
Lighting Up Frostbite 2: How Enlighten Takes DICE’s Engine to New Heights

PSLS: There’s more to making a game look pretty than just packing on polygons, and Enlighten’s lighting technology is evidence of that very fact. DICE’s groundbreaking game engine Frostbite 2 makes use of Geomerics’ Enlighten, and its astounding effects can be seen in titles like last year’s Battlefield 3 and Danger Close’s upcoming shooter Medal of Honor: Warfighter.

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dbjj120884252d ago

Excellent feature. I love frostbite 2, but honestly it runs like shit on the consoles. You can't really appreciate it until you're seeing it on a PC with a great frame rate.

3GenGames4252d ago

Yeah, especially with how much better FB1 was on consoles with BFBC2, it smoked FB2 in every department basically.

Hufandpuf4252d ago

um, no. Compare the movement of BF3 with the movement of BFBC. Also, there is a lot less pop-in on BF3 compared to Bad Company.

3GenGames4252d ago (Edited 4252d ago )

Animations are definitely a bit better in BF3, but graphics look like poo compared to BFBC2. I'll take worse animations with 2x as detailed graphics, 10x greater draw distance, and 10x greater textures at distances. Sound may be a tad better too, but still. Not worth what they did to it.

Might have better animations and sound, but BFBC2 on consoles is a much superior game to what BF3 is in looks, controls, and game play.

Npugz74252d ago

Yeah true it looks ok on consoles but on the PC and Next Gen consoles is where this engine is really gonna shine! BF4 I can't wait!

unchartedxplorer4252d ago

Remember that frostbite 2 is a new engine. Over time the engine will be more polished and refined.

dazzrazz4252d ago (Edited 4252d ago )

In that case I guess Dice needs my $60 in near future to "polish" the new engine so I will have basic working functions like working audio in vehicles !

DigitalAnalog4252d ago (Edited 4252d ago )

That makes no sense. You would think FB 2.0 is the "optimized" version of FB 1.0. If what you say is true, then Assassin's Creed III (new engine) wouldn't look as good as the original game. Yet it is bigger, more NPC's, a dynamic weather system a ship combat scenario, better animations/graphics, etc.

unchartedxplorer4251d ago

But that engine was optimised for consoles, just like bf3 was optimised for pc.

JasonXS124252d ago

FB2's colour palette was pretty ugly IMO and there was none of those strong light reflections and lens flare. MoH WF improves on the colour but that's all the improvement i could.see from the beta vids.


Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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masterfox573d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia573d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad573d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

573d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin573d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad699d ago

There's fun to be had here.
