
Giant Bomb Quick Look: Dragon Ball Z for Kinect

Giant Bomb: "Though its a tale told many times, Kinect attempts to thrill us with its version of Dragon Ball Z."

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profgerbik4248d ago

This is awful. Please no more Kinect games..

Neko_Mega4248d ago

Would have been better if they stuck with DBZ Budkai Tenkaichi (I know I spell it wrong).

Gridloc4248d ago

These crap Kinect games aren't doing MS any favors. Who will buy Kinect 2 thinking it will actually be better? Not I...

sashimi4248d ago (Edited 4248d ago )

Thats why kinect 2 will be bundled with every nextgen xbox like motion controls was built around the wii so you'd have no choice. I mean if microsoft doesn't then its gonna be a pretty bad move from their standpoint seeing that they are moving in a Kinect direction. What with all the money they seem to be pumping into kinect.

kinect2 w/ every nextgen xbox sold, high possibility.

GreenRanger4248d ago

This is almost as big an insult to DBZ fans as Dragonball Evolution was.
*pukes over remembering Dragonball Evolution*

GreenRanger4248d ago (Edited 4248d ago )

Raditz: Kakarot you're a disgrace to your entire race!
Now i'll stand here doing nothing while you jump around like an insane turkey being electrocuted to punch me!

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The Worst Games of 2012

Leviathyn.com | You know what they say about games, right? For every good one that releases, two bad ones crop up. There are plenty of those to choose from. These are the worst games of 2012.

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young7yang4172d ago

binary domain was a great game.. your list is now invalid!


Dragon Ball Z for Kinect Review | GameDynamo

GameDynamo - "Similar to Ubisoft's PowerUp Heroes, all actions in Dragon Ball Z for Kinect are gesture-based and displayed on the right side of the screen. Players are able to punch at the air to start a martial art combo, shoot Ki-blasts, guard or dodge attacks through this system, depending on if the battle is in the air or on the ground. "

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Game Guys review - Dragon Ball Z for Kinect

In the 1990's on through the early 2000's, 'Dragon Ball Z' was easily one of the more popular anime titles on television. It's so-bad-its-good dialogue and voice acting was trumped only by its over-the-top fantasy martial arts and powerful super moves. Now, in the year 2012, fans have their chance of not only controlling the show's characters in a fighting game, but more-or-less being those characters in the Xbox 360 title DragonBall Z for Kinect.

Snookies124189d ago

The voice acting was really good, at least the dub was... Especially for its time. C'mon though, the dialogue wasn't that bad, the only real problems DBZ had was the crazy long pauses between talking and fighting, as well as how out of proportion the powers became.