
Man Loses Xbox Account To Thief, Gives Thief Virtual Smackdown

Kotaku writes: "On Sunday night, Eric Graff put his son to bed. He flipped on his 360 and got ready for a session of Borderlands 2 with some friends. But when he tried to log onto his Xbox Live account, the password wouldn't work. His account had been hacked."

yesmynameissumo4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

Yet another reason why I don't pay for Xbox Live. Or use a 360. I feel for the guy though. This seems like a huge, unnecessary hassle.

maniacmayhem4235d ago

I've been on Live for years and I have never been hacked. I know hundreds of folks that have never been hacked also.

These incidents while sad are few. Reading the actual article and the link inside the story it sounds like a lot of the problems stem from the actual MS support staff.

What they suggest and what I do is have a seperate account for 360. I have a seperate credit card and account I use only for 360/PS3/Wii.

HammadTheBeast4235d ago

I think that this is on the minds of many...

Cool Story Bro.

Tell it again.

KingMe424235d ago

Im PS3 and most of my friends are PS3 and none of us have been hacked. So yeah not a valid point seeing as even after the Sony hack those that did have credit infromation didn't notice a change.

Also noe how most of the free players didn't need to worry as much since they (like me) not once used credit information cause we didn't need to in order to play online.

maniacmayhem4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )


"So yeah not a valid point seeing as even after the Sony hack those that did have credit infromation didn't notice a change."

It is valid, anything you do online you should have a separate account. You don't want to put your main credit card or main account number on various gaming sites. These sites may be secured but they are not reliable to have the best security for this type of information.

"Also noe how most of the free players didn't need to worry as much since they (like me) not once used credit information cause we didn't need to in order to play online."

Ha, come to this site, try to be civil and just pass along information without being bias to one system and you always have to get at least one fanboy who has to throw some not needed remark.

Okay let’s play then.. well I do pay for a service because I like the service MS provides. Because of this I have taken extra precautions in making sure my money and identity stays safe while I enjoy my personal service of choice. And notice how I said I have never been hacked so I'm not worried.

I just typed in "My PSN account got hacked" as
sofresh412 below suggested in a google search and suprisingly there are a lot of QandA, youtube and sony forums with these same problems over the years.

TreMillz4235d ago

"GenericScreenName and 2 more Reply
Did I miss the smackdown? I feel like I missed the smackdown."


linkratos4235d ago

I'm pretty sure the PSN fiasco is the reason I had to switch credit cards. A couple weeks later some guy was using my account to buy stuff at Walmart on the other side of the country. I'll never know for sure but it's made me a lot more wary about paying for stuff online, or worse keeping my card number on account.

fr0sty4235d ago

It is important to differentiate between "hacked" and "phished", and sadly few sites bother to do that sort of thing. Rather unprofessional really, as it falsely implies that the security threat was on the side of Microsoft, and not just a user being duped into giving up their info. I'm no fan of XBL, but let's be realistic here people. If you're going to be a journalist, you must remain professional about it.

vega2754235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

@ maniacmayhem

Its funny how sonyfanboy try to make it seem like only Xbox live accounts get hacked that when you do a search of psn account being hacked you also find that they are also getting their accounts hacked also. And even as far back as 2008. How convenient they don't want to put that out there also. Not only was the psn network hack but so are peoples accounts also.

Sonyfanboys swear no ones credit cards was stolen. But many people don't come to gaming forums and Sony's wouldn't tell anyone if they did. But even when people do say they had theirs cards misused the automatically are told it wasn't because Sony's network hack. Funny how they have an excuse for that,but theirs no excuse for live

I would love to hear how they spin that or will they just hit the disagree button and pretend its just live members

Godmars2904235d ago

Why do people feel the need to defend things like this by saying "Its never happened to me"? That's not the point.

The point, much like being part of a group charging a man with a single shot pistol; if you're the one who gets shot, you're the one who got shot.

PantherDST4234d ago

If there is a website dedicated just to selling stolen Xbox Live accounts, this problem is way larger than it appears on the surface. Knowing 100 people who have not been hacked out of several million accounts is not a good indicator of security.

My account has never been hacked so there must not be a problem right?

BertlSenix4234d ago

I could hack you - The way to do it is fast and known for years.
Its pretty easy on Xbox360 - I saw people get hacked a lot in previous FIfa Version(could be done with any other game too but you know in Fifa Ultimate Team who could have good stuff that is worth to steal).
But i just stole the game cards > Not the creditcards or the M$ points cause you don't have to be a complete asshole right?
But hacking is so easy on Xbox - Microsoft didn't do shit against it in 3 or 4 years now cause they still think they are flawless and its the fault of the gamers or the fault of the game company.
Its kinda funny - For example EA Sports said they made 43 Million§ on 360 over the last holidays thanks to the people who stole Credit Cards and Points to buy cards in Fifa12.
PS3 is btw unhackable in that way - You surely can hack it but you have to be an ultra nerd with 1337 knowledge.
The 360 stuff is hackable by 5 year olds.I think there are even YOutube videos that show how you have to do it.

edgeofsins4234d ago

But it is pathetic. XBox Live offers no better security then any other free service and no insurance but you have to pay for it.

Godmars2904234d ago

No, they offer better security for themselves. Better than Sony has shown anyway.

They need to show that your information is safe with them so that you and others will give your information. Otherwise with XBL's semi-required nature would have utterly failed as a business model.

Though as is when things fail on your end of their security measures they become a hindrance to you in fixing the problem.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4234d ago
dedicatedtogamers4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

It's sad when ANYone gets hacked. What needs to happen is companies (XBL, PSN, Steam) need to move away from the model of a strict DRM-controlled service (yep, Steam is DRM in case you thought otherwise) and instead focus on stricter login/account requirements. Steam happens to be on the right track: when Steam detects you're on a new computer or a new IP you're prompted to "confirm" your info via the email you've registered. Or you could use some sort of questionaire (like, list 10 random games with 3 of your own account-registered games and ask "which of these games have you purchased with our service?")

Bladesfist4235d ago

anymore than what steam gets and it becomes annoying for us people who keep our accounts secure. The biggest issue atm is people using hacked info from sony and the other big gaming hacks to check against other accounts. GW2 had a big problem with this.

ChunkyLover534235d ago

So because someone phished or guessed this guys password, that is why you don't pay for Xbox Live? People throw around the word "hacked" like its going out of style. (Mostly thanks to inaccurate movies and television shows)

Phishing and key logging can happen to anyone, at any time. I get phishing scam emails every day, like the ones that say there is a problem with my Runescape, WOW or Diablo 3 accounts, all of which I don't even have. I've even gotten a pretty legit looking one from Paypal saying my account would be suspended if I didn't enter my info.

The point is, you have to be careful when you use your password. Anyone can be phished, but as far as being hacked, Xbox Live hasn't had any problems with that, you can even use Paypal, which assumes all responsibility if someone does get into your account.

YodaCracker4235d ago

Finally, someone who knows what they're talking about. Well said!

silvacrest4235d ago

i have gotten that paypal one 3 times now and yeah, it looks real legit

where the scammers failed is where they said my account was suspended, i always just login to my account to see for my self, no suspension = scam

CaptainPunch4235d ago

Sad to see you get disagrees because of all the PS fanboys in denial.

TekoIie4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

I think that people are using this as an MS trashing excuse.

It isnt about who gets hacked more but about who can fix the problem best and honestly when I've called customer services for either Sony or MS i have gotten nowhere...

4235d ago
Christopher4234d ago

***but as far as being hacked, Xbox Live hasn't had any problems with that***

Not true. You could hack Live accounts through the Web site. The issue was that you could do brunt force attempts on passwords since Microsoft previously allowed you to 'reset' attempts to login to an account just by going back to the original login page. This was changed when it was pointed out to them during the mass account thefts earlier this year.

Otherwise, I would agree that most people lose their accounts through phishing, key logging, or using the same password across multiple sites (those sites themselves tend to get hacked).

Dee_914234d ago Show
jadenkorri4234d ago

@ ChunkyLover53

"The point is, you have to be careful when you use your password. Anyone can be phished, but as far as being hacked, Xbox Live hasn't had any problems with that,"

maybe you shouldn't post that stupid comment on an article specifically saying xbox live account hacked.

@ GamingFeud @ StreetsofRage @ crusadernm
MS still has problems with hacking since launch, just the same as any other company. It may not have happened as big a scale/media frenzy as sony, but MS still has problems with hacking even today.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4234d ago
geddesmond4235d ago

My brothers account was hacked and it took MS 2 months to sort it out

badz1494235d ago

maybe it took MS 2 minutes, not 2 months and it didn't really happened! /s

geddesmond4234d ago

You gotta love the internet and sensitive fanboys. Sure I lied about this because I thought it would start an interesting comment lol(sarcasm). Fangirls and their need to cry over anything aimed at their precious consols. If I was gonna lie about something I think of 100 better things than that. Fools grow the hell up

ChunkyLover534235d ago

You and your comments are the perfect example of what is wrong with this site. 20+ agrees and counting because you said you don't pay for Xbox Live because someone had their Live account Phished.

Xbox Live has never been hacked, to the best of my knowledge only Sony has ever had any true hacking done to their online service.

This site is a damn joke.

yesmynameissumo4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

U mad?

This shit with Live has been going on since 2006. Almost 7yrs of it should be enough for anyone to be weary. Random account theft is no "little" thing. I've spent 6yrs earning trophies, as many other gamers have spent years earning achievements. If my account was jacked and I had to play a game of ring around the rosie with Xbox support to get nowhere, I'd be pissed. The fact that the same thing had been happening for YEARS to others would only pour salt on the wound. Now, if that upsets you and your overly dramatic sensibilities, I'm fine with it. If the site is a joke, why are you here again? Go away. It's a win/win.

Your PS3 account wasn't hacked either. Just sayin

It's up now, got free games and wasn't out a dime. *cough*

AO1JMM4235d ago

I have had Live for years as well and not once was my account hacked in any way. PS3 on the other hand....

just saying.

KingMe424235d ago

I have had psn for years and the funny thing is i never used credit information at all...so even if i am hacked all i loose is my data, my bill is safe since psn free doesn't force me to pay to play

badz1494235d ago

so, you're saying that since your account never got hacked, Live itself is not hacked thus all these people are just lying about their account being hacked? get off the high horse already as the world doesn't revolve around you! be grateful it doesn't happen to you but there are poor souls out there who got hit!

My PSN ID never got hacked too and I still got my credit card account on it even during the downtime! so...the hack was a lie too ha? It wasn't!

OneAboveAll4235d ago

Still better than live being down for months at a time due to hackers. *cough* PSN *cough*

I'v never had my account hacked.

calis4235d ago


Having your information stolen, your financial information stolen. The hassle of cancelling all your credit cards associated with the account with the banks is BETTER than not being able to play online for a month?




LackTrue4K4235d ago

It's up now, got free games and wasn't out a dime. *cough*

SegataShanshiro4234d ago

@onyoursistersback yeah cause ps plus doesn't cost a dime right?

awesomeperson4234d ago


I think he was referring to the 'Welcome Back' package that all accounts were given regardless of being a Playstation Plus member or not. So yes, he got free games and was not out a dime.

Regardless, I have Plus and find it is more than worth it considering the amount of *rented* games I get (the whole not owning argument doesn't bother me considering I plan to renew my subscription as long as the benefits keep rolling).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4234d ago
OhMyGandhi4235d ago

@ yesmynameissumo

really? obviously your not going to pay for xbox live if you don't have a 360.

this stuff rarely happens.

hotrider124235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

I have none of these problem of hacking i never play online games from PSN. so, therefore hacking is not a issue with me. also use pre-paid credit cards. if they want to steal from pre-paid go right ahead.

TheRealHeisenberg4234d ago

So why even bother coming in to MS/360/Live threads then? I know why. It is the same reason all of those that agreed with you came in. Same old N4G, still smoking my product.

r1sh124234d ago

There seem to be soo many misconceptions here.
Its not as if the accounts were accessed on a server where the hacker managed to get the server to output the password.
Its a more simpler form, I.E Go on this site for MS points, log in with your account for authentication.

Its like soo many people in this thread are saying
"Ive been on ps3 for years - not hacked"
"Ive been on Live for years - not hacked"

This is a small problem but its not as sophisticated as many people assume, its phishing scams, and forgot password techniques.

This is not a big problem, its a small one but MS can always do more and act faster (the support staff can).
Its also some users have pretty terrible passwords, the best passwords tend to not be words have upper and lower case, numbers and symbols.

neogeo4234d ago

yep. My N4G account just got hacked and some ahole logged into my account and gave you a disagree and a minus -1bubble then reported you as spam. Damn hackers!

lonesoul654234d ago

whole PS3 network was downed...it can happen to anyone...anytime. No reason to start a console war over it. Sadly it is just the world we live in. And people think cloud computing is a good idea? Were in trouble...

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4234d ago
Emilio_Estevez4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

Gave him a smackdown, but the thief still has his account....I wouldn't really call that a win.

A-Glorious-Dawn4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

And this guy had his account stolen before, last year.

Now is this guy just an idiot who is not cautious? or are Xbox Live accounts just easy to gain access to?
ForumKorner would suggest people have gotten quite good at pinching accounts..

2 accounts lost in 2 years and none
retrieved. I'd be livid..

EDIT: It seems Kotaku was wrong about ForumKorner, they commented on the article

"Yet another false claim to my website. Try doing some proper journalism like real bloggers supposed to do. We do no allow sales of stolen accounts on FK, and do not allow any illegal material their either. We allow sales of Xbox accounts however only your own account/s. That breaks ms terms of service but is not close to illegal. The user was banned as soon as we found out the account was in fact stolen, just like we ban anyone trying to sale someone other than their own account/s. We are not mind readers, and we do not make assumptions such as you, therefore proof is needed in order for a ban. The only website that should be reported, if not sued is you guys for giving my forum a bad name only because you cannot do proper research. The last article you made about my website my attorney was contacted, and will be again. I have called, emailed, and posted before with no replies. Your professionalism is terrible."

I reserve judgement on that website.

TekoIie4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

Thing is he is basically saying this:

"We dont allow it....... but it could have happened in the past since certain people might not have been able to prove they are the legit owner of an account or not have known it was being sold there".

Still dont like him for allowing the sale of accounts. He damn well knows that some will be stolen.

specialguest4235d ago

If you read the comments on the Kotaku site, the hacker insaneyo commented and claimed to have sold it too. Seems like a win for the hacker if true.

wane4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

This is just a minor incident

yesmynameissumo4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

1 hack with virtually zero impact afterwards vs. daily, weekly, monthly account hacks. Sorry man, I'll take the 1 hack.

BlackTar1874235d ago

Ill take no hacks both suck

XB1_PS44235d ago

Search "My psn account got hacked" tell me what you see.

Reverent4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

@sofresh.... Lol, as if you couldn't type in the same thing about an Xbox account... God, it's like you're saying that as if you're implying that ONLY results regarding PSN accounts being hacked exist, when in reality, the exact same amount, if not more, will indeed show up if you switch out "PSN" with "XBL".

XB1_PS44235d ago

@Reverent I was replying to this statement

"1 hack with virtually zero impact afterwards vs. daily, weekly, monthly account hacks. Sorry man, I'll take the 1 hack."

He was making it seem like the only time anybody's account had been compromised was that single time. I said nothing about xbox. My account has been hacked on Xbox before.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4235d ago
ziggurcat4235d ago

where's your proof that anyone's PSN account got hacked?

because the only thing that was ever stated about that incident was that there was the *possibility* that people's account *may* have been compromised.

the fact is that there have been *ZERO* reported incidents of people's accounts/CC info being taken over/used maliciously as a result of what had happened, and yet this is one of the many reported incidents of people's XBL accounts being hacked/stolen.

get your facts straight before you start trolling, buddy.

Simco8764235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

As a PSN user, about 3 months after the hack someone in Korea used my CC info to run up a cell phone bill and pay for cable services. I believe it's the direct result of the PSN hack. If I want to buy anything on the network I buy the PSN cards at retail stores.

I would advise anyone on consoles to do this...Xbox 360 and PS3 alike.

On a side note: The article states that his account was hacked before....so it wasn't just one time *for all the Xbots out there, bubble me down ahaha YOU CANT!

DragonKnight4235d ago

@Simco876: Two reasons why your story is B.S.

Reason 1: CC numbers were encrypted. No way would hackers decrypt it in 3 months.

Reason 2: Sony set up an insurance fund of up to 1 million dollars for each affected user of the PSN hack. You're telling me you didn't go for free money to cover your alleged losses?

Credit Card fraud happens every day to millions of people. Don't try to place blame just because you were a victim of something pretty much everyone goes through.

Statix4235d ago


I've had my PSN account for 5+ years, and I've never once had it hacked or stolen. *Knock on wood*

Besides, your passwords and credit card info were encrypted in that big PSN hack a few years ago, so there's no evidence that any personal information was ever actually stolen or used for illegitimate purposes.

ALLWRONG4235d ago

Every PSN account got hacked when PSN got hacked.

Millions vs thousands

cruxito4235d ago

same here, 5+ years no even once... but you know the haters are gonna denied it.

PSN hack was big bc it was like the Holy Grail for Hackers, so you had all these long time professional hackers attacking PSN at once, and even with that it took them quite a long time, however, NOTHING was comprise, and SONY even gave us free games.

X360 on the other hands is been hacked ever since it came out by average hackers, and microsoft dont give you nothing,

KingMe424235d ago

A minor incident that happens a few times a week in all of USA

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4235d ago
rajman4235d ago

So where is the virtual smackdown?

ThanatosDMC4235d ago

Yeah, i dont understand... he still got jacked.

tiffac0084234d ago (Edited 4234d ago )

I know right, they didn't even caught the thief. The thief even had the gall to claim he works for Xbox.

Sorry for the spoilers but the title is very misleading.

4235d ago Replies(3)
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Microsoft Survey Asks About Handheld

A new survey from Microsoft has further hinted at the possibility of an Xbox handheld being in development.

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EasilyTheBest2d ago

This is definitely happening, I just hope they have 2 versions one with a much bigger screen.

GamerRN2d ago

I'll be happy with this, and a PC console hybrid that rivals anything we have power wise

Number1TailzFan2d ago

The problem with bigger devices is playing them on your side in bed, Vita and before that was fine. Since the Switch you gotta have a gooseneck holder & controllers detached so you can lie down holding them, or your arm will quickly get tired.

1Victor1d 10h ago

@thesofware: “A much bigger screen than what?”
A gaming laptop 🤷🏿🤣

Kosic1d 10h ago

Than the screen originally planned...duh... :D

darthv721d 12h ago

it kinda already did... https://www.xbox.com/en-US/...

They are just gauging interest in one of their own.

crazyCoconuts1d 9h ago

A Xbox version of Logitech G-Cloud?
I mean, why bother? Not like the G cloud is flying off shelves and what would Xbox add to make it better?
They're surely not going to create bespoke architecture here and there are already a few Windows handhelds out there. I have little confidence in their ability to put together an attractive UI in the way Steam did. So I doubt anything will come from this.

KicksnSnares2d ago

Day One buy for me if they'll make a dedicated handheld device.

darthv722d ago

i have that logitech g-cloud. Its a sweet little piece of kit. I like that it can also install games from the play store unlike the other android based handheld.

mudakoshaka2d ago

It sure is! Don't understand why you get the down-votes. Whoever does not like the G Cloud must have been dropped down a well, head first, when they were of a younger age.

PassNextquestion2d ago

I wonder if Microsoft will perform better in Japan if they do actually make a handheld since everyone says handheld and mobile are king over there.

TiredGamer2d ago

This looks like the future of the game industry... all three platforms with a handheld option.

I wonder if the Playstation Portal is a technology test-bed/prototype for a future Playstation handheld?

rlow12d ago (Edited 2d ago )

It’s a possibility but I can’t help but think would that be the best way to go about it? Though it would give you data on how much it is used and game type. It’s still not a true portable device and so people approach it differently. I think that data on phones, tablets, and of course the competition would give a better indication.

But I really think if Sony is considering a new PSP that could play ps5 games, now would be the time to dive in. Honestly, if they do this, it would be huge.

Traecy2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Doubt if Sony PS wants to support a new handheld with first party games. Something they lacked with the Vita. What they should do is have a handheld that is like the PS Portal which can play all games but play those games on the go as well as at home. Something like that is a better investment.

TiredGamer1d 23h ago

Agreed that you will probably never see a separate line of games specifically for the handheld (a la PSP or PSVita). The modern economics and expectations of game development make that cost prohibitive. What makes more sense is if the full-fat game on PS5 or PS6 has a special "handheld" profile that is automatically optimized for the lower spec handheld. There would be some significant compromises compared to the bigger console variant, but it would be the same game overall and would only require a single purchase.... somewhat what the Switch does with a lower resolution when playing handheld versus docked.

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Xbox Games Showcase Followed by [REDACTED] Direct Airs June 9

- Xbox Wire - Mark your calendars! The Xbox Games Showcase followed by [REDACTED] Direct airs June 9. More info inside.

Read Full Story >>
bionicstar2d ago

Will they show Fable 4, Stalker 2, GoW 6 & Perfect Dark?

PhillyDonJawn2d ago

Crossing fingers for Fable and perfect dark. And State of Decay 3

RaidenBlack2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

And maybe Clockwork Revolution, South of Midnight, Contraband, Project 007 & OD? lol
and whatever happened to Everwild ?
+ that rumored Wu Tang RPG

Sonic18812d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Will they have official release dates and gameplay?

anast2d ago

Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming.

2d ago
Lightning772d ago

It's an Xbox showcase that they have every year.

Make smarter comments for once.

anast2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Tell me what a smarter comment is.

If they don't sell game pass the entire time, then I will be wrong. All of this can be proven once the show gets underway. Let's wait and see.

InUrFoxHole1d 14h ago

Anything you didn't type. Good day sir!

2d ago
2d ago
2d ago
2d ago Replies(1)
Lightning772d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Wow too easy.

You went from MS going all streaming to selling gamepass content in which we all know they are.

Which one is it?

Pretty clear you don't know what a smart comment is at least you admit you don't know.

2d ago
anast2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

"Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming."

It's both. I would worry about your own intelligence at this point. It seems that there is not enough to go around for you to worry about how smart other people are.

Lightning772d ago

It's just a regular event announcing games. Nice one captain obvious they're gonna mention gp stuff like they do every year what else is new.

The all streaming part is just you, being you I guess. They have streaming options but going all streaming again is just you pulling stuff outta thin air.

anast2d ago

You don't know what a smart comment is or isn't. You're welcome for the help.

Lightning771d 23h ago

No you said something dumb then you tried to back track and mention GP.

Again make smart comments for once.

anast1d 16h ago

And we have broken record syndrome.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1d 14h ago
darthv722d ago

Wonder if they will address the handheld rumors....?

jimb0j0nes2d ago

For a brief moment I thought we might get a whole Direct for Gears 6 - seems like it's COD though!

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Microsoft’s Surface and Xbox hardware revenues take a big hit in Q3

Microsoft just posted the third quarter of its 2024 fiscal financial results. The software maker made $61.9 billion in revenue and a net income of $21.9 billion during Q3. Revenue is up 17 percent, and net income has increased by 20 percent.

Read Full Story >>
darthv727d ago

Xbox content + services up 62% while hardware down 31%... seems about right with the way they tout you don't need the hardware to play. People can play on their phones or smart tv or other means. I don't hardly play on my consoles directly since getting devices like the logitech g-cloud and ps portal. Which is to also say I have been playing more digital than physical because of these devices.

solideagle6d ago

you should apply in MS PR team buddy, I think you will do a great job in my humble opinion :)

Sonic18816d ago

I thought darthv72 and Obscure_Observer already work for Microsoft 🤔

dveio6d ago

MS: "Xbox services and content without AB up 1%, with AB up 62%. Hardware down 31%. In total a loss of 350 mill."

darthv72: "Seems about right."

MS: "Excuse m ..."

darthv72: "I don't hardly play on my consoles directly."


Lightning776d ago

What he said was facts. How he plays games is no concern of you. Don't get too mad about it.

Cacabunga6d ago

I can tell people like you are an absolute minority..

If service is up means their fans and fanboys accepted this model and subscribed to it. The near future you will see a big decline because the service is saturated.

darthv726d ago

to you it may seem like the minority... but your bubble is shrinking because more and more are following suit. convenience is a hell of a drug and its also why physical sales only amount to 30% of overall game sales. times are changing, you either get with them or you get left behind.

neutralgamer19925d ago


30% physical sales: yet Phil and xbox division are in a rush go give up on that 30%. they don't have any right to give up any piece of the pie since the control such a little of the pie to begin with

also, the market is clearly speaking that the model Xbox is pushing isn't working right now the keyword being right now. you are right about freedom to play anywhere so i hope they put their games on steam

shinoff21836d ago

But that's been ms for years. When things aren't going their way they try to change the way things are said. For instance console sales are down, they stop telling how many sold instead telling us how many hours spent in halo or headshots. So it makes sense console sales down just say people are playing on more devices then previous. What they won't say is how many xbox players jumped ship to ps5.

Cacabunga6d ago

Hardware sales are so bad that Sony and Nintendo are blowing the sales off the water with their hardware.

If Xbox are losers, others aren’t..
Xbox already tried everything with Xbox live then subscriptions went down so much that they had to find something else. Their fans subscribed then reached saturation rather quickly.

Hardware and exclusive games is where it’s at! Keep gamers excited, announce decent software and people will support you

itsmebryan6d ago

Well keep it simple Sony 's operating income is down 26% and Microsoft's is up 32%. No MS spin there, just facts. 😉

S2Killinit6d ago

MS is after diminishing consoles as a medium. They want to destroy this market because they couldnt win. MS’s vision is to dissolve console gaming.

romulus236d ago

Odd that a company that touts you dont need the hardware to play is already touting another console in the works.

darthv726d ago

They are not reliant on the HW but still want to maintain a presence (no matter how small) is a good thing. It shows commitment to the craft. It reminds me of SNK and how they made games for their own hardware (Neo Geo) while also making them for others because they knew there was a market to do so. They knew they would sell more to others but also sell to their own niche fan base.

TheEroica6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Perfectly reasonable post down voted by insecure corporation friendly folk.... But not gamers. Real gamer want accessibility and ease of acquisition for all.... Company shills are the only ones still telling us that hardware locking people from games is good for us.

Chevalier5d ago


You should stop parroting metrics like an idiot without context.

"Xbox content and services revenue grew 62% in Q3 from a year earlier, “driven by 61 points of net impact” from the purchase of the third-party video game giant, Microsoft said."

61 of the 62% was from their merger so net increase is ONLY 1%


itsmebryan5d ago


It looks like made a great purchase. Much better then Sony buying Bungie. 😉

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purple1016d ago

Xbox hardware revenue tanks to lowest point of Xbox Series generation

Profchaos6d ago

I'm not surprised surface is struggling they aren't relevant anymore

DOMination-6d ago

In the last two years they've started exiting the consumer market altogether. All of the newest Surface products are business models only. They can't seem to work out what they want to do with it.

XBManiac6d ago

Too expensive hardware when others offer the same or more for less? Good work, Green Team.

SimpleDad6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

"Despite some early successes for Xbox games on rival platforms, Xbox hardware is down by a massive 31 percent this quarter."
"Without Activision Blizzard, Microsoft’s overall gaming revenue would have actually declined this quarter."
"Xbox content and services would have only been up a single percent without Activision Blizzard..."
"It looks like next quarter is going to be a similar story for gaming at Microsoft, too."

That is crazy... so A/B/K is carrying the whole Xbox gaming.
Oh and Microsoft will be fine. Windows, Office and Cloud are growing with each pc purchase.

purple1016d ago

Activision: "we gonna need a bigger rucksack/backpack please"

Microsoft: "why's that"

Activision: "to carry yo' weak ass'

Profchaos6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Top brass have also wanted to start seeing returns on the 100 billion they have put into various Xbox related moves so seeing more multiplatform games is highly likely especially from abk

It's basically saying that PlayStation is the reason Xbox is afloat right now thinks to Ps5 versions of COD

Kornholic6d ago

So basically PS and PC gamers' money is keeping Xbox on life support.

MrDead6d ago

The only growth MS will get out of the console industry is if it supports it's rivals platforms. Xbox is a pointless machine now. I can see them on a big push for live next, and they won't give up on trying to buy Steam.

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