
How could Dragon Age 3 use Battlefield's Frostbite engine?

OXM - News that Dragon Age 3 is going to use the Frostbite 2 engine didn't strike us as much of a surprise. EA seem to be using DICE's proprietary tech in a large chunk of their upcoming releases.

Detoxx4250d ago

Im curious about how an RPG game is going to look like on Frostbite 2, is there any in-game footage yet?

Skate-AK4250d ago

Nope. Not even a screenshot yet.

Summons754250d ago

I dunno but if it isn't the gameplay of Origins I really don't care

Dovahkiin4250d ago

The combat in DA:II was better in my opinion, but everything else was better in DA:O. Story, setting, just everything.

srcBFMVBMTH4250d ago (Edited 4250d ago )

Agreed, I felt like a bad@ss mofo in the beginning tutorial whatever when you had all your powers. haha. Combat also felt very fluid. But pretty much everything was better in Origins. Right down to the romances imo.

Pretty pissed that Bioware made Bethany your sister. The best female character just HAD to be your sister -______- Heard it irked a lot of other people too. lol

Summons754250d ago (Edited 4250d ago )

fair enough but I thought it was very slow and unresponsive compared to origins and the fact you couldn't switch characters killed the strategy. To each his own though. everything else was still awful

NYC_Gamer4250d ago

I couldn't stand the DA2 combat.Dragon Age 3 needs the tactical gameplay of Origins.

4250d ago
Ogygian4250d ago

I really hope that Bioware just give up on the combat style of Dragon Age 1 and 2 and make it more like Mass Effect with Melee or Kingdoms of Amalur. There are plenty of promising games using the retro style of team based tactical combat, and we don't need DA3 to simply do more of the same.

I'd like Dragon Age 3 to depart from it's retro chains and try to do something new with what *really* made it's predecessors special - the story, choices and party interaction.
Why can't Bioware make this game as open world as time will allow while including the party interaction and story which define the series? After all, Dragon Age is not a trilogy by Bioware's own admission, so something more innovative would hardly be out of place, as this need not be a final offering.
Innovation will be the key with this next game, and Bioware need to ignore those who want every game to be like Baldur's gate. Detailed party customisation is awesome, but it need not also be coupled with direct control of party members or the same tedious WoW-style mess of combat.

I think a less ambitious Skyrim is the benchmark here: not Baldur's gate, and if Bioware are ignorant of this or tread too closely to the latter, they're going to end up botching this one like they did the last.


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Profchaos942d ago

The quality of these free games has been awesome. Before anyone says they are not free I was already giving Amazon $6 a month for prime shipping and video this isn't why I pay for my subscription

Teflon02942d ago

Still technically paying for it, even if it wasn't your intent. They've been giving out games with Twitch prime, they just changed the name. It's the same sub as that was. If you weren't aware, great. But you're paying for it.

That being said, I don't personally care. For me as long as you're willing to pay that for 1 service and get more. I personally take it as free. Like prime video, music though the prime version is trash, and all the Twitch benefits are all free to me because I didn't care about those when I got it. Just comes with it.

Only noted because that's technically wrong as a defense to that argument, whether I'm on yourside with the initial statement lol

mkis007942d ago

It's free to anyone who has already been paying. IDK why people need to split hairs.

TinkerNation942d ago

How does Prime Gaming work? Do you keep the games, or is it only as long as you have Prime?

Germaximus942d ago

lol Nice distraction from how they're now charging people to increase viewership. It's "just an option." /wink lol