games, and gamers.

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Godchild10204116d ago (Edited 4116d ago )

I'm just one person, but I think I have only bought 3 games from PSM for my Vita. Life Of Pixel was one of them. It's not in a place that I would normally go to in the store.

Maybe Sony needs to make PSM its own app on the Vita, so it can be more visible.

sinncross4116d ago (Edited 4116d ago )

I think the article makes some good points. I think in general,

1) The service needs to be in tons of countries.
2) Easier to access on Android devices.
3) Its own section on the PS store.
4) First party games.
5) get known good mobile games on the service.
6) Trophy support... because people do enjoy these.

i know point 4 might put some people on edge since they would want Sony to have their studios making the big budget games they do, but Sony also has some smaller studios like Tarsier Games who ONLY do LBP DLC. Let them try make a small game or something to put on the service.

If Sony pushes it themselves with smaller games that their studios can potentially do on the side, then they will at least show that they support it. Also, they dont need to rely on new games... get EA to port over Dead Space and Mass Effect to the service... SE to bring over Chaos Rings... get some of those high profile iPhone games (that are also on android) and get them over.

gokuking4116d ago

Sony is supporting PSM to a degree, but it's their lesser known franchises like Lemmings, Numblast, and Beats. That recent Uncharted card game is something I felt very easily could've been a PSM game.

remanutd554116d ago

Trophies, i think thats all they need to add for psmobile games to become profitable.

CalvinKlein4116d ago

yup, I bought one game for PSM on my vita, alien breed and I wish it had trophies. Then they released a vita version with trophies for 2x the price. Playstation mobile is supposed to get trophies sometime they said.

Greenmanboy4116d ago

Agreed trophies.
also only 9 countries have psmobile. pretty sure there's more than 9 countries in the world

Megaton4116d ago

I didn't even know this was a thing. I remember seeing something about it a couple years ago, and that was it.

Temporary4116d ago

Same. Ive never once seen an ad for PS Mobile devices or PS Mobile games. And Im a huge Sony fan...so there's a disconnect somewhere there.

Rockefellow4116d ago

How did a blogspot ever get approved? This should have been banned instantly.

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Jamie Fristrom’s Swingin’ Career, From Spider-Man to Energy Hook: An Interview

Warp Zoned writes:

"Jamie Fristrom is a name that you might not be familiar with, but you’ve certainly experienced his work. In 1996, Fristrom became part of the original team at Treyarch and had a hand in many of their earliest hits. But his biggest claim to fame is the creation of the webslinging engine found in Spider-Man 2 (and used in nearly every Spider-Man game since). In that dark period between GoldenEye 007 and Batman: Arkham Asylum, Fristrom’s work on Spider-Man 2 proved that licensed games could still be fun.

After his days at Treyarch ended, he went the indie route and created the acclaimed XBLA game Schizoid and founded his own one-man-studio, Happion Labs. His first game under the Happion Labs banner will be Energy Hook, a game that attempts to recapture the fun we all found in aimlessly webslinging around Manhattan.

Fristrom is readying a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the game, which will likely launch in a few weeks. In the meantime, I had a chance to talk to him about his career so far and where he plans to take it with Energy Hook."

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Sixty Second Shooter Deluxe PlayStation Vita Review - Gamer Chatter

If you’re not familiar with Sixty Second Shooter Deluxe, The premise is simple. Score as much as possible in 60 seconds. Sounds simple right?

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