
Pocket Gamer: Spore Creatures Preview

Pocket Gamer writes:

"First conceived for PC, Spore is one ambitious game. Sims creator Will Wright dreamt up the evolution-based game and it's been in development for several years. In early 2007 it was confirmed the game would also be made for DS and mobile platforms (along with rumours of a PSP version, which haven't been substantiated since).

How exactly the game would work on handheld platforms wasn't explained, though. So until we got hands on with Spore Creatures on DS this week, we were in the dark as to how such a massive title – which starts you off as a microbe at the very beginning of life and culminates in a galactic phase that has you pinging about space in a UFO – would work on Nintendo's handheld."

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Insidegamer.nl Review: Spore: Creatures

Insidegamer.nl: If Darwin had been a game developer, he would develop Spore Creatures .. In this game you explore with your homemade Spore being the wonderful world and try to evolve.

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Spore's Huge DRM Backfire

"Now it has become apparent that for all EA's reputation destroying efforts to ensure punters bought Spore, they may have actually acted to entice gamers to pirate the game. Forced between a choice of downloading the game for free, or effectively renting it from EA, punters voted with their clicking finger." - gameplayer reports

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Perjoss5663d ago

That picture is kinda wrong, considering the amount of illegal downloads of games like Spore I think we ('we' being gamers in general) are screwing the DRM up the backside, not the other way around.

ThatArtGuy5663d ago

At least they're giving a reach around.

y0haN5663d ago

Nice image, I didn't buy Spore and I'm glad because above DRM the game was hugely overrated.

DoctorBonzai5662d ago

Hugely overrated would probably be an understatement.

Gosh, that game was disappointing.

Tiberium5662d ago

all I know is the people on amazon really hate the game. it has like 1.5 stars.

Captain_Sony5662d ago

That game really needed more game to it. Creation stuff was great but it should have been secondary to game play not first.


About: Spore Creatures Review

About writes: "A spin-off from Will Wright's massive world-builder, Spore Creatures for the DS keeps the creature creating but loses all the awe of Spore. With a seemingly random storyline and a dull fighting mechanic, this is a weak interpretation of one of the biggest games of the year."


* Spore Creatures has a lovely, comic book-like aesthetic that plays with 2D and 3D.
* Adding wacky body parts to your creature is fun -- for a time.
* The DS's WiFi connection lets you show off particularly crazy creatures.


* Boiling down a huge, open game like Spore into a tiny adventure just doesn't work.
* Storyline feels random and tacked on.
* The fighting mechanic (i.e. scribbling on the screen with your stylus) is boringly simple.

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