
5 Most Generous Game Developers and Publishers

"Most of us like to moan about how games developers are out there to bleed every penny out of our shallow pockets by peppering us with overpriced arbitrary DLC, elitist subscription services to keep us paying for games we already paid good money for, or making us pay for ‘additional’ content that should’ve been in the game in the first place."

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kesvalk4234d ago

top 5 most generous, pic with the logo of Blizzard...

gamers really have short memory eh?

Xof4234d ago

Yeah, that raised an eyebrow on my side of the screen, too.

da_2pacalypse4233d ago

CD Project, Valve, and Rockstar are the only ones I can agree with :/

Baka-akaB4234d ago (Edited 4234d ago )

Well Blizzard used to be , before the wow and activision era . And imo we gotta admit that even if WoW kinda mandates it , as a sub based mmo , they've gone beyond what's mandatory in patchs and content ... at least more than any mmo studios , besides ArenaNet

SilentNegotiator4233d ago (Edited 4233d ago )

Above and beyond what's mandatory? They have the biggest MMO of all time.

If they want to keep 10M players for so long, I wouldn't call what they do "above and beyond". And the way they've been slowly losing userbase in general, I'd say it's closer to "scraping by" than "above and beyond"

Baka-akaB4233d ago (Edited 4233d ago )

Sigh ... just check what's usually done in terms of patches updates and amount of content for every other mmo , and you'll notice that short of them and the likes of Arena.net , or square for FFXI , hardly anyone got close .

Yeah they went above , they frickin' created a new barometer in terms of content update for following mmos and to this day keep patching to huge pace . Now whenever a big mmo appears and it's not meeting that pace , they are dropped like hot potatoes .

While most others companies were busy doing hotfixes and balances patch and throwing the occasional content bone once every few months , when not exclusively in expansions , WoW was having those hotfixes , balances patches and then also a patch 1.2 less than a month after release already adding new instances and quests .

Despite an already overwhelming amount of quest available at launch and only a few lvl 40 rushers .

I dont even like the game , but i wont just blindly criticize it for the heck of it .

Bimkoblerutso4234d ago (Edited 4234d ago )

Seriously, I don't think they understand the concept of "generosity."

Though they are nice, expansions are NOT a token of goodwill toward gamers. If Blizzard didn't think they could milk the WoW phenomenon anymore than they already had, they almost certainly would never have released those expansions. Again, not that I'm trying to badmouth expansions, but "generosity" implies a bit of self-sacrifice. It's not like they're GIVING us those expansions. Nevermind the current shady business practices they've been engaging in with the RMAH and ridiculously tyrannical DRM.

And how is some viral marketing on the part of 2K considered "generosity" by any stretch of the word?

kesvalk4234d ago

i am okay with expansions, what i am not okay is with a sub-based MMO that have a cash shop!

i am not okay, with they selling only 1/3 of a game for full price.

i am not okay with a game that you pay $60 and don't even have actual single-player (and is completely based around a auction house where they get a share of the profit, mind you.)

they can keep their old servers, they can keep patching their old games, i don't care, this is in the past and you can't judge someone by his past alone.

STK0264234d ago (Edited 4234d ago )

Well deserved in my opinion. Like the author mentioned in his article, old blizzard games still have online servers and for the most part, have been patched for a very long time, to make sure the games would be compatible with newer OS and hardwares.

In comparison, EA has a long history of shutting down servers after only a few years, and they also have left many games completely unbalanced (CnC Generals comes to mind). Most publishers do that, even Sony, who have been shutting down a few servers in the last few months.

Also keep in mind that both Diablo 2 and Wc3 have received plenty of after launch content for free, something once again most publishers don't do. And World of WarCraft, even for a MMO, has received a whole lot more of free content than most other sub-based MMOs (excluding expansion content).

I can see why Activision is seen as a very greedy company (although, to be fair, greed is part of the business), but Blizzard, even today, is still a very respectable developer/publisher that gives a lot of content for a fair price.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4233d ago
Eyeco4234d ago

Free DLC on the PC, whereas Microsoft charges it on XBL :-S

Diver4233d ago

valve and cd projekt. every version of witcher and witcher 2 are loaded with extras.

Bimkoblerutso4233d ago (Edited 4233d ago )

^ AND CD Projekt is a very big proponent of DRM-free gaming. That's a huge plus in my book. I tend to like it when I'm not treated like a criminal.

USMC_POLICE4234d ago

How about the guys that made burnout pardise? or light box for starhawk. Both gave a ton of free DLC

Redempteur4234d ago

Criterion ? they're good guys that gave free cars for NFS:Hp and burnout paradise ... nothing to see here ..criterion idea for burnout paradise wasn't supported ..it's not going to happen again ( a total shame i know )

4234d ago
Ducky4234d ago (Edited 4234d ago )

Blizzard & 2K seems a bit of an oddity. Civ5's DLC is a bit out of hand, and if I'm not mistaken, Bioshock2 required GFWL for the DLC.
Even Rockstar is somewhat shaky, considering the DLC of LA Noire. They might make good worthwhile DLC, but that's not exactly generosity.

That, and if a publisher/developer is originally charging $60 for their games on PC, then I wouldn't really consider them generous.

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2K Games Will Reveal Sequel to One of Its 'Biggest and Most Beloved Franchises' at Summer Game Fest

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Relientk772d ago

I'm assuming it will be Borderlands 4. If it's Bioshock 4, I will be Bioshocked.

shinoff21832d ago

Xcom would be much better to reveal. Been needing some xcom 3

TheColbertinator2d ago

XCOM 3 would be my dream announcement

SpacedDuck2d ago

Please don't be a other generic Borderlands Game.

They are so boring due to the lack of innovation.

Demetrius2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I doubt it's gone be mafia 4 but sheesh I know that atmosphere gone be on point🔥🔥 either franchise welcome

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on_line_forever19d ago

after what we see ( 2015 - 2024 ) in dark souls 3, blood borne , sekiro , dragon's dogma 2 , rise of the Ronin combat they should really careful and bring very good combat in Witcher 4 this time


Ex-Rockstar Dev Finally Explains Why Small Planes Randomly Crashed in GTA San Andreas

Former Rockstar Games Technical Director Obbe Vermeij has finally revealed why some planes would randomly crash in GTA: San Andreas.

Profchaos44d ago

This fly by feature was on the cutting room floor due to the random plane crashes and it's one of those things I'm so thankful made it into the final version as these random fly by and crashes make the world seem more alive on the extremely limited PS2 hardware you needed everything you could possibly get in a open world to convey that feeling.

And accross hundreds of hours of gameplay I probably died around 3 times as a result of these fly by failures but I loved every time it happened

isarai44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

It made the world feel more human, and honestly kinda insane that even today with all these open world games, almost no one can capture that like R* even when compared to their ps2 games

Skuletor42d ago

Lol, I remember those. I vaguely remember dying from one crashing into my car once too.