
Earth Defense Forces 4 Hands-On Preview -- Bugs, Bugs Everywhere | G4

G4: "In our first-look at Earth Defense Forces 4 we hit a bug-infested city equipped with our trusty weapons and set about fighting spiders the size of a Cadillac."

MasterD9194245d ago

Seems like a franchise with a lot of fan base surprisingly, but I do wonder why they don't step it up a bit.

Obvious improvements could fix a lot of issues gamers have with this game and open it up to new players...

madjedi4245d ago

I don't think this is ever going to be a mainstream game, it is too niche to me, it might not have the finances(sales) to invest in a new engine/more developers ect.

Problem is if your not a big name game like borderlands ect, you fall through the cracks and are overlooked by a vast majority of the gaming population.

MasterD9194245d ago

True, but I'm sure they could modify the engine slightly, unless like you said its strictly finances that are holding it back.

These games usually retail for $40-50 before dropping down to a fraction of that, so I wouldn't be surprised if they do make their money back one way or the other. Releasing it as an XBL/PSN download would be smart too.

madjedi4245d ago

It is also a budget game, they may not have the time or personal to do any substantial tweaking. I thought they retailed for $39.99.

ChunkyLover534245d ago

The first game was still the best in my opinion, but its a solid series overall.


Brocast Episode 16

Yes, it’s that time again, time for another episode of The Brocast! This time, Ben and newcomer Justin (the other Justin, whom you may remember from early episodes of the GUFU Late Nite Show) try to convince our Editor in Chief that DOTA 2 is totally worth playing, we’ll talk about Animal Crossing: New Leaf, our short-lived Minecraft hardcore server, DmC: Devil May Cry and Ben’s favorite game of the forever, the Japan-only Earth Defense Force 4. So join Ben, Justin, Justin and your host Gagan on the latest episode of The Brocast.

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Earth Defense Force 4 boxart

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