
XCOM Crash Fixes, Errors, Cannot Zoom, No Voice, Corrupt Game Files, and More

Find fixes for XCOM: Enemy Unknown game problems such as errors, crashes, unable to zoom, no sound, and corrupt game files.

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gamejohn00x4262d ago

lol, PC gamers and their crashes.

Snookies124262d ago

I have to lol too, even being one... It's always something... XD

dedicatedtogamers4262d ago

Because consoles NEVER have performance issues, right? Like, for example: The Elder Scrolls 5: Stutter...I mean Skyrim.

Captain Qwark 94262d ago

why i love console games lol, ill take a few less features and crappier graphics in favor of none of this crap. i dont want to spend 10-20min troubleshooting when i just get a game

RonaldRaygun4262d ago

I'm in the same boat as you, but this kind of stuff does happen in console games, albeit much more rarely. The downside is that it takes longer to get it fixed on consoles than it does on PC. If this stuff happened on the console version, I guarantee you there wouldn't be a fix on day 1.

Captain Qwark 94262d ago

very true, but again its far more rare. i havent had any game breaker bugs in a looooong while, even in bethesdas games lol ( had plenty of bugs in them though, just none that kept me from playing )

upside though, once the issues are fixed the pc gamers will likely enjoy a better game but im still pretty happy with what my 360 & ps3 have provided me for years

Wingsfan244262d ago

Love my gaming PC, but you certainly run into a lot more problems with performance issues for games.

AntBoogy904262d ago

That's because every PC is different, and every console is the same.

Somebody4262d ago

I usually but games a month or more after their launch dates. There are still games that I was still playing. Adding newer games means creating a huge backlog. Another reason is the price drop.

A positive side effect of buying games at a later date is that the initial game breaking glitches will be patched. So I seldom encounter problems like these. A negative side effect is that I will be so far behind in multiplayer but acceptable since I don't play mp very much (to avoid backlogs again).

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XCOM: Enemy Unknown - A Welcome Rebirth

XCOM: Enemy Unknown rebooted the series back in 2012, and has since inspired numerous new strategy game series to be born.

shinoff2183226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

If someone gets into this I'd recommend getting the enemy within version. It's got all the dlc included so it's the better version. Wish the author would've atleast mentioned it. I didn't see it.

Fantastic game though. Xcom 2 is top notch also. I've spent countless hours in these games.

ModsDoBetter225d ago

Excellent game.
Played to death on PS3 years ago.

S2Killinit225d ago

What other games were inspired by this game?

JL2930225d ago

Gears Of War Tactics, Phoenix Point. Many others.

shinoff2183225d ago

Phoenix point if I remember was created by the original xcom developer or something to that affect. I did try gears tactics some months ago and I just couldn't get into it. It's probably just me

JL2930224d ago (Edited 224d ago )

It was, but it was really closer to the newer XCOM than the older ones. Gears Tactics was okay but was hard to get into knowing there probably wont be a sequel.


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