
Game Franchises That Deserve a Reboot: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

From PSS:

Back in the day, side-scrolling beat ‘em up games were the best. They dominated the arcades, sucking in quarters like a vacuum cleaner, and whenever they made the jump to a home console, everyone had to have it. It’s still among one of my favorite genres and none more so than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Everyone loved those games and they were highly successful…but it’s been a while since we’ve had a really good game and I think we’re about due.

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Relientk774265d ago (Edited 4265d ago )

Please bring this franchise back. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games are awesome, so much fun to play.

darklordzor4265d ago

Couldn't agree more. They were just plain fun, but for some reason they just started sucking (mostly the early 2000s ones). There are too many good hack n' slash or beat 'em up games out there, for this franchise to NOT be good again.

stonecold34265d ago

i loved the tmnt woulde be great if the had sone another full tmnt game

DivineAssault 4265d ago

They tried to reboot the series multiple times.. They need to get done NECA style like the comics.. Then it would be nice.. Its got too cheesy as of late

zgoldenlionz4264d ago

I just watched the new ninja turtles show on nickelodeon and it was pretty awesome. I'd be down if they used the new show for a reference for a game.

Summons754264d ago

Sure! just don't give it to Ninja Theory because they would go with the Michael Bay reboot of them being Aliens from space except they would have them look like meth heads that swear every other word.

nihonlight4264d ago

They need to make it like ninja gaiden (not the 3rd )
Really it could be a cool dark story with some stealth thrown in.

darklordzor4264d ago

That would be interesting! I mean, they are ninjas and supposed to be stealthy, but none of the games really focused on that.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Replica Arcade Games Coming From Quarter Arcades

"Replica arcade cabinets are popular among collectors nowadays, with three sizes commonly available: 3:4 scale, 1:4 scale, and 1:6 scale cabinets. Numskull's Quarter Arcades line is stepping up their game (and prices) with today's announcement of 1:4 scale Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and TMNT: Turtles in Time cabinets. Both miniature cabinets are fully playable and support 4-player local co-op," says Co-Optimus.

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anast724d ago

It's sad this comic book turned tabletop roleplaying game never got a good video game.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Vinyl Soundtrack gets release date

The release date has been revealed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Vinyl Soundtrack.

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Knightofelemia1743d ago

This game screams remaster and not that piece of crap Ubisoft put out on Xb360 and PS3

Last_Boss1743d ago

I'd kill for a Manhattan Project Vinyl

1743d ago
Orionsangel1743d ago

ow my toe! ow my toe! ow my toe!

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