Entropy Review | The XBLIG

Tim Hurley: "Entropy (80 MSP) does not back down from its initial visual promise; it is the most beautiful XBLIG in three dimensions that I’ve laid eyes on. So much so that I find myself blushing when in its presence, and I don’t care who knows it. From the foliage to bloom effects (yes, at the cost of an occasionally sputtering frame-rate) this game is hawt."

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Cockpit view coming to Entropy, "would love" to support Oculus

GR-UK writes: Entropy's lead game designer, Andy Butcher, has confirmed that a cockpit view is coming to space-based MMO Entropy, at the same time as teasing that studio would love to bring Oculus support to the game:

"Cockpit view we definitely want to add... There are some design issues that are related to it, because the current UI has been designed from a third-person view," he told Gamereactor.

"There's some UI things that we're going to have to change around, so that they work better for a cockpit view. But the main thing is just for our artists to find some time to start working on designing the cockpits, because we want each ship to have a unique cockpit layout," he added before later summarising: "It's definitely something that will come."

When asked whether the addition of a cockpit view might mean that we could also expect some kind of VR or Oculus support for the game in the future, Butcher said:

"I would love it if we could support Oculus," Butcher told us. "From my point of view it's largely a technical challenge... I honestly can't say right now whether it's something we will be able to do, but it's certainly something that we're all very aware of, and at the very least we'd like to investigate it and see if we can work with it."

"But, with that said, it's not a high priority item, it'd be more likely to come sometime after release, because we want to focus on the core gameplay first of all, and get that working really well, before we start to expand out into things like Oculus."

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Recommended MMOs In January 2014

What MMOs do you play in the first month of 2014: games that released before or those that just came out this month? 2P picked up for you several MMOs you can try this month as well as several others you can keep an eye on.

kryteris3763d ago

recommended if you are in asia markets.

ElementX3763d ago

I bought The Secret World during the Steam holiday sale and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

TH3BR3W3763d ago

Final fantasy XIV : ARR

If you haven't tried it your missing out. 2.1 update made a huge difference in the overall fun.


Entropy Preview | Geekenstein

"I used to play a lot of EVE: Online. Admittedly, during my time as a space cadet I had no idea in hell what I was doing – but I constantly found myself in love with the escapades of being lost in space, with a world of endless possibility around me. It’s weird to think about how EVE got so much right while also getting so much wrong. The game captured the atmosphere perfectly, but when it came to engaging space warfare, everything fell apart. This is where Entropy comes into the picture. Like an angel from the heavens, Entropy aims to build upon EVE’s success by capturing the space atmosphere you love with a high emphasis on true dogfighting in an MMO environment. You likely know Artplant from their browser-based space MMO, Battlestar Galactica Online, which I believe is the best Battlestar game we will ever get. Their noble attempt at giving the world an enjoyable Battlestar game gives me high hope for their latest endeavor. CCP should take note, as Artplant’s ambitious new space game is looking like it might dethrone the space spreadsheet simulator in the most unprecedented way – by actually being fun to play." - Dustin Triplett of Geekenstein

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