
Imperium Romanum previewed by Strategy Informer

Emmanuel Brown played Imperium Romanum from Haemimont Games. Due to be released 22 Feb, 2008, this sequel to the popular "Glory of the Roman Empire" is another entry into the flooded Roman era RTS setting. How does it fare as a sequel and representative of the genre at first look? Emmanuel seems optimistic after his demo.

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Wayback Wednesday: Haemimont Games

With the release of Tropico 5 in a couple of days, I've decided to take a look back at the Bulgarian studio's history. Be wary, it contains a lot of Romans.

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Bundle Stars offering 12 PC games for only $5

For a limited time only, Bundle Stars, the direct-to-consumer company focusing on digital downloads, is launching its biggest PC game bundle to date. Gamers have the chance to download and own 12 standalone PC games for the price of just $5.

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Imperium Romanum PC Review from Snappy Gamer

Imperium Romanum is a real time strategy game set in, you've guessed it, the era of the Roman Empire. It's the usual build your city affair with houses, military buildings, buildings for food, etc. Then you have to defend it against attacks, generate money and keep your people happy – pretty much the same as every other RTS then? Well, not really.

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