
The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan Hands-On Preview | CheatCC

CheatCC writes - LotRO is certainly not the freshest MMO on the market at this point, and, since the game’s transition to the free-to-play model several years back, a lot of people may have left the game for the greener pastures promised by more recent MMOs and a panda-themed expansion to the biggest MMO ever. But Turbine’s been pushing onward nonetheless, and what they recently showed me of the upcoming expansion was rather impressive. In fact, what I played felt a lot more like a brand new MMO than like LotRO. And that’s a good thing.


Lord of The Rings Online continues to grow with the Riders of Rohan expansion

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment unveiled today The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan, the latest expansion to the free-to-play massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Turbine.

Riders of Rohan expands the online world of Middle-earth where players join forces to ride into the Plains of Rohan. Riders of Rohan launches in Autumn 2012 with an increased level cap, the vast plains of Rohan including iconic locations such as Amon Hen and Fangorn Forest, the new Mounted Combat system and much more!

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